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  1. Techman's post in EISY - can i have two z-wave networks? was marked as the answer   
    Why not use one Zwave network and add two 800 series range extenders/amplifiers, one in the garage and one in the house.  
    Zooz 800 Series Z-Wave Plus Range Extender ZAC38 - The Smartest House
  2. Techman's post in Power consumption of Zmatter dongle was marked as the answer   
    Why not just use a Zwave 800 amplifier/repeater. Placing the Zmatter dongle outside of the house, and exposing it to weather,  is probably not a good idea
    Zooz 800 Series Z-Wave Plus Range Extender ZAC38 - The Smartest House
  3. Techman's post in Brand New EISY appear DOA was marked as the answer   
    Try replacing the ethernet cable between the router and the eisy. Also try removing power from the eisy for about 15 seconds. 
  4. Techman's post in 3rd light flashing won't connect was marked as the answer   
    Either your Polisy bios needs updating or you have a signature failure. You'll need to contact support. Here's the link to submit a support request:
  5. Techman's post in PLM replacement was marked as the answer   
    Exactly follow the attached procedure to replace your PLM.  
    It's best to do a factory reset on your new PLM before installng it. When you install the new PLM the deleted addresses in your previous PLM will be removed. 
    Replace PLM Procedure (EISY or POLISY).pdf
  6. Techman's post in 994 to EISY Migration fails was marked as the answer   
    Being that you're using a new/different PLM on your EISY you need to exactly follow the replace PLM guidelines for your EISY. See attached
    The reason nothing is working is because your EISY is currently programmed with the serial PLM and doesn't yet reconize the USB PLM
    Replace PLM Procedure (EISY or POLISY).pdf
  7. Techman's post in Anybody tried the new Zooz "ZAC38" repeater with power-outage alerting? was marked as the answer   
    I have the ZAC38.  The admin console will display the AC Mains Disconnected assuming that the eisy/poolisy is on a UPS.
    The only glitch is when the controler is rebooted, the AC Mains stats doesn't update to show connected, however if A/C power to the ZAC38 is lost then the disconnect will again show in the admin console. After a reboot, if you unplug then reconnect the ZAC38 the admin console will show the correct status.
    If your controller and router are on a UPS then you're able to receive a power fail email
  8. Techman's post in Issues connecting with Insteon devices was marked as the answer   
    Attached is an updated set of instructions for replacing the PLM on an EISY/POLISY
    Personally, I prefer the USB PLM as there's one less thing to fail.  It's also easier to locate the PLM away from the controller using a USB cable. 
    Replace PLM Procedure (EISY or POLISY).pdf
  9. Techman's post in Zooz ZSE70 Outdoor Motion Sensor was marked as the answer   
    Other forum member(s) have installed the ZSE70 in the eisy without issues. 
  10. Techman's post in ISY on EISY 5.8.4: Notifications to ATT wireless (txt.att.net) gets Mail server failure error (UD SMTP server) was marked as the answer   
    Try using Multimedia Messaging Service, which AT&T still supports. 
      (your phonr number) @MMS.ATT.NET
  11. Techman's post in Z Matter not working was marked as the answer   
    Try removing power from the controller for a few minutes. If that doesn't resolve your issue then post a copy of your error log
  12. Techman's post in Question about "restore" was marked as the answer   
    The ISY backup is located on the harddrive of your computer.  It's named IoX-Backup.v(your firmware version #)_(date of backup)
    Your existing ISY firmware is OK for the migration.
    If you're using the same PLM you had on the ISY, then power down both systems, Remove the PLM from the ISY and connect it to the eisy, then power up the eisy.
    On the eisy, under FILE, select restore IoX. Select the ISY Backup file you just created
  13. Techman's post in Scene issues after PLM replacement was marked as the answer   
    The link tables for a scene are contained in the devices themselves, so if you disconnect the PLM the scenes should still work, i.e. if you have 3 devices in a scene and turn on one of the devices the other devices should respond.
    Not knowing how you first installed the PLM it's probably best to do a factory reset on your PLM and then follow the written instructions for replacing a PLM. See attached file.
    Replace PLM.pdf
  14. Techman's post in Lots of "-170001 <s:Envelope><s:Body>....." was marked as the answer   
    170001 are informational, not errors, you can ignore them. you most likely have a device, program or node server that's very active.
  15. Techman's post in Please help me migrate to eisy was marked as the answer   
    The complete migration instructions can be found at this link:
    Be sure to follow the migration guide exactly.
  16. Techman's post in Tempest Forcast node deletion... was marked as the answer   
    In the PG3x configuration for Weatherflow you should set the forcast option to 0. You may have to delete and reinstall the node server for that to take effect
  17. Techman's post in Gremlins happening with my Insteon devices and EISY was marked as the answer   
    It appears that you have a communications problem between the PLM and your devices.  It's possible that the you could have interference on the powerline. Have you recently added any new appliances or other electricial devices?
    Take a look at this wiki article:
    INSTEON: Troubleshooting Communications Errors - Universal Devices, Inc. Wiki (universal-devices.com)
  18. Techman's post in Beginner Question adding Z-wave device to EISY was marked as the answer   
    When you add a Zwave device to the eisy you'll most likely end up with extra nodes that you don't need. The reason being is that, unlike Insteon,  zwave devices are designed to work with various Zwave hubs, and each hub may require and/or support these extra nodes.
    What most of us do is create a folder and move the nodes we don't use into that folder which will give you a cleaner device tree.
    I've attached 2 files that may help explain associations. Being that the eisy already supports scenes you most likely won't need the associations or scenes nodes that the device installs
    Z-Wave Association-Basics.pdf
    Zwave Groups and Associations.pdf
  19. Techman's post in After power cycling of Polisy, Weatherflow NS requires “restart” was marked as the answer   
    Are you running tha latest version of PG3x (3.2.7)?
    What is your Polisy firmware and UI version?
    Are you obtaining your Weatherflow data locally from the Hub or remotely?
    The Weatherflow data should automatically populate your Polisy after a reboot.
  20. Techman's post in Iox Backup speed increase? was marked as the answer   
    What you're experiencing is correct. The backup process was modified in the 5.8.4 firmware. It now takes about a second for the backup to write to your harddrive.
  21. Techman's post in Lost the IoX icon on computer was marked as the answer   
    When you clear your java cache make sure that all 3 boxes are checked, then download the IoX Launcher from here:
    This will then place the icon on your desktop
  22. Techman's post in Is there a way to determine Z-Wave network traffic load was marked as the answer   
    Attached are a couple of articles that may help you troubleshoot your issues.
    Zwave repair terms.url Zwave comprehensive guide.url
  23. Techman's post in Upgrading to v5.8.4 seems to have bricked my eisy was marked as the answer   
    Try removing power from the eisy for a few minutes then boot it up.
    If that doesn't resolve the issue then it's best to submit a support ticket
  24. Techman's post in No-Show: TriSensor 8 Battery Level was marked as the answer   
    It appears that the battery level may not be reported until the level changes. You can also try waking up the sensor by holding the set button down for 3 seconds then query the sensor.  If that doesn't work then contact Aeotec support, they're very responsive.
    The folllowing is from Aeotec
    Battery level will be checked every time the device wakes up. These includes the wake-up timer, motion trigger, button click. When the battery state changed, a battery report command will be sent to the controller
    Engineering Spec - Aeotec TriSensor 8.pdf
  25. Techman's post in Yikes! Can't back up eisy was marked as the answer   
    Take a look at this thread
    Support Thread: IoX v5.8.4 (June 27, 2024) - Page 2 - IoX Support - Universal Devices Forum (universal-devices.com)
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