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  1. See related post here. It appears to be a bug in the admin console.....
  2. Now that you mention it, it seems like I also ran into this behavior with my old 994i many years ago. Coincidentally, I was tweaking a few of my lighting programs earlier today to fine tune the on timing based on the solar radiation reading that eisy pulls from my weather station. I use the time of day to establish a turn on window around the time of sunset, then fine tune lighting turn on events based on measured daylight level. That's when I realized that the sunset time shown in the console was off by an hour...
  3. My "Night Detect" program is scheduled to run 15 minutes before sunset. Admin console shows sunset as 7:43, but next scheduled run for this program is shown as 6:28. That works out to 15 minutes ahead of 6:43, as expected. If this holds true (fingers crossed), it appears that eisy has its internal sense of sunrise and sunset times correct, it's only the admin console display that's out of whack...
  4. Same problem with my eisy here in the Boston area (running version 5.8.4). Time of day appears to have adjusted correctly, it's only the sunrise and sunset times reported in the admin console that appear to be off. I have several lighting scenes that are scheduled relative to sunset time. Not sure if their run time will be similarly affected by this?, or if this is only a fluke in the admin console display. For reference, my Ambient Weather station is reporting sunset as 6:46 PM. The weather station has my exact longitude and latitude coordinates set, while the eisy has my location set to Boston. I'm actually about 30 miles west, I presume that's likely the reason for the slightly later sunset time reported by AWN. I'll check back in again around sunset to report whether my scene timings are similarly affected by this one hour shift...
  5. Did you do a "Restore Modem" from your Admin Console after you connected the new PLM? You can't just plug in a new PLM, you need to restore the links between all of your existing Insteon devices and the new PLM. Your ISY maintains a local record of this information and will download this information to the new PLM once you initiate a Restore Modem command. You can also test your ISY's ability to communicate with the new PLM with the Diagnostics>PLM Info/Status command, that should return the Insteon address of your new PLM. If that doesn't work, there's an issue with the new PLM or the comms link between the ISY and the PLM....
  6. Vwas

    Launcher not working

    Well, after all the head scratching we went through together over the past few days, once I resolved my admin console issues, I was thinking that maybe I should quit while I was ahead. In hindsight, for me at least, the 4.9.0 to 5.3.4 upgrade couldn't have been any easier.... With this 5.3.4 upgrade in place, doesn't this provide me with the ability to use UD Mobile with my ISY? I know it requires a portal account, wondering if it also requires a paid subscription? My wife has been complaining about "all this stuff in this house that only YOU know how to use" for quite some time now. And that started me thinking... As for me, I bought my first X10 devices to enable automated and remote control of lighting and appliances when I was still in engineering school back in the late 70s. I've also been an avid audio video enthusiast since the days when buying your first killer audio system was regarded as a right of passage upon entering the workforce after graduating college. I've also taken more than my share of abuse over the years with regard to "how difficult it is to sit down and watch TV in this house..." I have a network accessible Pioneer Elite AV receiver in my current system. Right now I'm thinking that the EISY will provide me the ability to achieve customized one touch integration of all AV system functionality, while allowing the less technically inclined folks in the family to access it through their familiar smart phone devices. Maybe I can finally manage to walk away from all of this chaos as a hero - while having some fun in the process... 😊 Thanks again to all of those that helped along the way
  7. Vwas

    Launcher not working

    OK, so I'm still not 100% sure of exactly what happened here, but my best guess is that there was a legacy shortcut on my desktop that was pointing to original launcher file with its stale cache entry. I'd renamed that shortcut "Admin Console" when I originally downloaded the launcher some time ago. Even though I thought I had downloaded a new launcher a few days ago, I was still clicking on that same old link, which continued to run that same old version with a cached certificate that was out of date. Following Steve's advice, I repeated the launcher download and noticed that it created another shortcut with a UD logo that was named "IoX launcher", After clicking on this new shortcut and running the new launcher, it finds my ISY and provides me with an Admin Console popup just as it should. Apologies for all the confusion and thanks again for all of the advice and guidance. With that behind me, I'm feeling a bit more confident about proceeding with the 5.3.4 upgrade. My system is 100% Insteon, and I don't use "Adjust Scene" in any of my programs. Upon Mr. Bill's advice, I did an ISY backup of the 4.9.0 configuration, and also created text backups of all of my ISY programs earlier today as an added measure of safety. If all goes according to plan, given my existing configuration, this upgrade should be as simple as pointing the admin console at the upgrade ZIP file, and letting it do its thing - correct? P.S. - I hedged my bets for the EISY upgrade and purchased a USB PLM for it - the mailman dropped it off at my doorstep about an hour ago.
  8. Vwas

    Launcher not working

    Well Steve, note that this does get you back in - but only ONCE. On the next login attempt, you're back in the same boat: You'll need to clear the Java cache, then delete and download a new admin.jnlp file to get back in again - and REPEAT this process for every repeated login attempt. I've done this successfully 3 or 4 times so far. I haven't entered a support ticket yet - looks like you need a portal account to do so? At the moment I don't have one. I guess my ISY has led a fairly sheltered life. I've never attempted to remotely access it through the web, or connect it to voice services, so I never bothered signing up for a portal account. At this point, I'm wondering if I feel brave enough to attempt the 5.3 upgrade on my next one shot access into the admin console. It's not clear to me what if any benefits might be gained by waiting for the certificate issue to be resolved, in the event that my upgrade attempt goes bad for some reason....
  9. Vwas

