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Everything posted by Roman

  1. Trying to use the ISY Portal so that I do not have to Open any ports on the router. That said my IPhone 7 Plus working fine however upgraded another IPhone to 12 PRO MAX and it seems location/GEOFENCE not working using ORCHMOBILINC app on IPHONE. Cannot change settings on the APP when connected to ISY Portal as far as GEOFENCE variables go, yet no issues when using WiFi... Anyone else having issues Also both the IPhone 7 Plus and IPhone 12 PRO MAX on IOS 15.1 Thanks Roman
  2. Going to have to look into push notifications... Appreciate the responses... Roman
  3. Now this makes more sense.. Thanks Michel... Getting emails now but not consistently, but I would say 50-60% of the time... All these SPAM filters at the ISP level meant to protect us, sometimes makes our lives that much more fun...
  4. Not the case, now I am getting emails but not consistently... Yet the STATE is changing, just not all emails coming through.. Must be going through a SPAM check well before it hits my webmail... I have even put the email in my SAFE list.
  5. Thank you, what I noticed was I was missing the the complete package when inputting name.. Giving this a try.. Need better glasses for missed the ":" after the name.. Appreciate... PS.. Why is it when I hit TEST, I get no TEST email using my ISP details, yet emails are coming ?
  6. When I tried just using the name vs email was getting a Timeout error... Never had this issue, and it seems to have started when I upgraded to version 5.3.0 Appreciate the insight, seems to be working now, but what seems to have fixed the issue was me re-inputting the email information into the Notification emails and then I also redid one of the conditions when email would be sent.. Maybe it was the fact I gave the ISY some much needed TLC ??
  7. Not certain how I got it working again, but I did reprogram my notification setting and also lowered the Timeout to 4,000, it works. Here is what I am finding very interesting... TEST message I get nothing but, for my triggers now when I change the value I get an email. Continue to monitor... Outgoing Mail Server Account Type: SMTP Username is my email address Password: working for got into the webserver email. Server hostname: smtp.cogeco.net Server port: 587 TLS: ticked (yes) From, I just noticed this must be the same as the username email.. Roman
  8. Further update... The Test Emails when switching to DEFAULT, vs using my own outgoing SMTP Server are coming through, however the events that are programmed in are not.. Should I reprogram/reinput the email accounts again ?
  9. Update, upgraded to version 5.3.3, and thought let us try using DEFAULT.. test passed, so not certain why my email provider not working.. In Canada using COGECO.. Logged into my webmail account which I specifically opened for the ISY, no issues sending out email to my personal email account. If default continues to work, I cannot complain.. Yes I can but no one cares LOL Roman
  10. Upgraded firmware to version 5.3.3.. At Timeout 5,000 get Mail server failure (From timed out), at 6,000 same message, at 7,000 same message, 8,000 same message, 9,000 same message... Curious does DNS play any issues with this ? Below only happened at Timeout setting of 9,000
  11. Using version 5.3.0, I guess I will need to upgrade ?
  12. Somehow lost my settings in the Email settings for SMTP Settings TAB, and I thought I have set everything back up correctly but still getting a Mail server failure (From timed out)... I have the Timeout(ms) set at 1,000, even tried 1,500 and nothing still errors what is the best setting and how how should I go ?
  13. So Insteon works turning on and off your Christmas lights Yes ?? Also when they are off do you notice they still slightly glow, say 5% - 10% still on even though they are off ? This I find true with my Christmas lights and now my Back Yard LED Porch lights, and was wondering if they newer Receptacle would resolve this issue ?? Thanks Roman
  14. I hooked up my LED Backyard Patio Lights, very low wattage to my old Insteon 2473 (yes very old technology) I have noticed as also with my appliance module (2456S3) the LED lights do not turn off completely.. Has anyone used this Receptacle, Insteon 2663-22 Dual Receptacle, with LED lights ? Do they turn on and off, do they completely turn off ?? Any suggestions greatly appreciated, do not mind updating the outdoor Receptacle to the new version, yes very well sealed in an outdoor PCV box... Thanks Roman
  15. Seems I have resolved.. Had to increase the Timeout setting to 5,000 as well, check my junkmail for the TEST email.. Sorry for the inconvenience.. Did not even think of going back to the basics.. Roman
  16. I seem to be having email setting issues on the new version of 5.3.0 just upgraded from version 5.0.9. I noticed that my email settings went back to default.. Inputted all values, only issue is I am getting a Mail server failure {From timed out} only value that at this point would be off would te the Timeout (ms) value what value is recommended here ? Thanks Roman PS.. cannot remember what I had for thought this would just be retained.
