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Everything posted by snowtech

  1. This was just a joke... i dont think this is convenient to use...
  2. I have used that before, ISY has no audio output so we need a raspberry pi to work... somehow I "over used it" and google api blocked my ip... no more TTS. But Google TTS voice is the nicest one... im still using TTS through Rpi but i would love to find a way to trigger the google home to speak.
  3. Hi guys... I made my own way of sending command to google to speak... its a funny way though:
  4. Let me know what you guys think about this solution. I was trying to make a TTS using Google platform instead of Raspberry Pi... I gave up and made this video for the matter of fun and to accomplish my goal. I did it! I want to create a channel on Youtube called Automate That! where I would make integration of funny things just for the matter of possibility. Subscribe to my channel please? Thank you!
  5. Oh mannnnnn...? I already had a server running all my notifications and programs on the Rpi i installed the node... Everything stopped working, even the display i had with all the status of my home... ?
  6. snowtech

    ISY app

    Thanks for all the replies. In regards of Samsung Smartthings, Im not saying anything about their system, I made it clear in regards of their UI and Design, it looks fresh, light, modern, up to date. Mobilinc to me looks like a Microsoft Windows 3.1 or the first iphone OS Agree on the fact that ISY is an automated product, but we do need some controls over the internet to make changes. Im embarrassed offering Mobilinc as the option to my clients when I fully automated their home. I dont think UD would be competing against Mobilinc since looks like Mobilinc is not even competing... Its been the same app since day one. Look at all Operational Systems. Even not being a huge fan of iphones, but if you see what their UI looked when they launched and whats now, its a completely different UI. Mobilinc for being an application company, should be on top of this too. Ive tried Agave and eKeypad ... still think Mobilinc has a bigger potential. What I want to achieve is us agreeing on this and call their attention for a better product, Im sure all of you agreed that the price for the app was high compared to what we get... (not even mentioning all the extra module inside of the app) just the fact that the last update was in 2015, that says a lot.
  7. snowtech

    ISY app

    Hi guys. Ive been using ISY for around 10 years now... in those 10 years ive tried different systems but for ME there is nothing better than ISY... but whats killing me and I think we should be together on this, is a fact that UD doesnt have their own app for ISY. Mobilinc is pretty much the only "ok" one out there and looks like they just dont care... Now we have the new poliglot feature and nodes that mobilinc doesnt know how to read... besides that, their user interface is ugly, limited, expensive, monthly paid and outdated... look at apps like NeoControl... even Samsung Smartthings... I just think this is like a really good singer with the worst manager... bad representing... I dont mean to be protesting here but i think we need a change... Ive been sending messages to Mobilinc support and they said they were working on something but that was last year, who knows... "Thanks for reaching out! I’m right in the middle of writing a brand new MobiLinc app that unifies iOS and Android as well as completely overhauls the UI to make it sleek and modern. I’ll add your email to the beta invite list when I’m ready to launch for beta testing…Planning on early Q1 2019"
  8. Awesome! Thanks for the tip! I will get some more info in regards of this system! Thanks a lot!
  9. