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  1. bpwwer's post in Eagle-200 not seeing variables in "Program" tab was marked as the answer   
    @MBrzeski  I found the problem and have released a new version - 1.0.1 with the fix.
    You'll have to restart the admin console after updating the plug-in so that it picks up the changes.
    Thanks for reporting the issue.
  2. bpwwer's post in Conditions string in notifications was marked as the answer   
    The plug-in provides a mapping of ID to the string value to IoX.  The Admin Console, UD Mobile and IoX make use of that mapping.  I believe it is IoX that would need to use the mapping to do the ID to string substitution in the notification.
    In most cases, they seem to read the available mappings only on startup.  If IoX hasn't been restarted since the plug-in was installed, it probably doesn't have the mapping in memory so it can't do the substitution.  Restarting IoX may resolve the issue.
  3. bpwwer's post in Is there a "weatherflow is offline or online" field? was marked as the answer   
    The hub seconds since seen is how many seconds it's been since the hub sent data to the plug-in.
    165469 translates to about 45 hours since the plug-in has seen any data from the hub.
    When things are operating normally, the hub should be sending out data packets about once a minute so that number should never be above 120 unless something is wrong.
  4. bpwwer's post in Type 6 MagicHome devices: behave like type 68? was marked as the answer   
    Added type 6 and pushed the update to the plug-in store.  It's now version 1.0.4
  5. bpwwer's post in boto3 import fails was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately, because of the way Python works (and Python is what most plug-in's are written in), it sometimes needs things that are part of the development packages on the Polisy/eisy.
    Most Python packages are available for the OS that the Polisy/eisy is built on in ready to be used form, but some are not and typically are available in source only form.  When they are only available in source form, they need to be compiled on the Polisy/eisy to be used.  To compile them, we need the compilers installed and they only get installed if you install the dev packages.
  6. bpwwer's post in PG2(on RPi) migration to eISY PG3x questions was marked as the answer   
    PG3 had the ability to read a PG2 backup file and attempt to migrate PG2 plug-ins to PG3, but it would only work in a few cases.  
    PG3x only has the ability to migrate plug-ins from PG3.   PG2 was EOL'd before PG3x was available so no effort was made to migrate from a system that had been EOL'd for a while.
  7. bpwwer's post in Unable to receive data was marked as the answer   
    Next release - version 2.0.13 has been published to the plug-in store.
  8. bpwwer's post in new console version.... was marked as the answer   
    Pushed version 1.0.1 with the fix.
  9. bpwwer's post in DavisWeather not populating Daily, Month, or Yearly Observations was marked as the answer   
    Sorry, I missed removing the offending line from that file.  Fixed in 2.0.3
  10. bpwwer's post in Blue Iris Node Server Disconnected after Software update was marked as the answer   
    First off, my comments and reasons for not wanting to allow for automated restarts of node servers/PG3 are really because that tends to be used as a band-aid to handle poorly behaving node servers.  The right way to do things is to get the node servers to not behave badly.
    In this case, the node server isn't really behaving badly, it's behaving mostly as intended.  When it can't communicate with Blue Iris, it goes into a disconnected state and waits for someone to take action to resolve the issue.  Now it could and should handle this better.
    It should try to re-connect, the code is mostly there, just not the logic to attempt that.
    In cases like this, where the author has pretty much abandoned the node server, I'll typically take a look if I have time.  Unfortunately, I don't always have time to dig into someone else code to figure out how it works and what can be done to resolve any issues.   You happened to ask at a time when I'm not real busy so I'm going to try and make some changes. 
    Version 2.0.3 should try to re-connect when it fails to query the Blue Iris server.  I have no way to test this.
  11. bpwwer's post in Weatherflow node server was marked as the answer   
    And you can't slow down data from the local hub.  The local hub doesn't accept queries, it pushes the data to the plug-in at the interval defined in the hub firmware.
  12. bpwwer's post in Wind in kilometers? was marked as the answer   
    The data is displayed in the units that the service returns.   The plug-in doesn't have the ability to do unit conversions.
