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  1. From a poster in the 2441ZTH thread. He shows an image of the nodes for the 2441ZTH and there are no humidity nodes. While I think AIX was talking about the 2441TH the manual for the 2441ZTH shows Humidity High and Low settings. While yes, I was talking about 2441TH, I, indeed, have exactly same picture. Although I can see Status triggers for humidity if I use thermostat in if clause in programs.
  2. Added 2441TH with no problem, but all I've got is three nodes Main, Heating and Cooling. I understand there should be two more for humidity? And there is no any options to thermostat settings (to control LED, backlight etc.) as well as to mentioned time synchronization. I added thermostat through simply typing address in new insteon device. Should it be done differently? Alex.
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