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About db2ace2

  • Birthday 04/25/1956

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  • Location
    Sugar Land, Texas
  • Occupation
    Retired, Former Mainframe Systems DB2 DBA.

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  1. Hello Michel, Your Advice was spot on about the previous errors being Router Firewall Related. I switched the Orbi Router from IGMP Proxy Secured mode to Open Mode and the random sequences of Increasing Port Scan Requests appears to have subsided. At this time my Error Log has only the following errors remaining. Can you shed any light on what these may mean? at 2018/12/01 12:56:25 AM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -1/-140002, Net Module Rule: 77 Sat 2018/12/01 12:56:59 AM System -170001 [UDSockets] HTTP:45 error:6 Sat 2018/12/01 12:57:04 AM System -170001 [UDSockets] HTTP:45 error:6 Sat 2018/12/01 12:57:09 AM System -170001 [UDSockets] HTTP:45 error:6 Everything seems to have continued to function but there could have been something missed when the failure occurred. I have several Cameras that send HTTP Requests to Update Vars in ISY and also I use IFTTT with Smartthings and HUE to update ISY Network Resources so these could be related to something with that kind if Network traffic. Thanks for your help! Charles Seiler
  2. Thanks Michel. I will meet to check the firewall. I will be out of town for my sons wedding thru Sunday so it will be early next week before I can check this out. Thanks for the follow up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Yes it does. Its as if the screen is locked or Busy and I cannot get in, so I end the task and start up again.
  4. Thanks for looking at this Michel. The device is my windows10 PC where I run the ISY console. Admin console etc. it seems that when I start admin and clear error logs everything is ok. Then after running a bit these errors start and finally the admin console will lock up and not allow me to hit enter or make any changes. It does not show busy but I can’t do anything in it I then end the task and start it back up. I am not at home to test until tomorrow. I had been using som new Network resources to communicate with IFTTT and also with the HUE api. Everything there seems to work. I just remembered that I also changed the DNS for the ISY to be but still at the same IP address of port 8100. I cannot think of anything that would be pinging the ISY from the PC other than running the admin console and sometimes the portal or Alexa. My SmartThings hub and HUE hubs I always update using the iPhone not the PC. So I am not sure where this is coming from or to or why it chooses a different port each time. Have I possibly hit some resource limit perhaps? Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Hello Team, I have started having the ADMIN Console Crash and the Error Logs appear to me to have some kind of a Port Scan and possibly DOS attack happening??? I am not fluent with how to interpret the logs so I would like to ask if someone could take a look at this log and tell me what is causing this issue and possibly how to resolve it. [HTTP:0-21-5]>80 <-- The Log shows several of these with Successive Port Numbers which appear to me to be some sort of a Port Scan??? I recently started using Network Resources again and have some WEBHOOKS updating the ISY Portal and thus this could be something to do with that? but I don't see any reason for this to be happening or know where to look for the answer as to how to solve it. I am on 5.0.14D Thanks Charles Seiler ISY Error Log.v5.0.14__Sun 2018.11.18 12.20.31 PM.txt
  6. db2ace2

    Replace ISY

    I am currently at 5.014d so I should be in great shape from that perspective. I want to work with Zwave locks and possibly some new switches. Most of my home indoors and out is Insteon but I do have Ecobee thermostats and still have two upstairs rooms that I never automated I would like to experiment with Zwave on those rooms. I have an Orbi router with two satellites and I have a HUE hub and a SmartThings hub. My intranet is mostly wireless but response using network resources is nearly instant. I will be interested to see how the Zwave RF performs a if WiFi/rf inteference becomesan issue. I am hoping the gen II Zwave works well with its improved signal strength.
  7. I also support HIE bulbs via Network Resources talking via HIE api to the HUE hub and also use IFTTT and WEBHOOKS to interface with SmartThings hub. I have 99% Insteon devices but I have replaced all of my Insteon Motion Sensors with SmartThings Motion Sensors via IFTTT. My setup is currently running very smoothly but I recently installed some Zwave Locks (Schlage) and will be using ZWave more as time goes on. I also plan to use a PI as a Nodeserver and may try to use my old ISY as a test bed device ?Any thoughts on that?
  8. Hello. I have an older Isy994i with a GenI Zwave Dongle in it. I am debating if I should just upgrade the Zwave to Gen II or if I would be better off getting a ISY994zw pro w IR. RC5. I already have IR on my existing ISY too. If I did that would I just be able to backup my old ISY and restore it to the new or is there more to it than that? I don’t plan to change the PLM at this time. I do have the Network Module and Portal and X10 although I do not use X10 at all anymore. I run about 900 programs and about 30 Network Resources and I realize going all new won’t buy me any additional programs but is there a benefit to all new bs just upgrading my ZWave Dongle? Thanks
  9. Thanks for looking into this Benoit. I played around with it some today and I would have to agree with your first post that this appears to me to be an AMAZON bug or limitation. I revamped my spokens today and got rid of a lot of them. I am still hitting the 302 limit however the missing devices I referred to in my original post now show up, so that does appear to be the problem. When you try to control all lights in a large two story home inside and out, you end up with a lot of devices and a lot of Spokens. Hopefully this can be overcome at some point in the future so that I will be able to control everything with spoken commands using Alexa/Dots. Part of the issue here is not just the ISY spokens. I also have a HARMONY HUB and use the HARMONY Alexa Skill which also adds Smart Home Devices to the Device list used by Amazon. Those devices are also interspersed with the ISY devices in the Alexa Smart Home Device list, and therefore also take up Device counts in the limitation. I plan to contact Amazon to see of there is any possibility of getting that 302 limit raised to see if that helps. Thanks Again! Charles Seiler P.S. I did not find any unusual spoken names but I did get rid of some.
  10. Hello All, Is anyone else having missing devices in Alexa that exist in the ISY Portal? I have 170 Devices in the Portal that contain about 350 Spoken Words, however some of the devices are not showing up in the Alexa Device List. I have Disabled and Re-Enabled the ISY V2 Skill, and Account Link and also Forgot and Re-Discovered all of the Devices. Alexa shows 303 devices when it should have about 350. It is also interesting that originally It only saw 302 devices but I went to ADMIN Console and Deleted and Re Created a Program, and also deleted that same Program Entry in the Portal. The Portal now shows the new Program ID for that program and shows no errors, however Alexa still does not discover that and other Programs Spoken Names that are defined to the Portal when you Discover Devices. When I did this however the Alexa Device Count jumped to 303 from 302 and it did add one of the originally missing device names even though that program was not one of the missing devices. Also I see something about a Smarthome V3 for ISY? Can you tell me more about that as I do not see that in my Alexa Skills? Thanks Charles Seiler
  11. db2ace2

