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  1. That makes a lot of sense I didn't know that. I just replaced the Zigbee smart switch with a different brand and all is good now. Thanks for the help!
  2. it looks like this is an issue with Wooley smart plugs. Not the fault of Eisy. Now that I know this- is there a way I can write a program so if a scene is switched on, to send the "on" commend every 5 minutes or so? I thought it would have been easy, but under the "if" section of code I can check a number of things, but I don't see a way to check to see if a scene is turned on or not. Am I missing something obvious? -Rick
  3. I got the bookcase moved so I can see the Zigbee device. It's a Woolley SA-035-10A-ZB: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805874315420.html It also has the number BSD17 on it. There's nothing in the instruction sheet that indicates a default timing function. Any thoughts? Thanks.
  4. Unfortunately the switch is in a wall box behind a big heavy bookcase. I'll try to get access to it in the next couple days. I really should have made a note of the type of switch. Lesson learned. -Rick
  5. Thanks. Previous logs: Four logs giving the time: [ Time] 19:52:30 60(0) preceeded by: Create Rest U7 [/rest/profiles/ns/3/connection] Create Rest U7 [/rest/profiles/ns/4/connection] Create Rest U7 [/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection] Before that there were a bunch more entries giving the time. Does this help? I would have uploaded the log, but I only printed a screen.
  6. I recently added a Zigbee wall switch to control fans in my living room and it is generally working, but the fabs unexpectedly turn off after about half an hour. If I turn on the event viewer at level 3 I see this when the fans turn off: [D2D Event ] Event [ZB55785_001_1] [ST] [0] uom-78 prec = 0 [ZB55785_001_1] ST 0 (uom=78 prec=0) What is this telling me? Thanks! -Rick
  7. Wow! Just what I was looking for. Pushover is already set up and running. Thanks for the suggestion! I see this is also possible with Pushbullet, which I am already running. I may go back and tinker with the Pushbullet command line interface later. Thanks again! -Rick
  8. Our cell phones are all T-Mobile, and for years my home automation system could send me text notification of events by sending an email to my 10-digit cell number @tmomail.net, but as of a few months ago that stopped working. It may occasionally work once in a 24 hour period, but most of the time I get a bounce back "remote server temporarily unavailable". T-Mobile customer support claims everything is fine, but if I search their forums I see lots of other people are having the same problem. Has anyone found a workaround for this, perhaps an online service or an app with a command-line interface? This is NOT a problem with Universal Devices software. The whole problem is on the T-Mobile side. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. -Rick
  9. BRILLIANT!! I wrote the programs as you suggested and I'm 90% of the way there, but I encountered a strange problem with the "off" step. The first line after the "IF" says "Bedroom / Bedroom remote 2-A / Bedroom Remote 2 -D is switched on", but I can't change it to "OFF". I discovered I have two types of 2342-2 mini remotes. All are set to 4 scenes, but some of them are labeled A-B, C-D, E-F, and G-H, and the others are A, A-B, A-C, and A-D. This one happens to be the second type, and I have the fan control on the bottom (D) button. Thoughts?
  10. Sorry to be dense, but how can I write a program that can count button presses on a mini remote?
  11. It just seems odd to me that Insteon would produce a device that has three speeds (four if you count OFF), but not give us a simple way to select those speeds. My wife is very picky about fan speeds, so I know we were previously able to select all three. This is one of those things that just worked as expected for several years, but now doesn't. My memory is foggy as to how I initially set it up, but I know there were no programs involved. I **think** I just set up a scene, made the Fanlinc a responder, and then made the wall keypads and mini keypads controllers. Geddy: I initially tried to replace the Fanlinc with an Enbrighten Smart Fan Control, but I discovered I had to add more programs to make it work and I never was happy with it, so I deleted the programs and scenes and set it up again with just the Fanlinc, a single scene, two mini remotes and a wall keypad. I did reprogram the mini remotes after replacing the Fanlinc. Javi: The mini remotes are behaving as you say they should, with only two speed options, I don't know how to explain the discrepancy.
  12. Good idea. Unfortunately it made things worse. Before factory default, one press on the mini remote set it to LOW, and two presses set it to HIGH. Now one press sets it to high and I cannot set it to LOW or MEDUIM. This has got to be something simple that we are overlooking.
  13. Got a new PLM, everything else is settled down, but this fan issue remains. I un-linked and re-linked again, but nothing changed. From the Mini remote I can press the right side of one of the buttons once and it goes to LOW (as viewed form the admin console). Pressing it twice goes to HIGH, but nothing I can do will set it to medium. Pressing the left side of the button turns it off (as it should). From the 2334 keypad, pressing the button once turns it on to HIGH and pressing it again turns it off. Several months ago before the Fanlinc failed I could select all three speeds from both the 2334 keypad and from the mini remote. The ONLY way I can find to set it to medium is from the admin console, in the middle part of the screen I can select MEDIUM from the drop-down box and the click ON. I'm totally flummoxed. Any ideas?
  14. Great news! A few hours after I paid for the remote session I got a call from Stephen Lee. I gave him remote access to my PC and a short time later he had everything running smoothly. That guy knows his stuff! Very pleased!! -Rick
  15. The USB PLM is only a few days old. I'll make sure the remote support person is aware of that.
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