  13. bpwwer's post in Ambient Weather API Parse Error was marked as the answer   
    Most likely, it's an error in the results sent by Ambient.  You can check that by taking the URL where you redacted the key and cut and pasting that into a browser tab/window.  
    If you just generated the key, it may take some time before Ambient actually activates the key and it works.
  14. bpwwer's post in API Errors was marked as the answer   
    From the log, the queries the plug-in is making to ambient.net appear to have an invalid API key.  That's the message the Ambient servers are returning when that query is made.
    The plug-in can't force Ambient to accept an invalid api key.  Double check that your key is correct and valid.
  15. bpwwer's post in Plugin stopping after reboot was marked as the answer   
    Ok, I updated my development system and tested the plug-in.  I did have to re-install and then re-pair with the bridge to get it working, but it's working fine now that I've done that.
  16. bpwwer's post in TotalConnect - Discovery Failed was marked as the answer   
    My fault.  I tried updating the plug-in to use a newer version of the total-connect-client library and apparently the changes in the library are not compatible with the plug-in.   
    I've reverted it back so re-installing should fix the issue.
  17. bpwwer's post in TotalConnect Error - "Discovery failed please check logs for a more detailed error" was marked as the answer   
    It worked fine, my fears were unfounded.  Version 2.0.5 has been pushed to the store.  This should fix the error.
  18. bpwwer's post in Query Needed in Programs was marked as the answer   
  19. bpwwer's post in Unable to get API generated was marked as the answer   
  20. bpwwer's post in Ambient Weather plugin linked to my RainwiseNet weather station was marked as the answer   
    @SHM Ambient's API is not very easy to work with.  They tend to simply add data fields to the query results as by new hardware and don't document it very well.  There's also no versioning.  So stuff just suddenly appears.  There's also no way to know what data fields will be present because they don't provide any type of mapping from a hardware type to data fields.
    Given the number of different stations and sensors that are available there are way too many combinations to try and have pre-defined node definitions for each.  So the plug-in looks at the data fields and dynamically creates node definitions to match what's being sent.  There are (again, not well defined) rules they mostly use for naming conventions.  Like the field name will end in 'in' if it is a field for an indoor sensor. 
    All this is to say that plug-in is really just making guesses at what it should be creating.
    Your station is the first one that has had a field called 'windgustdir'.   Many stations have a field called 'windgustmph' and given that Ambient could start using 'windgustkph'  or 'windgustms' at any time to represent wind gust speed in different units, the plug-in simply looked for a field that started with 'windgust'.    Thus the plug-in thought your station was reporting two windgust speed fields and the AC fails when there are two fields with the same type. 
    I've modified the plug-in to recognize 'windgustdir' as a wind direction field and create the appropriate node value for that.  It should work for you now.  The new version is 2.0.12
  21. bpwwer's post in Replacing A Weather Station was marked as the answer   
    If they show up in the PG3 interface, first try deleting them there.  That should delete them in PG3 and IoX.  If they're not in the PG3 interface, but just the IoX, then delete them from the admin console.
  22. bpwwer's post in API Error: Version Discrepancy (2.5 vs 3.0) was marked as the answer   
    I didn't know that.  It seems like that's a recent thing as I believe it was working just last month.  I'll update the plug-in shortly.
  23. bpwwer's post in Connecting to more than one sensor locally? was marked as the answer   
    Version 2.1.3 is in the store now and it should fix the data for the indoor sensor.
  24. bpwwer's post in RIO Keypresses was marked as the answer   
    No, it doesn't support those buttons.  The list of buttons/commands it accepts will show up in the list when programming.
    <cmd id="VOLUME"> <cmd id="SOURCE"> <cmd id="TREBLE"> <cmd id="BASS"> <cmd id="BALANCE"> <cmd id="LOUDNESS"> <cmd id="DND"> <cmd id="PARTY"> <cmd id="MUTE">  
  25. bpwwer's post in Russound CAM6; Itach flex with serial cable. was marked as the answer   
    It seemed to be some type of network issue.  At the time it locked up, the node server was also disconnected from PG3. It was able to re-establish the connection to PG3, but the network connection to the Russound was never reported as disconnected so as far as the node server was concerned, it was still connected.
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