    ISY not found

    Are you getting the "ISY Not Found" message when trying to connect the ISY Portal to the ISY? If so has anyone issued an SPD command via TELNET to your ISY? If the Portal is using My.ISY.IO to connect then go back to TELNET and issue a DPD command to delete the entry stored there. Then MY.ISY.IO shouid find the ISY ok. I am not an expert on this but I had this experience myself and deleting my entire 300 entry Portal setup did not resolve the issue. The DPD is the only command that resolved this for me.
  12. db2ace2

    ISY on a UPS

    I have been running with ISY and PLM on a UPS for 6-7 months now. Everything works great Even when PF occurs. Just FYI!
  13. I just want to say Thank You to everyone at UDI that has worked so hard to make the ISY Portal and Alexa/Echo product support work so well. When I first learned about Echo and even filled out a Survey about it, I thought I would never use a product like that because I thought it would be weird to sit around my house and talk to my lights, At my age I am probably all to close to doing things like that even without technology! But now that I have it set up and working it;s the best thing that has happened to ISY in the past several years in my opinion. I am probably going to finally get rid of all of my X10 Palm Pads, and go 100% with using Echo to control lights and other devices. Eliminating the Wireless issues makes the whole ISY experience work so much better. I go to bed at night and simply say "Echo Bedtime" and all of the house lights go off. I can turn whole rooms or single lights off and on with a simple voice command. Wow I never would have thought this would be so wonderful. Everyone using an ISY needs to have an Alexa or Echo Dot in multiple rooms, and no I do not work for Amazon. This is simply something every ISY user needs to get involved with ASAP. I realize there are always things to improve in any product but this is really a great step that should keep ISY going for many more years to come. Keep up the Great Work on this type of Technology! Kudos to Everyone! Job well done!
  14. Hello Team, I am new to using ECHO as of Christmas, and am enjoying it a lot, however there are some things that I don't seem to be able to make work any longer that I am hoping you can figure out. Again I am very new to this so bear with me! Prior to using ECHO to turn Devices and Scenes ON and OFF, I used ISY Programs to detect when a Program turned the device OFF or ON, or when CONTROL was executed from a SWITCH. Now ALEXA issues the ON or OFF, and I need a way to detect that she has done that. I do not want to monitor STATUS of the devices to determine that. Here is my dillema. Currently when I detect that CONTOL has been switched OFF on a device I can detect that and it triggers a PROGRAM to run that Becomes TRUE for 30 seconds using a WAIT. I then have a program that detects CONTROL ON from my Motion Sensor, and I do not allow that Motion program to run if the CONTROL OFF detection Program is TRUE. That way when I turn a switch OFF, the Motion will not automatically set it back on again before I can leave the room. I have at least 30 seconds to get out. Now with ECHO and ALEXA, she turns the device OFF however I have no way of knowing that has happened in the ISY program since CONTROL OFF is never triggered, so I have no way to tell the Motion Program to not respond and prevent it from turing the device back on before I can leave the room. Any Thoughts on how to do this? Is there any way I can give ALEXA a single OFF command and make the ISY program know they she did that? Thanks Charles Seiler
  15. That is an interesting scenario. I have seen ALL ON events that I thought were from keypads, and others that I am sure were from Motion or Photo Bean sensors or other wireless sensors. In the case of the Keypad controlling the Fanlinc I have seen similar events before so this kind of backs that up although I was never able to force it to happen. I do know that it has happened when I pressed a KPL. I have since coded all of my programs that handle KPL and FANLINC's so that no two triggers can be active at the same time. In other words I have multiple programs one for KPLH one for KPLM one for KPLL and one for KPLO. In each of these in the THEN logic the first thing I do is set a int Var to say the program is actively running then and in the other programs I set the IF logic to not run when that VAR is > 0, In other words in KPLH program I set var=3 and in KPLM I set it to 2 and in KPLL I set it to 1. and in KPLO I set it to -1. Then at the end of the THEN logic I set the var back to 0. In the If logic for KPLH I add "And var = 0 or var = 3", For KPLM I add "and var = 0 or var = 2" etc.. That way if a KPL was to trigger High Med and Low (Possibly from a fat finger on the KPL) then only one of the programs would be able to execute and thus you would not have multiple programs trying to control the fanlinc at the same time regardless of using the fanlinc in a scene or not but especially of the scene also sets the KPL and the fanlinc. Again I am no expert but these are just some of the things I have had to code around to prevent ALL ON events. Its pretty much anything that can send multiple repeated commands to a device. I am not sure how that gets translated internally to an ALL ON but I am convinced it somehow does. Hope this helps! Charles
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