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Everything posted by kclenden

  1. Thanks. So I'll continue to use my solution that simply changes the LED state back to what it should be. This brings up another question... Has anyone else seen strange results when using integer variables as the condition controlling a folder? I have a variable called iAway.From.Home and if I use it as part of a program's IF condition it works correctly. However, if I put that program in a folder, and then I use the iAway.From.Home variable in the IF condition of the folder, I see programs running when they shouldn't.
  2. I have an 8-button keypad. I'm using two of the buttons to control the state of the house. Specifically one button allows me to tell the ISY that I'll be away for a while, and the other button allows me to tell the ISY that I have guests. I have a third button that I'm using to "lock" the keypad so that someone doesn't accidentally turn off the "away" and/or "guest" buttons. I have successfully programmed the ISY to ignore pushes of the "away" and "guest" buttons when the "lock" button is ON. My problem is that I haven't been able to get the keypad to ignore pushes of the "away" and "guest" buttons when the "lock" button is ON. By that, I mean that if the "lock" and "away" buttons are ON, and I push the "away" button, the ISY still knows that "away" is active, but the "away" LED on the keypad shuts off. So, is there a way to program the keypad to not change a button's LED state based on the physical pushing of the button so that the LED only changes state based on ISY programs? Or must I create a program that monitors the button push, and sets the LED state according to the state of specific ISY variables (basically turning the LED back ON after the button push has turned it off)?
  3. One thing to consider about the "variable" examples given above is that they don't account for something being on at say 20% and something being on 100% which would definitely impact power consumption. You could certainly address this with some additional programming. Another way you could track this is by simply using the ISY log. If you export it to Excel, you can sort by Insteon Device and Time. Then with some simple formulas you could arrive at a rough calculation based on the time differences between different states of the device. The added advantage of the Excel method is that you can use past data (everything accumulated in the log) and don't have to wait to accumulate new data.
  4. Actually, variables can also contain negative integer values. I use -1 all the time because my formal computer training always represented TRUE with a -1.
  5. gwarthur - I use a 2443-222 to control my bathroom light fixture and its local status is always communicated to the ISY. After installing it, I also used the "New Insteon Device" option to link it to the ISY. Not because the automatic linking didn't work, but just because I wanted to try the "New Device" option. So our setups should be pretty similar. Have you tried right-clicking on the device and choosing "Diagnostics->Show Device Links Table"? Then try clicking the "Compare" button to see if the device links table matches the ISY links table. If the ISY is not seeing the 2443-222 change states when it is manually switched, it seems like either you have a communication problem between the 2443 and the ISY, or the links table for the 2443 and the ISY are not correct.
  6. I don't have a KeypadLinc, but couldn't you just pull the button cover, put some black electrician tape on the back of the cover, and then put the button cover back on?
  7. If you have the PLM unplugged, and you're entering the MAC address (in lowercase as xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) in both the userid and password fields, and you're still getting an "authentication error" message, then I'd conclude that you have the wrong MAC address. I use a program called Fing to find devices on my network. It shows their IP address and MAC address even if they have a static IP. Here's a blog post about it http://blogs.computerworld.com/19793/fi ... ur_network. It's free, so you might try using it to determine if you have the correct MAC address.
  8. Make sure you have the PLM disconnected from the ISY. If it's connected, you'll get an authentication error. Make sure you enter the MAC address in lowercase. If you use uppercase, you'll get an authentication error.
  9. kclenden

    Scene Question

    I'm a newbie, but my guess is you need to use CONTROL instead of STATUS. CONTROL checks whether a button was pressed. STATUS checks whether a device is ON. I think your programs as written check whether the button light is ON or OFF and then turn the scene ON or OFF. Thus never changing the actual status. Of course when you change to CONTROL, then you'd need to add an AND to check if the STATUS is ON then in the THEN you could set the scene OFF and in the ELSE you could set the scene ON. With that I don't think you'd need the second program. Hmmm... Maybe you shouldn't get rid of the second program. If you do what I suggest, I reckon the ELSE is going to fire any time the button isn't pressed. So probably you just add the CONTROL statement to both of your program IF statements change the THEN statements to set the appropriate scene, and leave the ELSE portion blank in each. Can't wait till I get my 2313S so I can actually start programming.
  10. Michel - thanks for the reply. I can understand why the ISY wouldn't let you add/delete/modify links and scenes while in "Safe Mode" since it can't update the PLM or Device tables, but why doesn't it let you add/delete/modify folders and programs? Do programs actually run while the ISY is in "Safe Mode"? I think I read somewhere else in the forum that the ZigBee version of the ISY doesn't enter "Safe Mode" when the PLM isn't present. Is that true? I tried the "Terms" link again, and it works now. Thanks.
  11. I'm just a newbie, but based on what LeeG has previously written, aren't you missing a couple statements (show in red below)? And as to why the Family Room Light switch gives 100%, perhaps the ISY already thinks the level is set to 30% and thus doesn't actually change it? Maybe changing all the 30% to 35% would get it to change the values when the THEN is run, then you could change it back to 30%? If From 3:00:00PM To Sunrise - 1 hour (next day) Then In Scene 'Hardware / Family Room Light' Set 'Hardware / Family Room Light' 30% (On Level) In Scene 'Hardware / Family Room Light' Set 'Hardware / Family Room Light Slave' 30% (On Level) In Scene 'Hardware / Family Room Light Slave' Set 'Hardware / Family Room Light' 30% (On Level) In Scene 'Hardware / Family Room Light Slave' Set 'Hardware / Family Room Light Slave' 30% (On Level) In Scene 'Scenes / Family Room Lighting' Set 'Hardware / Family Room Light' 30% (On Level) In Scene 'Scenes / Family Room Lighting' Set 'Hardware / Family Room Light Slave' 30% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Hardware / Family Room Light' Set 'Hardware / Family Room Light' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Hardware / Family Room Light' Set 'Hardware / Family Room Light Slave' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Hardware / Family Room Light Slave' Set 'Hardware / Family Room Light Slave' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Hardware / Family Room Light Slave' Set 'Hardware / Family Room Light' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Scenes / Family Room Lighting' Set 'Hardware / Family Room Light Slave' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Scenes / Family Room Lighting' Set 'Hardware / Family Room Light' 100% (On Level)
  12. I just received an ISY-994i PRO: Model: ISY 994i 1024 Platform: ISY-C-994 Version: 3.3.10 Build Timestamp: 2013-01-17-01:13:50 It boots up in "Safe Mode" because I do not yet have a PLM. I've ordered a 2413S but it seems they are currently in short supply. So I figured that I would play around with the ISY-994i a little and get used to the programming while I wait on the PLM. I am able to create Variables, both static and integer and then save them. I am also able to update the Config settings like "Location". I am able to create new Folders and Programs, but when I try to save them I receive "[HTTP]]". I thought maybe the JAVA console would give me more information, but all it shows is "Error sending save program request: 'My Programs' id=1". So am I unable to save Folders and Programs because the ISY is in "Safe Mode"? Or will I still have this problem even after I receive a PLM? If "Safe Mode" is the culprit here, what else does "Safe Mode" restrict? By the way, if someone from UD happens to read this, when I first went into the "Admin Console", it wouldn't let me proceed until I agreed to the "Terms". The problem is when you click on the "Read" button to actually read the terms, it takes you to "http://www.universal-devices.com/prod-disclaimer.pdf" which throws a 404 - page not found error. So where do I find the terms that I've agreed to? Thanks for reading and any suggestions.
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