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Tim McDermott

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Everything posted by Tim McDermott

  1. Nothing like bringing back the 70's. I had that X-10 BSR ultrasonic remote system in my first apartment. I'm not sure it's something I care to revisit.
  2. Smarthome continues to show their customer base such distain!
  3. FYI, just got an Email from Smarthome offering 30% sale including the 8 remaining Insteon SKUs they have in stock. These include 6 and 8 key keypads. Get them while you can.
  4. FYI, just got an Email from Smarthome offering 30% sale including the 8 remaining Insteon SKUs they have in stock. These include 6 and 8 key keypads. Get them while you can.
  5. I've ordered a 2448A7 dongle on Ebay for $30. I guess I'll keep it on hand for the inevitable failure of my 2413s. I've got way too much invested in Insteon to abandon it anytime soon.
  6. R That's great news. Thank you.
  7. I apologize if this has been asked and answered, but can anyone speak to support for USB support for either an Insteon adapter such as the 2448A7 or an USB PLM. I'm thinking of a USB port on Polisy, but also any other implementation. Thanks to Insteon's dual-band retransmission, an inexpensive 2448A7 would seem to be all that would be necessary to replace a failed serial PLM.
  8. FYI, for those of you anxious to give Insteon the boot, the only eBay listing I could find for a 2413s just sold for $217.50 used. I, for one am not in a position to scrap years of effort and dozens of installed devices just yet. I guess I'm just fortunate to have bought an extra 2413s and various other devices back when Smarthome had actually offered significant discounts on Insteon devices. Z-Wave may be touted as a suitable replacement, but we all know it is a false equivalency. I've found the reliability of their dual-band approach unmatched, especially for my outbuildings. And their breadth of compatable products and ease of interoperability remain unmatched. I choose to remain hopeful.
  9. Michel, perhaps you should approach Smartest House to include Polisy in their list of supported hubs.
  10. Just received. Perhaps there's hope? Update for Case 1163606 - "Product Availability" Hi Timothy, Thank you for contacting Smarthome Support. Our apologies for the inconvenience caused. We understand that you would like to know about the availability of our products, we would be happy to assist you further! Unfortunately, we are sorry to inform you that the Insteon Dimmer Switch (Item # 2477D) is out of stock (backorder) due to component shortages, and currently, we do not have an ETA on when the Insteon Dimmer Switch (Item # 2477D) will be back in stock, but we hope to have products back in stock by mid of this year. Again we apologize for the inconvenience caused. We are sorry for the delay in responding to your email. Feel Free to write to us for any further assistance. Regards, Martin Brown
  11. I agree the "hardware centric" aspect of Insteon is probably its most valuable feature. It's a real comfort to be able to continue to access my devices via say a Mini Remote in the infrequent times Alexa is unavailable, for whatever reason. And the instantaneous reaction of scenes is unbeatable.
  12. Worried, yeah. I doubt many of us have replacements stashed away to hold us until '26, especially given Insteon's notorious failure rate. Fortunately, I had the foresight to lay in an extra 2413s and some 2477ds. Having a whole-house surge suppressor has seemed to have decreased my fail rate significantly, as well. Perhaps a white knight will purchase Insteon's IP and resurrect to line soon.
  13. I'm now seeing a few folks selling capacitor replacement kits for the various Insteon PLMs. Rather than paying over $150 for the one 2413s I found on eBay, I went ahead and ordered a kit. There's certainly nothing more central to the continued use of our install base of Insteon devices than a PLM! I'm afraid this is what we've come to--repairing what we're got. I sure wish I had checked Smarthome before just highly recommending an Insteon/ISY base for a new home automation project a friend is considering.
  14. Had the same problem, but appears to have resolved spontaneously. Thank goodness as I wasn't up extensive troubleshooting.
  15. If you make use of even a fraction of the possible applications, I feel confident you will soon find Echo functionality to be nearly indespensible. With time you will grow into it, making use of features you never expected. I certainly did. I now have voice control over every single light in my home, my irrigation system, my locks, security cameras, whole-house water cut-off, and network resets. Of course many of these functions are not native to the "Echo-system," but with time you may, as I did incorporate a "multi-protocol" hub that will allow maximum connectivity and versatility. Personally, I recommend Universal Devices' ISY hubs should you get to that point. In summary, Go For It. Your minimal investment will pay seemingly endless returns.
  16. Duane, the problem you are reporting happens to be a pet peeve of mine. What you are experiencing is not specifically related to the hidden door sensor, but the "Status" command. ISY no longer supports this command since the ISY "Skill" was eliminated.
  17. Funny, or not really, I too am having a problem with the hidden door switch. Previously, I had a sweet setup where, thru my ISY I was notified that my mail had arrived when the mailbox was opened and closed. ISY would send SMS and Email, and Alexa would both "announce" and "notify" when triggered by the switch. No more. I can't for the life of me get Alexa to do her part of this anymore. Help?
  18. Amazon provides for this via "Smart Home Groups." Search for help on that in the Alexa app. Basically, you create a group of devices that includes one Echo device.
  19. Yes, as an Alexa user I can say that a routine is the best way to go. Quite easy.
  20. Benoit, I'm not sure it will be if any help, but I believe I WAS having the same problem with my thermostat for about a week, but seems resolved now that I check it again.
  21. I do miss the "Ststus" command that was lost when they killed the ISY skill. I, too had hoped they would have planned on implementing replacements for ALL the commands in the skills.
  22. Great idea, Gweempose. I don't suppose you'd mind providing a look at that code?
  23. As an aside, I found that I had to run the Alexa app on a device other than my Fire tablet. For some reason Discover and Forget Devices don't appear in all GUIs.
  24. I've had such a setup with a Schlage Z wave lockset. A couple of notes: As Michel mentioned, Z wave doesn't travel well with only a single device. I addressed this by placing a directional antenna in my attic. I've forgotten the frequency range now, but it overlaps some common standards. Also, Schlage locksets can be set to automatically relock after 30seconds. I hope this helps. Tim
  25. I'm sure glad to hear there is progress on the Unlock front. I happen to have a Schlage lockset, so I hope this will be a universal solution.
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