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    Great Falls, VA
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Community Answers

  1. The interesting point is the buttkicker has never changed to another device in the then statement. It’s just the device in the join action. Wonder how the set device is locked but the join is not, could it be due to the apostrophe? Maybe I should loan you a couple of Sonos units!
  2. Thanks Bob for your thoughtful reply. One curious point is with the then statement Set 'ST-Sonos / Buttkicker' Join Basement Is that the buttkicker never changes in the program just the join Sonos device. Wonder why if it is reindexed as you suggest. Appreciated your help, understand that there doesn’t look like a solution.
  3. Thanks Bob for the explanation. Of course I have a follow up question, is there a way to delete or disable all the other nodes in the ST-Sonos which would then force a default to the basement node. Or would it try and join to itself, assuming only two nodes?
  4. I have a simple program that senses when to execute a join function as seen below. My problem is that it works fine but then after a while it loses the saved sonos unit in the program and changes to a random sonos unit. Is this a problem in the program function of IOX or is it a st-sonos issue? Any thoughts on how to correct the issue? Buttkicker - [ID 0032][Parent 0001] If 'Emporia / Bmt UPS' Killowatts >= 0.4000 kW Then Set 'ST-Sonos / Buttkicker' Join Basement Else Set 'ST-Sonos / Buttkicker' Leave
  5. Thanks for the effort, appreciate previous updates......
  6. @Jimbo.Automates Thank you for the update. Of course I can’t figure out how to turn off polling, could you point me in the right direction?
  7. @Jimbo.Automates Thank you Jimbo. Question when I try and upgrade it says I dont have a valid license. Is this a bug or do I need to purchase again?
  8. File too big to attach, send email address?
  9. Will do, will revert tomorrow with file.
  10. I was more trying to not overload the short polling process by deleting the node. Solution at this point is to increase the polling time.
  11. I have deleted a node in pg3x but it keeps getting recreated. Is there a method to keep it from recreating itself?
  12. Bump @Jimbo.Automates Any chance for VOC values?
  13. Hi Jimbo, Was wondering if you could add missing fields to the plugin. Looking specifically for VOC values, the VOCLVL just indicates whether it is Clean not the actual value. I have attached screenshots to show what IOX provides vs the Node listings.
  14. Asking for help from the programming gurus.... would like to create a program that turns on the ERV for 20 min every hour. Would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction as to setup.
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