  17. I have no Z-Wave board, and based on what I am reading, most of my modules seem to be dated.. That said upgrading from 5.0.9 to 5.3.2 should be fairly straight forward or will there be some surprises I better be prepared for ?? Have a couple of scenes programed, and outside of the above issue everything seems to be solid... Thanks Roman
  18. Thank you so much, yes using the 2456S3 module Ver 4.9... To clarify, everything was working fine under ISY firmware 5.0.4, When I upgraded to firmware 5.0.9 due to adding the new chime, this is when the issue began and was not until just recently that I thought I should address this. Now I did try to reset the 2456S3... Holding the SET Button I plugged the Module back into a receptacle, and held the SET Button for another 3 seconds... Still no LED light. During the write process when I tried to make the RemoteLinc 2 Switch control the responder 2456S3, this is when the 2456S3 "corrupted" and cannot seem to be able to reset it ?? The dead units I did delete from the ISY so no issues, and just happened to have my last spare of the 2456S3.. which linked no problem and I can control with the ISY, but definitely not going to be syncing with the RemoteLinc 2 for I have now lost 2 of the 2456S3.. Going to try one more time to do a factory reset of the 2456S3 module as per above.. But seems I am now limited to steps 3-5 3. While holding down the black SET Button on ApplianceLinc, plug it back in.4. After plugging ApplianceLinc back in, continue to hold down the black SET Button for 3 seconds.5. Release the black SET Button. Appreciate Roman PS.. not liking it but realizing I need to start getting ready to be called old LOL... Also what replaced the 2456S3, for I really liked the ALWAYS ON receptacle this unit has.
  19. Okay this is just weird... so now that I got it working with DNS entry I thought why not just give it a try, so I switched back to my internal address of the so that the ISY now points back to my server.. and all is working... Very interesting... Appreciate the insight from the above post... Helped.. though not the same but treated it as the same... Roman
  20. Very interesting, seems to be a DNS entry issue... My DNS was pointing to my server, like it always did.. for some reason after reading the below thread I inputted an external DNS entry vs my internal server, and it seems to work now... Why all of a sudden does the ISY have issues with my Internal DNS ????
  21. I am on firmware 5.0.9, for been working solid figured why mess.. I noticed that my scene with RemoteLinc 2 and Insteon Plug-In Appliance 2456S3 that there was an error with the Appliance module. So I added a new once, tried to run the replace command with no success.. So then manually added to the scene the new 2456S3 and same problem error and now cannot SET/Add either the old module or the new Module.. Seems something corrupted.. Is this a known issue with firmware 5.0.9 for it looks like now I have 2 dead Insteon Plug-In Appliance module 2456S3... Or is there a RESET button of some sort that I could try on both of these, now dead ? 2456S3 modules ?? Help been one of those days... Roman
  22. Tried that, rebooted, router, server and ISY with no success ??? Nothing else changed, port forwarding is still in the router as before ??? Tried the obvious.. My other software I updated with then new Static IP and that works.. I did not see an area in the ISY Portal to be able to do so or within the ISY device itself.... Appreciate the response...
  23. Just recently I have had my static IP address changed by my Internet provider, and now my ISY shows OFFLINE.. Is there a way for me to update the ISY Portal regarding the update to my new static IP address for this all happened after I changed the static IP. Thanks Roman
  24. Get well, better to loose you for a few days for bed rest, than loose you all together.. Roman
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