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Everything posted by hmatos

  1. Has anyone been able to get the hue emulator working with Brilliant? Thanks,
  2. Hi, I've been searching around quite a bit and have not come across info on this. I have the occupancy node server setup on the portal and its working fine. I've noticed that whenever my ISY reboots, the nodes for occupancy are not automatically updated and I've tried using a program to query the node with "run at startup" and it doesn't seem to do anything. It seems that the node status is NULL -- there is no value. This is causing my programs to think that the house is unoccupied which it is not. Any way around this? Thanks,
  3. My ISY is working - I log in to the console and look at portal configuration and it says its online and registered. When I go to the portal, it says my ISY is offline. The Amazon Echo of course is not responding to any devices connected to my ISY. Thanks, hmr
  4. Same issue here, it started last night (i'm guessing portal maintenance?). I tried a forget all devices and a discover -- alexa can no longer find any of my ISY connected devices. I opened a support request this morning.
  5. Same issue here, it started last night (i'm guessing portal maintenance?). I tried a forget all devices and a discover -- alexa can no longer find any of my ISY connected devices. I opened a support request.
  6. Has the Z-Wave work been completed? I only ask because I don't see anything related to Z-Wave fixes in the last two releases (I believe). Has there been any progress for Schlage Electronic Deadbolts, Beaming Devices, or ISY as a Secondary Controller? Thanks! Heroildo
  7. So all the channels would report up as one device node in ISY? If so, are there other solutions for energy monitoring that you support that would not require Zigbee? I'd like to get a better idea of what circuits/devices are consuming electricity.
  8. I'm pretty sure this has been asked - but I just wanted to verify. Is there any way for me to integrate a Brultech ECM-1240 with my ISY without Zigbee? If not, is there an way for my ISY to support both ZWave and Zigbee? I'm willing to give up the IR if that makes a difference. Thanks!
  9. Ok, thanks - I'll go ahead and remove it.
  10. So I did as you suggested and it does work - I guess I didn't understand how the enable/disable feature works. If a program is 'disabled' and you call it from another program, does it execute? Thanks,
  11. The second program is 'disabled'. If you click on the program in the admin console and select 'status', there's an activity column. In that column it will say what it is running "if, then, else".
  12. I'm running 4.0.2 and I seem to be having one heck of a time getting my 994 and my Elk M1 cooperating. I'm having several issues, but I'd like to start with the following simple programs to see if anyone sees anything that I do not. I have an EZX10RF in the garage to receive an X10 RF signal from the home link system in my car. I also have an I/O Linc connected to my garage door opener. All of these components work pretty well on their own, I can press a home link button in my car, the EZX10RF receives it and sends it through to ISY and turns on the I/O link relay to open the garage door. I have two ISY Programs Welcome Home - open the garage door, turn on arrive home scene and disarm Elk. This seems to work fine most of the time. There are odd issues where if I monitor the status of the program via the 'status' option, I can see that the program is stuck in the 'Then' - and what's worse, I can't stop it. I end up having to plug/unplug the ISY. I assume it's normal behavior when you're repeatedly testing? If Status 'X10 Bridge - 0 / 1E.7B.6B.1' is 100% Then Set Scene 'Garage Door Operations (R)' On Set Scene 'Arrive Home' 100% Set 'X10 Bridge - 0 / 1E.7B.6B.1' Off Set Elk Area 'Area1' Disarm Run Program 'Elk: Kitchen Entry - Welcome' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Elk: Kitchen Entry - trigger the welcome home message when the kitchen door is opened. This does not work at all. If Elk Zone 'Kitchen Entry' is Violated Then Set Elk Speak Word 'Welcome' Set Elk Speak Word 'Home' Else Wait 5 minutes Run Program 'Elk: Kitchen Entry - Welcome' (If) I thought that a change to 'Kitchen Entry' would trigger the 'If' to be re-evaluated? Is this not the case? Does anyone know how frequently the ISY and Elk exchange status information? In my environment the Elk doesn't seem be getting device status changes from the ISY (reliably, in real-time). I'd appreciate any help - Thanks! hm
  13. I'm not sure if this is where I'm suppose to post any ZWave issues, but here goes. I've also opened a support request. I've installed the Z-Wave module and it appears to work - the green light comes on. I start to add a Z Wave Device, but my device fails to add. I am attempting to add a Schlage BE469NX - which worked under Vera Lite UI5.
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