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Community Answers

  1. I gave up on the wireless tags as they were unreliable. I switched to yolink 2 years ago. Long range, reliable, great battery life. I have 35 of them now all over the house. On the pool they monitor the water level, pool temp, and incoming and outgoing solar panel temps
  2. I had the issue too. Am running on an iMac. I cleared my cache and reloaded the installer. The problem was still there. After about 2 days it went away and is bac k to normal.
  3. I have been running Kasa for many months. FYI here are my parameters
  4. FYI I have 26 YOlink devices all running from a single hub in the center of my 2 story house. At least 5 are about 250 feet away from the hub. No issues.
  5. I have used the yolink for almost 2 years now. I second what @dwengravitz said. Great Product
  6. If you want email me. It is not that hard. I can forward a link.
  7. @photogeek54 As I assume you know by now, Benoit found the issue that related to the version number and has fixed it temporarily. When you make the change he requested, could you also make a change for me. I understand the part about having to add the custom parameter for the Api key. Could you have the custom parameter come up with the key word api_key filled in. That way I only have to add the key itself. It took me a couple tries to figure out that it had to be api_key. Not knowing that it needed the underscore, for us non programming folks, might help make it easier. Thanks
  8. @bpwwer @photogeek54 bpwwer thanks for the analysis. I logged in and out of PG3X, rebooted the polisy. Also tried manually logging into the portal to check my license....license was/is good. I can get into the portal manually and rebooting/logging out did not help. I will open a ticket Thanks Steve
  9. @photogeek54@Javi Yes it was the non production version. I get the message "Successfully checked for purchased node servers" ,but then the popup to install it, never comes up. I have tried other node servers and don't have the issue. I looked in the PG3 log and it appears I am getting a "failed to get license error". I have attached the log below. Please note the error around 6:32 am. this morning Maybe my license has gone bad? Is there some way for me to bypass this step and do a manual install? pg3_3-3-2024_63623_AM.zip
  10. @photogeek54 Hi I have been running this for some time v 1.1.04. I recently had a battery die and had to have it replaced. Multiple batteries showed up so I thought a good way to clean things up would be to delete the plug in and reinstall it from the non production store. I can't get it to install. I click the install button and nothing happens. Any ideas on what to do? Thanks
  11. @shbatm Are you around? Still wondering about the status on this Steve @Michel Kohanim
  12. for anyone watching the original thread has been unlocked I will place any further comments there.
  13. @Michel Kohanim @shbatm Michael Please refer to the topic ( see below ) I started in this thread with the same name on June 4th. It has been locked now or I would have commented there. In the last 3 or 4 posts you and shbatm had a quite detailed discussion about what the real technical issue was. Was above my level of understanding. At the 50,000 foot level the node server works fine and populates all info in both the admin console and Home Assistant. The problem is that the names that show up in HA all have names like custom control. It makes it difficult to use them if not impossible. Let me know if you still have any questions. Thanks "How to use Solaredge info in HA By stevehoyt June 4, 2023 in Home Assistant"
  14. @shbatm Have you seen this?
  15. Hi @shbatm @Michel Kohanim I opened the above topic back in June. The topic is now closed and I believe you and Michael were going to get together after he made some changes. See the 2 quotes below. @shbatm, Thank you very much! Will contact you as soon as we're ready. With kind regards, Michel In any case I still have the issue with node values being just named "custom controls. When I look at the data in HA for this node, I have a sensor entity id called "sensor.energy_last_15min". So far so good. Upon further inspection under attributes, I see custom control 0 -4 which has the rest of the data. So here is my problem/question(s). I have no idea what each custom control represents. I can figure it out by comparing what I see in the admin console to the values for the custom control. 1) Is it unreasonable given this architecture to be able to have these custom controls broken out into specific attributes with a representative name. I was wondering if any progress has been made. Thanks Steve
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