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  1. Techman's post in Beginner Question adding Z-wave device to EISY was marked as the answer   
    When you add a Zwave device to the eisy you'll most likely end up with extra nodes that you don't need. The reason being is that, unlike Insteon,  zwave devices are designed to work with various Zwave hubs, and each hub may require and/or support these extra nodes.
    What most of us do is create a folder and move the nodes we don't use into that folder which will give you a cleaner device tree.
    I've attached 2 files that may help explain associations. Being that the eisy already supports scenes you most likely won't need the associations or scenes nodes that the device installs
    Z-Wave Association-Basics.pdf
    Zwave Groups and Associations.pdf
  2. Techman's post in After power cycling of Polisy, Weatherflow NS requires “restart” was marked as the answer   
    Are you running tha latest version of PG3x (3.2.7)?
    What is your Polisy firmware and UI version?
    Are you obtaining your Weatherflow data locally from the Hub or remotely?
    The Weatherflow data should automatically populate your Polisy after a reboot.
  3. Techman's post in Iox Backup speed increase? was marked as the answer   
    What you're experiencing is correct. The backup process was modified in the 5.8.4 firmware. It now takes about a second for the backup to write to your harddrive.
  4. Techman's post in Lost the IoX icon on computer was marked as the answer   
    When you clear your java cache make sure that all 3 boxes are checked, then download the IoX Launcher from here:
    This will then place the icon on your desktop
  5. Techman's post in Is there a way to determine Z-Wave network traffic load was marked as the answer   
    Attached are a couple of articles that may help you troubleshoot your issues.
    Zwave repair terms.url Zwave comprehensive guide.url
  6. Techman's post in Upgrading to v5.8.4 seems to have bricked my eisy was marked as the answer   
    Try removing power from the eisy for a few minutes then boot it up.
    If that doesn't resolve the issue then it's best to submit a support ticket
  7. Techman's post in No-Show: TriSensor 8 Battery Level was marked as the answer   
    It appears that the battery level may not be reported until the level changes. You can also try waking up the sensor by holding the set button down for 3 seconds then query the sensor.  If that doesn't work then contact Aeotec support, they're very responsive.
    The folllowing is from Aeotec
    Battery level will be checked every time the device wakes up. These includes the wake-up timer, motion trigger, button click. When the battery state changed, a battery report command will be sent to the controller
    Engineering Spec - Aeotec TriSensor 8.pdf
  8. Techman's post in Yikes! Can't back up eisy was marked as the answer   
    Take a look at this thread
    Support Thread: IoX v5.8.4 (June 27, 2024) - Page 2 - IoX Support - Universal Devices Forum (universal-devices.com)
  9. Techman's post in Persistent green “binary” arrows was marked as the answer   
    Try bringing the devices closer to the the controller. 
    On the tri sensor 8, click on write updates on your controller,  then hold the set button on the sensor down for 3 seconds, the led should then blink blue once, and the writes should take place.
  10. Techman's post in Aeotec recessed door sensor, strange message. was marked as the answer   
    If you're adding it with S2 authentication then it's is looking for an access code.
    Try adding it using S0 (no security) which also draws less battery current over the life of the battery.
  11. Techman's post in In Stock? was marked as the answer   
    It's best to send an email to:
  12. Techman's post in ISY Launcher - "Not Found" was marked as the answer   
    When you clear your java cache be sure to check all 3 boxes. 
    Download the IoX Launcher from here: https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp
  13. Techman's post in How to insert {New Line} characters into email sent the eisy? was marked as the answer   
    Use HTML instead  of text
    For line feeds insert <BR> at the end of the line.
  14. Techman's post in Can't figure out how to pair bluetooth was marked as the answer   
    On the bluetooth service select ENABLED, then click on the SERVICE button to the left. If that doesn't work then go into PG3 and restart the bluetooth service.
    Once the service is enabled click on "Scan for Bluetooth Devices"
  15. Techman's post in EISY upgrade....what a time suck! was marked as the answer   
    Clear your Java cache, checking all 3 boxes, then download the IoX Launcher from here
  16. Techman's post in EISY Capacity Limits was marked as the answer   
    I think the only limitations you'll face are on the PLM which has a limit of about 1000 links. 
  17. Techman's post in ZMatter board, "factory reset"? was marked as the answer   
    The data for the Zwave, Zmatter, and Zigbee devices is stored on the Zmatter dongle.  The question is if your remove the dongle how will the device tree respond to those devices that are no lonnger accessible. 
    If your zmatter board is mounted in the external enclosure You could unplug it and see what happens. I would assume that the device tree would show those devices with a red exclamation mark.
    If you mount an already populated zmatter dongle in a different controller the device tree, and associated programs probably won't show the data on the zmatter dongle. I'm not sure if there's a way to do a sync and update.
    Probably best to open a ticket 
  18. Techman's post in Can't log into admin console was marked as the answer   
    Clear you java cache, be sure to check all 3 boxes, then download the IoX Launcher from here:
    You shouldn't be extracting any zip files associated with the ISY
  19. Techman's post in 5.7 found all programs disabled was marked as the answer   
    There was an earlier firmware version bug that disabled the programs. it has since been fixed.
  20. Techman's post in Brand new Polisy, don't want to brick it was marked as the answer   
    Probably best to submit a support ticket to see if the bios needs updating / replacing
  21. Techman's post in Portal cost was marked as the answer   
    $39 for two years
  22. Techman's post in Insteon link optimization. was marked as the answer   
    If you do a restore device. the link tables in the device will be rewritten with the link tables that are stored in the eisy.
    You can check and/or verify your device link tables using the diagnostic option in the device's right click menu
    i.e. show device links, after the table populates click on compare. That will compare the links stored in the eisy with the links stored in the device. If there's a link mismatch it will highlighted.
  23. Techman's post in Failed resetting the PLM was marked as the answer   
    What error are you getting?
    Not sure what you mean "upgrade the PLM from OTA"  There are two PLM models, a Serial and a USB. 
    Did you follow the "replace PLM procedue"? (see attached file) Note: this is for the ISY994 but is basically the same for the Polisy and EISY
    Replace Modem.pdf
  24. Techman's post in Unknown Address was marked as the answer   
    If the address is unavailable your other option is to put the device into the linking mode, the controller will then see the address. You can do that without having to remove switch plates.
  25. Techman's post in Run Else, but only if program is True was marked as the answer   
    Why not have a program set variables, one for armed stay and one for armed away.
    A program could look at the variables to determine the state of the system, and then reset the variable when the system is disarmed.
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