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Everything posted by eduardo_garcia

  1. Hey universal devices team, When eisy will be back on stock? Thanks Eduardo
  2. Hi guys IS EISY stand alone like ISY? I mean, does it run without any need/support from outside servers/services? Thanks Eduardo
  3. Thank you for the suggestion Hart2hart. I replaced the SD card and it fixed the issue. power supply and sd card died at the same time 😀
  4. Hello lilyoyo1 I replaced the power supply, but ISY keeps on locked on system busy status. I guess something else is broken here. I will have to wait for the new eisy. I hope Michael may ship it overseas thanks Eduardo
  5. Hello guys After 9 years of service, my ISY died last night. After I realized all morning programs were not executed, I checked ISY and all LEDs were off. I checked the power supply and it was dead (no 5V). I replaced it, ISY boot up but it works for 1 min before the RX LED stops blinking an stay on all the time. I can log in on admin control but it is looked on a system busy status. I think PLM is ok because i managed to send some commands before the system busy scenario. However, ISY stays on this infinite loop of "writing 0 bytes to devices". So, my first question is, should I move to Polisy or should I buy a new ISY? Im not familiar with Polisy, not sure if it is worth the upgrade. Thanks Eduardo
  6. @gages97 Yes, I have a 3phase power, 3 hots with 120 degrees of separation + neutral. All old houses have 220V single phase, but new constructions have 3 phase power. Is is a tentative to move all population to use 120V, but most o the home appliances that are sold here are 220V. So, even with 120V available, people keeps using 220V. All insteon devices should be on the sme "hot wire"pair or the same hot + neutral pair, otherwise you will need a insteon phase coupler.
  7. Hi guys Im curious, how did lilyoyo1 found out my nationality based on the insteon support comment? Anyways, I normally do not disclose my nationality on International forums. Sometimes latin american people are not welcome. Here I have a 3 phase powerline (3 120 degree legs of 110v) with neutral line. It means I have 110 v on neutral to phase and 220V from phase to phase. Home appliances here are all 220v, people only uses 220V config. Since I designed my house from scratch, I used 110V on my home theather room (all good receivers are 110V only) and I installed my PLM and several insteon devices on this room, very close to insteon units on a 220V circuit. It was enough to propagate insteon signal from the 110V room to the remaining units on 220V circuits by radio. It works perfectly for me. Of course I need to always use the same legs as line and neutral on the 220V insteon units. It seems that insteon as sold. I hope the new management will allow Michael to produce PLMs. Universal devices and Michel Kohanim really rocks!
  8. Thanks for all the answers. Im my country we use FCC standards, so I use the US version of insteon. The only difference is that we use 220V@60Hz, instead of 110V like in US. However, I do have the neutral line, I can convert all light circuitry to 110V. Im an electrical engineer, I have done all insteon setup here (+80 devices installed). Insteon provided an excellent support on how to use the current PLM on a 220V power grid, it works perfectly. I do have a few spare keypads/switches here, I think I can manage it for a few years. My main concern is the PLM, I have 1 new and one refurbished (I personally replaced all capacitors on on a failed unit, it worked very well). I tested several options before choosing insteon, it was by far the best option in the market. It is a shame that is another victim of this pandemic.
  9. Hello guys It is been a long time since the last time i posted here. I just got the news that insteon is out of business, and I need to start plan to replace the the units that may fail in the future. I'm from overseas and I picked up insteon because it was easy to buy from smarthome , ISY support is fantastic and insteon supports 220V power source. I can change the power grip here to 110V, but it is expensive. I need to rebuild all electrical instalation at my house. So, my main question is? there is any other smart switch in the market that supports 220V? If the answer is no, what is the best option to to replace insteon? thanks Eduardo
  10. guys My prepaired PLM died 18 months after I repaired it. I think it is time to use a new one. I got a new one version 2.2. Lets see how much time for a new failure regards Eduardo
  11. Guys Let me share my experience with 2413s repair. About 2 months ago, I started to experience several communication failures, specially when ISY should receive device status changes (to trigger programs). It was getting worst everyday, until I had a complete failure. My PLM led was on but it was not working. After unplug/plug PLM, the led turned off and never lit again. I replace the caps and the led lit again, I was able to send commands thru ISY but ISY status was not being updated. It seems that ISY was send commands but not receiving anything. I performed a restore all devices command, and after that everything started to work as designed ( I guess due to the PLM reset). To be honest, I think the communication is even faster now. I guess one of the caps is part of the powerline modem filter, and the bad cap was causing comms failure before the PLM complete failure. Bottom line, if your PLM is old (approaching 2 years of service) and you start to see comms failure, I think your should replace the caps. Dont wait for the complete plm failure. best regards ps: Michael, what about the universal devices PLM?
  12. Hello Michel I'm glad I could help. best regards Eduardo
  13. Hello I've just sent the screenshots.. regards Eduardo
  14. Hello Michel Yes, they are. I recently moved to a MAC pc, not sure if it is related. I can only see membership menu for the keys b - h of my 8 button keypads. I can provide a screenshot if necessary. regards Eduardo
  15. Michel I'm not seeing the "membership"area when I click on any device. I only see it when I click on keypad buttons b to h. Is is a know issue on 5.0? regards Eduardo
  16. I've just sent mine. I'm also on 5.0
  17. Mine is v.42...
  18. The led is on the side next to set button. Any hints on how to factory reset this unit?
  19. Hello guys Thanks for all the replies. I linked morninglinc with my lock and then I linked to ISY, but I erased the existing links. After that nothing worked (tapping set button on morninglinc or commands thru isy was not working) I tried to factory reset, but the device never beep and the led does not turn on while I'm holding the set button. I managed to link morninglinc to the lock again, but it very unreliable using set button (it was working fine before isy). When I link it to isy with the correct procedure, nothing works again. I think I need to perform the factory reset, but all the procedures I found failed. The morninglinc version is v.42. Best regards Eduardo
  20. The procedure is not working. I plug the device holding the set button, but the led never turn on until a release the set button. The led should turn on while I'm holding the button. Any hints?
  21. Thanks.. I did not find the old version of it when I searched.
  22. Hello I did the same mistake. How do I factory reset morninglinc? regards Eduardo
  23. guys is it possible to stop all querries and not necessary updates on battery operated devices? Sometimes my ISY lock up trying to query a battery remote, and the only way to recover it is doing a ISY reset. regards Eduardo
  24. Guys Is it possible to measure the how much time a certain insteon switch is on on a period of time using isy? I´m looking for ways to measure my power consumption, and I need to know which lamps are more used on a daily basis. regards Eduardo
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