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Everything posted by max90034

  1. I just moved to a new house. I moved ISY but 99% of devices is gone. I can do factory reset but I am wondering if I can clean all devices but keep other settings (like portal login, security, etc). Does it even make sense or may be factory reset is best option? I have now ~200 dead devices so I am definitely not planning to delete them one by one. Just to add that the first thing I am planning to do after reset is to update FW to 5.x Thanks, Max
  2. Thank you. I am using Venstar thermostat with insteon module. It is pretty reliable, I have 3 of them total. I am pretty sure that it shows set themperature in the log ( probably x2 indeed). I am trying to find out if it also reports room temperature in the log...
  3. Does ISY log save current room temperature or does it only save "set up" temperature set by user? I remember it has a record of set up one but potentially it can also have a record of the current room temperature since it has a sensor, right? Also, how to convert the temperature value saved by ISY to the real temperature? Thank a lot.
  4. I believe that subscription to simple control service is required before you can use any triggers.
  5. Do I still need SimpleControl Service to do this?
  6. Can you please explain just a tiny bit more? My understanding is that I need simple control sync soft to trigger my existing simple control scenes and then I need to subscribe to simple control service to incorporate Echo as described here: https://www.simplecontrol.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/SimpleControlEchoIntegration.pdf Thanks!
  7. I found more info about using roomie sync software. My major problem is that I am now using subscription free old purchase of roomie (simple control) with unlimited number of devices. It seems that to integrate Echo, I will need to buy $50/y subscription for 100 devices... I hate subscriptions and I had to buy ISY portal subscription already....
  8. It would be fantastic! I am searching for roomie ISY triggers but not very successfully. Can you please point me to any discussion of site when I can learn more? Thanks a lot!!
  9. I would like to control my Home Theater using Echo and ISY. I currently use Roomie that can access my devices either directly (by IP) or through GC-100 devices. I know that one way is to use ISY network resources and I have implemented few comments but I was never able to set all the comments I need. I can potentially map to ISY network resources all the IR sequences used by my GC-100 but it is way too much manual work for me. I read that ppl use Logitech Home Control. I know it would mean for me to reprogram all my scenes but I may want to try this approach. Is there any thread on how to use it with Amazon Echo and ISY portal? Any other suggestions? The simplest solution for me would be to start Roomie scenes from Echo/ISY but it seems to be not possible. Thanks. Maxim
  10. Just bought and set up isy portal, etc for Amazon echos and isy in the primary home. I have separate isy in vacation home. Do I need to pay $50 again to buy isy portal for it?
  11. Barry, I have it working. It was my mistake, I did not realize that I have to edit .ini file to enter login/password. Thanks again!
  12. Barry, first of all thanks so much for your time and efforts. It really contributes a lot to this whole project. I will run it again on PC hardware and will send you those files. Can you please just clarify how should I:"add the ini option in the systems section as follows: debug = All". Does it mean I should start the program from the term with this option? It has been a long time since I did something on the windows OS... Thanks!
  13. I just tried it on 3 computers running Win 7-64: 1) vmware 8 under MacOS; 2) Win 7 native on Mac through bootcamp; 3) Win 7 native on PC hardware (i7, 64 bit). In all the cases I got the same issue: (1) during installation I got error on copying 4 DLLs (expsrv.dll; ....., DAO???.dll). The only option I had was to select Ignore (2) I was able to start the program and it found ISY and Brigde running under Linux on Synology box (nothing was found when running from vmware but it could be my net problem). However, then it aborted with the following: AWS Emulator Configuration System is starting, Debug mode = All PNP Search has found 1 UDI ISY994 at address uPnP Search Discovered UN-Declared Emulator at address, Emulator count=1 PNP System located 1 Emulator at adress HUE Initialization Process Beginning, time now is 15:34:10 HUE Getting list of devices from HUE Bridge1 at DBG SendToHUE has started, Bridge: Bridge1, message size=78, time=15:34:10 ISY Initialization Process Beginning, time now is 15:34:12 ISY Initialization Process, Completed, time now is 15:34:12 Abort Flag =25, retrieving ISY Devices. See Log for Details System cannot continue, aborting in 15 seconds ======================= Thanks!
  14. Barry, Do you think your program will run from vmware running windows 7 on Mac? Thanks, Max
  15. Thanks! Will give it a try.
  16. Thanks. What device asking about wired vs WiFi? Echo is on Wifi. Bridge is running on Synology that is wired. Switches are trying to control are insteon switches... I wish I would have any guess how to nail the problem...
  17. I am using Echo in two places with old (in one location) and new (in another) Hue emulators and have the same issue in both cases. On/Off responses are not very reliable. It also seems (but not scientifically tested) that the first command after long period of NO communication would be mist likely to fail. Once it start to respond, it seems to be more reliable. This is not a problem of Eacho's recognizing my commands, I believe it does and it confirms it. However, I can say a command to turn light On, Echo confirms it but nothing happens. I do not think the issue is reliability on my network - the same light responds very reliably when I use ISY linked switch or direct control from Mibilinc app on my iphone. An additional hint is that when I use Test button on the bridge configurator, it misses to respond sometimes as well. So, it almost seems like this is problem of the bridge. I do run bridge emulator on Synology station. Does anybody observe similar "unreliability"? Any suggestions to test? Thanks.
  18. Can you please post a link again where the configure program is available to download. Thanks.
  19. I am tryin to switch to new bridge from bwssystems. It says to run bridge: java -jar -Dvera.address=192.168.X.Y ha-bridge-0.X.Y.jar What is Dvera.address when we use it with ISY? Is this ISY address or computer address running bridge? Strangely it seems to be working regarding of what address I use... Thanks.
  20. Is it possibly to use the same room name to call light On/Off in two different houses, using the same Amazon account.? I have isy994+Echo setups in vacation house and main house. Let's say both houses have dining room. When I set up 2d Echo , I added 2d dining room under the same name assiming that it should not be a problem since it is a different house, different ISY, different computer running bridge and different echo. However, echo added to my Amazon account 2d entry called "dining room" and reported that there are 2 dining rooms on the list when I tried to call it. Even more, all my 1st house rooms can be called from the 2d house, which is kind of cool but I am not sure I want it. It seems that the problem is the same Amazon account. No matter how many Echos I add and where they are located, or how many bridges I run, Echo store all the commands (e,g, room names) in a common list under my account. Is there a way around this without setting up a 2d Amazon account? I do not want to name differently the same type of rooms in 2 houses... Thanks.
  21. I just installed 2d Eco in vacation house. Upon setting it up with my Amazon account I found that I can control all my devices in the primary home 100 miles away without even running bridge software at vacation house. Does it mean that my ISY access info including passwd can be stored at Amazon clouds?
  22. I see many here use RPi to run bridge. Just wanted to add that I have been usin Sinology station with great success. I have 2 of them, one as a file storage and another to control cameras. They are On 24/7 and it works very well. The only trick was to install java manually because the new version is not in the standart repository yet. I am still using amazon-echo-bridge-0.2.1 version. It is 21 days old but I cannot find any new build on GitHub. Is this still the latest?
  23. When you install 2d Echo to the same network, how does the config tool (on iOS) know which Echo to set up? If I want to add the same set of devices to the 2d Echo, should I just run discovery on it and it will find the same bridge as the 1st one uses? Thanks.
  24. Thanks! Found ID and it seems to be working fine with echo.
  25. I tried to make echo to control ISY program but I realized that I do not know how to get URL. Configurator requires to enter device address but I do not know how to get it for the program. Any help, please, how to proceed?? Thanks!
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