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    Vangroovy, Bee Cee
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    I&C Engineer

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  1. Soooo ... playing around tonight, and I discovered that if I click on the little tool symbol to the top right of a device pane on the dashboard, then select the "Device Properties", a window opens up with the normal slider bars for setting device up (brightness, ramp rate). But there's also a whole subsection called "Power Management" with settings for device type, device load in watts and duty cycle. I entered known loads for a couple of lights and saved, the system retains the info, but ... how can I use this? It doesn't seem to tie into anything that I can use through the ISY admin console, eg. in a program or through the power management interface. This seems to have fantastic possibilities, as I'm focusing a lot on reducing energy consumption. Is this something I can use to trigger load shedding or is it a work in progress?
  2. Okay, after a day of introspection, I guess that makes sense. Power consumption has the potential to change very frequently, so constantly updating could very easily flood the Insteon comm system I suspect. With that in mind, if I write a program to query the PCM regularly, are there any guidelines on how frequently this should execute without risking comm problems?
  3. Upgrade was problem-free. All z-wave devices still working fine! Ken.
  4. Okay, scratch that ... it works. Kind of. I'm now getting a value from the ZBPCM and it reports on the ISY main console (and the ISY dashboard). The value matches the display on the handheld. Yay. However, it doesn't seem to update dynamically. Is that normal? I have to query the device to get an updated value, and I did a test program that flipped a light on when power > (a value). The program did not execute unless I manually queried the PCM when current reading was more than that value. Note that I also upgraded to 4.0.3 tonight, I did the upgrade after my previous post about the PCM not working. At this point, it's hard to do after the fact troubleshooting - can't tell if it's working now because of the upgrade, the ISY reset after the upgrade, or if I had just failed to try the query prior to the upgrade.
  5. Question to those with the ZBPCM unit ... have you had any difficulty pairing the ZBPCM with the PCM sensor? I've had the PCM working fine with the handheld unit for several months now, just tried to get a new ZBPCM working tonight with no luck. Connected to the ISY just fine, though. The instructions are of little use. Any tips? For the record, what I have is the Black and Decker version, which by all indications is identical to the Blueline unit - except for the branding across the face.
  6. Okay, I can confirm that using the secure https:// route to the ISY does work every time and gets me the status updates. However, it is a bit awkward that way, as it means double login prompts (once with the java logo, then a second time with the ISY blue background) and the browser stopping midway to give me some horror story about the security certificate. So ... is there a way to get the "99i administration console" java applet to address the https route rather than http? I did some exploring and couldn't find a way. Alternatively, does anyone know how to force Kaspersky not to block? I also explored that avenue without any luck!
  7. I'm running Win7 64 bit (Home Premium, I think). Haven't tried https, though I have tried disabling the firewall within Kaspersky. I'm at work now, so will try the alternate url this eve. Thanks, Ken.
  8. I'd sure like to get an update on what's happening as I'm getting the same problem! I'm at 3.3.4 right now, deciding whether to upgrade to 3.3.5 or just roll back to 3.2.6. Java 1.7.9 is confirmed installed with all previous versions of Java uninstalled. Using Kaspersky, and the IP for the ISY is whitelisted as a safe site, and I've also whitelisted it in my chrome browser settings.
  9. In ... took about 5 minutes including download time. No issues so far!
  10. Rats. Ah well, the dimmer is only used in two programs and one scene, so I guess rebuilding the config from scratch using the keypad won't kill me!
  11. Okay, so I understand that the "replace with" function is intended for replacment of like devices, such as when the original device fails. However, I've got an Insteon dimmer (2477D) installed at a location - configured and working just fine in a few programs that I've set up. I now wish to replace the dimmer with a 6-key keypadlinc (2486DWH6). Now, it occurs to me that the top and bottom buttons are really identical to the dimmer, while the other 4 keys are extra functions. SoooOOOOooo ... if I install the keypad and start the replace function, telling the ISY to replace the keypad with the dimmer, will it work as I intend or is this just setting myself up for abject failure? (note: I did try a forum search to see what might crop up, but nothing quite the same came up in the search!) Thanks in advance, Ken.
  12. KenN

    Administrators Console

    Hi folks, I've just started playing around with a new 994i and ran into similar frustrations, the admin console prompting me to log in every 15 seconds (I timed it!) and several features not working properly, including linking and getting status updates. Searched this forum to see if there was an answer to my problem and bingo, found this thread! So ... I can confirm that accessing my ISY by prefixing the IP with https:// does indeed work, though chrome complains a bit because it doesn't find a trusted certificate or something. I also run Kaspersky AV so I found that adding the ISY's IP to the trusted URL list is a better permanent solution. Thanks! Ken.
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