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Everything posted by groovejumper

  1. Hi Michel, 10 hours <> tardy! I had a feeling I was going to need that cable, I will have to go digging though, as I have boxes and boxes of cables in the basement. I do have a backup, from September 9th (2.6.7 release date), it's been a busy fall so I believe that I'll be able to re-do the programming I've done since then (not actually that much). I'll post my results after I find the serial cable. Thanks! g.
  2. Had a power outage a few days ago, ever since my 99ir/pro does this: Power, TX, and RX are steady on, Mem is off, and Error flashes (one second on, one second off). I've tried removing the cable between PLM and ISY, just unplugging the PLM with the cable in, and unplugging/replugging the PLM with the cable out, then putting the cable back in. All same results, nothing's working... What should I try next? g.
  3. I suppose I should just finish my programming - I was attempting to test the scene off/scene on/scene off/scene on with the existing ramp rates to see if the effect came out right. So I actually hadn't put in the other trigger yet (KPL button as you surmized), rather I just had the single trigger and was running the program from the admin console. Doh! g.
  4. I went ahead and tried it, unfortunately the same thing happens: "Hallway Flasher A" If Status 'Hallway KPL 2 A' is not Off Then Run Program 'Hallway Flasher B' (Then Path) "Hallway Flasher B" Set Scene 'Hallway Scene' Off Set Scene 'Hallway Scene' On Set Scene 'Hallway Scene' Off Set Scene 'Hallway Scene' On Results in an endless loop, the lights flash forever (until I manage to disable the program). g.
  5. I thought of that (but didn't try it) - when the 2nd proggy turns the lights on, would it not then trigger the 1st program again? g.
  6. Think "end of intermission at a play" - the lights dim and come up a few times to let folks know that intermission's almost over. I have a few applications for this, like calling kids from their rooms for Supper. I'm trying to create programs that will check to see if a specific light fixture's on (indicating that someone's in the room, awake, and doing something). If it is, I'd like to do a quick dim/ramp 2 or 3 times, leaving it at the previous level (or at least the normal on-level). If the light is already off, nothing should happen, as I don't want to have wasteful ons/offs, and don't want to wake people up who are sleeping. Here's an example of what I have: If Status 'Basement' is not Off Then Set Scene 'Basement Scene' Off Set Scene 'Basement Scene' On Set Scene 'Basement Scene' Off Set Scene 'Basement Scene' On The problem is that after the first flash (off, on), the program is triggered again and things get ugly (loop). Any thoughts on how to approach this better? g.
  7. For the type of action, choose "Adjust Scene" instead of "Insteon". Ok, got it. I actually wasn't getting that option in my menu, I had upgraded the ISY and cleared my Java cache. After rebooting my laptop and logging in to the ISY again I now have the option. Thanks! g.
  8. This is exciting, I have several applications for this... But I must be missing something, I don't see how to do this? I would assume that this is a new program Action, but when choosing an Action of Insteon and choosing the device in question, the drop-down appears to be the same as before, that's where I would assume to find items like "On Level", "Ramp Rate", along with boxes to put in the values? g.
  9. I'm up for the beta - iPod Touch 16GB f/w 2.0, ISY99i/IR Pro fw/2.6.6. About 25 dimmers, 5 relays, 2 keypads, and a controlinc. g.
  10. I'm getting the same thing on my ISY99 IR Pro. Just for kicks I tried the ISY26 link (in case they were reversed, maybe not such a good idea?) but it doesn't work either... g.
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