    Launcher not working

    Rest assured, once we've resolved this expired V4 certificate issue, I'll be upgrading to V5 ASAP, and most likely to EISY soon after it's back in stock. If anything, this experience has taught me that my ISY wasn't the "totally independent of the outside world" beast that I once thought it was. While I've only participated in this forum directly once or twice over the 10+ years that I've owned my ISY, I feel like a regular, as I've been lurking here on and off for years. Over that time, many of these posts and the replies given to them have provided me with a greater insight and understanding of the ISY's capabilities, and knowledge of how to use them most effectively. When I came home yesterday afternoon and faced a non responsive admin console, for a few moments I was totally taken aback and at a loss as to what to do next, until I showed up here. I'd like to extend my gratitude and offer kudos to all of the regulars in this community, for willingly sharing your knowledge and coming to the assistance of others like myself, in times of need. That's the main reason why I'm so confident and willing to continue my way down this UDI/EISY path going forward. Thanks again...
  10. Vwas

    Launcher not working

    I am having exactly the same problem that Steve reported on my Windows 10 PC, and came here looking for help. Coincidentally, my problems started at about the same time that Steve reported he was having problems. Seems too coincidental for this to be some random occurrence, I'm wondering if the folks in Redmond pushed something out this afternoon that clobbered us... Backstory: I have a fairly large install with about 60 Insteon devices total, the oldest of which have been in service for about 10 years now. My PLM died a few months ago and it was my last spare, so my ISY was off the air until the folks at Insteon sent me a new one this week. After the PLM replacement I poked around and discovered that quite a few of my switches had stale links in them (leftovers from the previous PLM). I sat down last night and again this morning and started cleaning those up. I left the house at around noon to run a few errands and when I got back, I couldn't open the Admin Console. I've already tried all of the obvious, cleared the Java cache, rebooted the PLM, the ISY and the PC - but no luck. Even tried downloading and reinstalling the ISY finder. As Steve said, it finds my ISY OK, but it never gives me a popup from which to click and select Admin Console (see below) I also seem to be able to reach it through its UDAjax web interface just fine, from both my Android phone and this same Windows 10 PC, so I don't think it's a firewall or Ethernet comms issue. And a few interior lights that are programmed to turn on in the late afternoon have already turned on as scheduled. So it seems to be alive and its programs seem to be running OK. For the record, I'd posted a question about upgrading my ISY to version 5.x.x a few months ago (when I learned that the994i was being sunsetted - thanks to Mr. Bill for posting how to instructions). Unfortunately, my last PLM died just a few days afterward, and I never did get around to do the upgrade. So once I cleaned up the links, I'd planned to do the upgrade, then grab myself a new EISY in the near future. But then THIS happened! Murphy never seems to give me a break! AND the EISY is out of stock! I'll try a few more things - have a few laptops in the house that I may have connected to ISY in the past. I'll see if I have the same experience that Steve did (in once, then locked out). I'll post any new findings here and stay tuned to see what others have found. Hopefully, one of us can come up with a solution soon. Thanks in advance for everyone else's insight and assistance...
  11. Given the recent end of life notice, I'd like to ensure my ability to easily migrate my existing (75) ISY994i programs and Insteon system configuration (50+ devices) to EISY at some point in the future. As I understand it, one can easily migrate from ISY994i to EISY with a good backup, provided that the ISY994i is running V5.x firmware. My ISY is currently running 4.9.0. I've always auto upgraded it, and can't recall ever being given the option to upgrade to version 5. I'm assuming that I'll need to "Manually Upgrade ISY" from the Help menu in the Admin Console to upgrade to V5.x? Any advice related to how best to complete this upgrade is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance...
  12. As others have stated, not only do some LED lamps draw substantially higher inrush currents at initial turn on, most LED lamps also draw peak currents during steady state operation that exceed the steady state current that would be drawn by an equivalent wattage incandescent lamp. This must be taken into consideration when determining how many lamps may be safely connected to a given dimmer. I've attached CREE's most recent dimmer compatibility list. If you review its content, as one example, you'll note that for Cree's 100W equivalent A21 lamp (which draws 17 watts), they recommend using no more than 5 lamps (85 watts) on Leviton's IPL06 600 watt rated incandescent dimmer. Some of the other dimmers listed on this chart can support a greater number of lamps, even though they have a lower wattage rating. Cree also states that their lamps are designed for compatibility with standard incandescent dimmers, and state that "Absence of a dimmer from this chart does not imply incompatibility". Based on this, I've always felt that I could safely connect the smallest number of lamps listed for any 600 watt rated leading edge incandescent dimmer included on this list with an Insteon dimmer. I've been using the Cree 100w A21 and PAR30LN TW lamps on this list with Insteon dimmers, with no more than 4 lamps connected per 600W dimmer, and 7 lamps per 1000W dimmer, with no performance or reliability issues. Cree_LED_Lamps_Dimming_Capability_Sheet.pdf
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