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  1. Jimbo.Automates's post in WirelessTag NS: Stream of errors being reported was marked as the answer   
    Yes, this happens occasionally when their service is rebooting or they are doing maintenance. I was going to report to their user group but it didn't last long.

    Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk

    Oh wait, it's still happening... I'll email the support group.

    Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk

  2. Jimbo.Automates's post in ELK Email substitute Values do not work since moving from ISY to EISY was marked as the answer   
    Easiest way is with using a Simple shareable notifications where you use 
    ${sys.node.#.name} ${sys.node.#.GV0}
    For Physical Status, or this for Logical Status
    ${sys.node.#.name} ${sys.node.#.ST}
  3. Jimbo.Automates's post in EP40 outdoor double plug stopped being recognized by Plug in was marked as the answer   
    I had and HS107 and HS300 I wasn't using anymore, so plugged them in and they work as expected.
    @dbwarner5 When you deleted them, did you delete them in the PG3 UI by selecting the X to the right of the device in the nodes page?  I did this with mine to confirm they add back and it also worked as expected, but after deleting them all you should restart the plugin.
  4. Jimbo.Automates's post in Disarmed required first before changing from Armed Away to Armed Stay was marked as the answer   
    Yes, that is a ELK limitation.  I guess I could have the plugin do a Disarm if armed when you Arm...
    I created an issue https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-ELK/issues/109
  5. Jimbo.Automates's post in WirelessTag: Errors in log and reported by WT App was marked as the answer   
    Yes, it's an issue on their side

    Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk

  6. Jimbo.Automates's post in can we set the chime mode? was marked as the answer   
    Yes, works fine for me.  'Home' is my 'Area 1'.

  7. Jimbo.Automates's post in new install, disconnected, and no logs (logs folder doesn't even exist) was marked as the answer   
    There have been issues with Python installs during the updates. Please submit a support ticket and they'll get you fixed. I've not seen anyone with this issue post the solution and previously @Michel Kohanim just mentioned it was a Python install issue.

    Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk

  8. Jimbo.Automates's post in How to trigger KASA scenes? was marked as the answer   
    Sorry, Kasa scenes are not supported at this time.

    Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk

  9. Jimbo.Automates's post in Wireless Tag NS:Error in log was marked as the answer   
    Likely just a temporary Internet connection issue, or their service is flooded and not responding. If it happens frequently please report to their mailing list or create a support ticket. Lately they have become horrible at responding to support tickets, but did respond to the mailing list.

    Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk

  10. Jimbo.Automates's post in Using push notifications triggered from change of state of variable, or execution of program's Then was marked as the answer   
    It will look something like this:

  11. Jimbo.Automates's post in Status in Program was marked as the answer   
    Great, thanks. I'll get on it but no promises on schedule.

    Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk

  12. Jimbo.Automates's post in Version upgrade was marked as the answer   
    Fixed in 3.1.1, that was the only change.
  13. Jimbo.Automates's post in Compare to init was marked as the answer   
    Need a program for each
    if s_zone1Duration <= 0 or s_zone1Duration > 0 then s_zone1Duration (init) = s_zone1Duration  This will run anytime the variable changes and updates it's init value.
  14. Jimbo.Automates's post in Notification Controller REST Status was marked as the answer   
    You should post in the sub-forum for the specific plugin in question: https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/316-notification/
    Why do you have notification node server installed in 2 slots?  Delete the one in slot 2.  But if you really want it for some reason installed twice, you'll have to change the "rest_port" to a different number in the PG3 UI for slot 2.
  15. Jimbo.Automates's post in Notifications for Dummies questions was marked as the answer   
    Did you close and restart the Admin Console after installing the Notifications plugin?
  16. Jimbo.Automates's post in Harmony Hubs not discovered after installing new wifi router was marked as the answer   
    Sorry, no.  Make the key a short <= 8 character unique name which will be used as the node address.  The instruction says:
    So make the Value: { "name": "HarmonyHub RomName", "host": "" }
    Including the curly braces and all..  I could spend time to make this a better way, but it's so rarely used it hasn't been worth the effort.
  17. Jimbo.Automates's post in Outdoor Air Node was marked as the answer   
    Sorry, not possible, they won't send it:
  18. Jimbo.Automates's post in Possible leak Alert was marked as the answer   
    3.1 released with this added, please confirm since I don't have a water meter that can use Flume anymore.
  19. Jimbo.Automates's post in Elk Armed Away – Need to turn on devices or programs – I can’t find a way to accomplish this was marked as the answer   
    Your first example should work perfectly. This is simple example I previously posted of a program on IoX to lock the locks when the Elk is armed or disarmed.  The node "Home" is my main area.

    Lock Example - [iD 01F7][Parent 020F][Enabled]
            'Alarm-Elk / Home' Armed Status is Disarmed
            Set 'Locks / Garage Door Inside Lock' Unlock
            Set 'Locks / Garage Door Inside Lock' Lock

    Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk

  20. Jimbo.Automates's post in Elk node will not load. was marked as the answer   
    Looks like you are on a polisy with PG3? You'll need to upgrade to PG3x, this is a known bug in PG3. Search the wiki for more info on upgrading.

    Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk

  21. Jimbo.Automates's post in One Elk keypad missing from AC Condition / Control pull down choices was marked as the answer   
    That would explain it, I'll try to get a new release soon to fix it, issue 103 created.
  22. Jimbo.Automates's post in Elk node server won't run was marked as the answer   
    Looks like you are still on PG3 not PG3x.  This is a know issue with PG3 on Polisy where files are not properly created during an install.  The issue was never resolved since it no longer happens with PG3x.
    See "Upgrading to PG3x" at https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Polisy:User_Guide
  23. Jimbo.Automates's post in 'Client was stopped' error was marked as the answer   
    @skunkiechris Release 3.0.9 has an attempt to fix this, please update and let me know if you see it again.
  24. Jimbo.Automates's post in Notification NS: How do I use Sys Custom messages with Telegram was marked as the answer   
    Looks like I never upgraded telegram to use the new method, it still uses the old method where you set the custom message on the controller then send it from the service node. I'll try to add the new method soon.
  25. Jimbo.Automates's post in Another problem with no devices found was marked as the answer   
    Yes, this is the same issue reported and fixed in the other thread. Sorry I misspoke upgrade vs. update. But good you figured it out.

    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'kasa'

    Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk

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