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Everything posted by isyrocks!

  1. Hi All, I was successfully able to upgrade to the latest version. I did first try to reboot > upgrade via tap method > watch log in SSH. I didn't have any luck. I rebooted > cleared java cache > downloaded a fresh start.jnlp and tried to upgrade over console without any luck. I then performed a factory reset (10 click on the button) and then executed the upgrade from the console and boom. Upgrade successful.
  2. Note - I have reverted to only upgrading by tapping the Eisy power button and watching the log over ssh. I am not even attempting the console. Got a reply from Michael that it’s a known issue and there should be a fix soon. I still haven’t successfully been able to upgrade as of this morning.
  3. This thread seems to be related. Could be a potential caching issue? @Michel Kohanim can you take a look?
  4. Thanks for the tips @DennisC I have done as you have suggested. I can now see that when I execute the update command something does indeed happen. However, it still seems I am not getting to 5.6.2. I seem to have several errors in my log that look like this: -----END PUBLIC KEY----- : rsa signature verification failure pkg: Invalid signature, removing repository. Unable to update repository udi Error updating repositories! Full update log attached. log.txt
  5. Hi UD Community, I finally got a new eisy and Z-Wave/Matter USB adapter. I am upgrading from a 994i. The eisy came running v.5.5.9 of IoX. It looks like v5.6.2 is the latest release. I keep going into console and hitting upgrade and wait as long as an hour. Nothing seems to happen. I tried to reboot and hit upgrade again at least 8 or so times. My eisy seems to be stuck on v5.5.9. I haven't started the migration yet as I want to get to the latest version first. When I reboot I do get a message that there are upgrades available. I then go and select update packages and wait again. But nothing happens after several hours. Any suggestions?
  6. @MrBill thanks for that. I was wondering if that was the case. I haven't really spent much time in the error log but will do so for this testing. I am also going to run things with the Event Viewer pulled up. I am guessing you are right and that I am overflowing things. I am calling all sorts of stuff, turning off a multitude of lights on different floors, turning off 3 harmony hubs, setting a bunch of variables, adjusting thermostats, turning off av receivers, adjusting camera motion settings, etc. etc.. @Geddy thanks for the detailed feedback and suggestions. I like the idea of "chunking" things and that makes sense and then adding the waits. Seems more of a micro service architecture approach. Might be the weekend before I make the time to get this resolved but I am assuming with this great feedback I will get it sorted.
  7. Thanks for the suggestions. Here is my current "Lock All Doors" program. Let me take some of the advice here and do some additional troubleshooting.
  8. Hi All, I have an "Away" program that runs when I set my alarm. The away program turns off lights, thermostats, etc. I also have it set to lock 3 Yale Assure Z-Wave Locks. My issue lies with the ISY 994i reliably locking the 3 doors. More often than not the doors do not get locked. If I manually lock the doors via the ISY or mobile app it works just fine. I think it may be related to a memory issue or that the ISY can't handle the amount of embedded operations that I am requesting it to do with the "Away" program. I tried creating a separate "Lock All Doors" program and putting a 15 sec delay between each Z-Wave Lock Door call but that hasn't seemed to solve it. Any ideas why I might be experiencing issues and how I could troubleshoot? ISY 994i v.5.3.3 Z-Wave 500
  9. Really hoping to see Michael bring the PLM Pro into production. I could really use the upgrade along with a new Polisy.
  10. Yes, you can do that if you have the ring sensors tied to a ring security system and follow this thread: I don't believe you can connect ring sensors directly to a zwave controller.
  11. Just upgraded to 6.0 and the ISY integration via HACS works great. No issue and no tweaking needed after updating.
  12. @shbatm let me know if you need any more test cases or data. I haven't upgraded to 6.0 and am still running 5.5 w/ HACS. My setup is running on Hyper-V so I can easily snapshot test and restore back if needed. I too have several nodeservers setup along w/ a connection to the ISY portal. In the past I ran into the the too many connections bug and my ISY would hang but that hasn't happened for for 1.5 years now with my latest HASS install.
  13. Hi Yes, there are many different ways you can accomplish this using the integrations I mention above. I am accomplishing this with in the "automations" section of Home Assistant. Home Assistant is able to detect the Ring Alarm state (disarmed, armed, home) and when the state changes it is able to trigger an ISY scene, variable, program, etc.). If you are new to Home Assistant you will likely want to spend some time learning the fundamentals first which is what I did.
  14. I have this working but it will require a little lot of leg work (unless you are already familiar with setting up home assistant). I setup https://www.home-assistant.io/ and used the following integrations: HACS, ISY, and Ring. Between ISY and Home Assistant I have been able to automate an incredible amount of stuff. With this setup it's not just "read only" but allows for 2 way communication which I prefer. I like to be able to set the Ring alarm from the ISY and use the Ring motion/door sensors to trigger ISY programs, devices, etc...
  15. Thanks Michel. I know it supports the doorbell but it's the Ring alarm system that I use Home Assistant for. I don't believe there is a native ISY solution for the Ring alarm system. Please point me in the right direction if I have missed something.
  16. The main thing I use Home Assistant for is to tie my ISY into my Ring security system (Ring Alarm) and to automate the Ring security system. Very helpful tool. HA Plug-In: https://github.com/tsightler/ring-mqtt-ha-addon
  17. Yep that's me. Thanks for reminding me to check. Looks like I need to follow those instruction to enable debugging.
  18. I too have a similar setup like this using the HACS plugin but something breaks after about 12 -24 hours. HA stops talking to my ISY. I am running the latest code on everything. Sometimes I get the "Already Subscribed" message on the ISY. Sometimes things just stop talking unless I restart HA. I really want to figure something out because I have a Ring Alarm that I can only control from HA. I may have to go with Network calls to talk to the HA if I can figure out the right way to configure the HA as a network resource. I have probably already spent a solid 30 hours on this project trying to get things to talk reliably to each-other and I am not there yet.
  19. Hi does anyone have a good method to have Ring alarm status trigger an ISY event? Or vice versa ISY trigger Ring alarm status?
  20. Figured it out! It was my phone name that was causing the issue. I had an "&" and a "-" in the phone name that MobileLinc was picking up and using when creating a new variable. Either one or both of those characters are illegal characters for variables. I believe that is what was causing the issue. I renamed my phone without those characters and it seems to be working as expected now. I also upgraded to 5.0.16 but I think it was the illegal characters that were the issue.
  21. I was thinking the same thing when I saw 5.0.16 just came out. Going to give that a try too.
  22. I have run into a bit of a compatibility issue between 5.0.15A & MobileLinc HD when attempting to modify or create new Location State variables in MobileLinc HD. When I create a new variable it's wiping all of my existing state variables from my controller which is supper frustrating. I have already had to restore from backups a couple of times and am trying to figure out how to create and modify state variables without loosing my state variables. I might switch to Locative as a work around if I can't figure out what's going on. Any ideas?
  23. Digging up this old thread again. I just upgraded to 5.0.14 and it appears to have broken the Eventghost plugin. Does anyone have an updated plugin by chance for Eventghost?
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