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    Owen Sound Ontario CANADA

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Community Answers

  1. I was out all night and early this morning too... Now back up...
  2. Finally got a few minutes to try these... Case#1 The devices don't show in the GH app Case#2 'sync devices' does not recover the devices Case#3 The devices are matched properly at my.isy.io Case#4 The devices work perfectly from the admin console and from the Android app
  3. If more people see and report this (due to this being on the forum), I'll be happy to help if i can... Take care
  4. Sorry if I seemed hostile... frustrated yes, certainly not hostile... everyone's so great and helpful. I just don't have the cycles to keep spinning this... it's just a few devices, and I was hoping it wouldn't be so difficult. If any bright lights come on, or some more quick tests, fire away!
  5. How about we leave this open instead (cut the ticket bullshit... it's just a pile more work and cycles) so everyone can learn and participate. All the needed info is here in this topic... I don't have anything to hide... (does UDI??) The process is as important as the solution, no?
  6. Hi Larry, I wasn't trying to drag you into this... only thanks for all your past help! (but, now that you're dragged in, thanks, LoL...) I did your suggestion, and upon deleting it, a request to google then responded "Sorry, i don't understand" (or the likes). So I was excited that this might work! But, after adding it back in with new alias, it gives the original message again. So, it still 'seems' to be caught on the device ID, not naming issue. Fred
  7. No, that has nothing to do with GH. My system is very busy, so i t's impossible to find a short period wihout any messages! I have a LOT of devices, Insteon, Zwave, interface to BrulTech, etc... (and for the mostpart, working solid!... (Thanks to you!!! (OK and @LarryLix, and a few others LoL)
  8. Ok, Well, here's a link to the whole thing... but I don't think it ever gets anywhere close to communicating with my ISY... Log is also attached. Thanks, Fred ISY-Events-Log.v5.0.16__Mon 2023.10.30 06.49.45 PM.txt
  9. Logic Question... before going down this rabbit-hole... If S/N bad, why is it 100% consistent!!?? That make no sense to me! I would think I'd be having other problems and also inconsistencies too! No!? I'm Rock solid other than this stupidity... Respectfully, Fred
  10. Now i pulled the good device out of each program, The programs STILL work ! (So if the failing devices are used to START the program, they fail) Again... WTF?
  11. Hi Michel, Thanks for giving attention to this! I created two programs, for on and off... they both give the message "Sorry, i couldn't reach universal devices" Recreated with good device, they work. Now it gets more interesting... !!! I then ADD the failing device to both... (so each program is controlling 2 devices) Now both programs WORK! WTF?
  12. Somehow (respectfully) I don't think you're reading this properly... -GH understands me! (no problem) -The command IS getting to Google (that's why it responds) -It is GOOGLE that is saying it can't reach UDI (But ONLY for the devices in question!) (The message is TOTALLY different for all other cases and devices) -The devices work PERFECTLY locally, and via UD-mobile remotely (NOT DEAD!!!) -They worked FINE in the past... at some point Google is now linking these devices to a NON-EXISTENT server! (that's why it is saying it can't reach UD !!!) -I see it in ISY portal and can control from "ISY Web Access" -The Insteon Device ID's are Correct and DO match (In this particular case, I'm picking on 53.1E.78)
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