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  1. I am having the exact same issue with my ISY 994. I just have not figured out how to add the URL to a trusted list. The message belched back isn't even in a language so I have no idea what I am doing.
  2. Lee, thanks for your specific example. I use a number of motion sensors and have a separate off program for each on program to respond to the sensor's off command, relying on the sensor's timer. If I use a wait instead, I can effectively bypass the internal timer and let the ISY time the event based on when the sensor is no longer triggered and effectively change the on time from my keyboard rather than by reprogramming the sensor. That's a cool take on it.
  3. Thanks! Both of your replies are really enlightening and have helped me look at this from a different angle. I really appreciate the feedback as I get deeper into ISY programming.
  4. I brought some old X10 baggage to the ISY and in that world there was not "wait" command, so a separate off program was needed to turn something off. I have been using the wait command quite a bit wand was wondering if this is a better and more secure way to go than a separate off pgm or if we're just talking a matter of style and concise code. Just curious for feedback on this.
  5. Don't worry, jmed999. I have had my share of "Duh!" moments here too, and there will be more.
  6. I have added three of the new micro modules. All I do is give my ISY the address and it finds and adds each all by itself. No need to use the set button on the module. Does anyone know if the RF section of these modules functions as an access point for other RF equipment or if it is just comm for the module itself?
  7. I would try removing and reinstalling the leak sensor and/or checking your program to make sure you are using "control" and not "status" to trigger the email. I am using a very similar setup here with fine results on the last official software release.
  8. Repair work to Java is long overdue and Apple is using its blocked list to push Oracle into fixing these security bugs. A few weeks ago one was so serious that the Department of Homeland Security advised people to disable or remove Java. Things are getting much better with two maintenance releases which address the problems. In both cases I learned of this before it had a chance to impact me so I had an idea of what was going on. Macrumors.com always seems to be up on these things before the rest of the media, so it's a good site to follow. Here is their article on the latest Java block and fix: http://www.macrumors.com/2013/02/01/ora ... n-on-os-x/
  9. johncrab

    Hourly event

    MANY thanks. I suspected what I got wrong was simple and it is. Thanks SO much for the examples. I was making it way too hard for myself here!
  10. johncrab

    Hourly event

    Can anyone help me out with a simple code example? I am trying to run a program hourly between two specified times and I am clearly using the wrong expressions or getting them in the wrong order. I can't seem to get a trigger from the IF line when using time X to Time Y and I've tried wait/repeat at 60 mins but it never repeats. Just wondering if anyone has a short bit of code to share with me to show me how this is done. Thx.
  11. You can create a shortcut in the Finder and then drag the shortcut into the dock.
  12. Total agreement here. The word "transparency" was used earlier and that makes sense in this context. This new software process has been a true partnership with the user community. Sure, there will always be a few bugs but knowing that people are out there working on them and listening makes a huge difference to me. It's what makes all of this work. Light switch? I don't touch no steenking light switches.
  13. Sometimes I think these just get flaky. I had one out of box which would send a sense on signal but never an off and had to send it back. Other than that, I have had good performance. They do add to the PLM in a rather interesting manner and there could be corruption in the PLM's tables. Removing and adding them back is a real pain I know but it is something to try. Also, I would check for sources of RFI. One sensor going flaky is one thing but multiple sensors is suspect. You may even have an appliance which is inducing noise onto the power line and blocking the signal. Just thinking out loud.
  14. I got blank status too after the Update 11 installed. Shut down your browser and any Java applets running in the dock and restart the browser. Then go back into the dashboard and then admin console from there. That cleared it up for me and everything has been fine. It also worls faster than V7, U10
  15. It looks like we are all back in business. I tried this work-arouind using the links you provided and it gave me a "not found" error. Then I got a popup telling me that Java V7, Update 11 was available. I had to go to java.com to download and install it but after I did I was able to get into my ISY the normal way from my own network as well as form the outside world too. Looks like Larry Ellison really lit a fire over this.
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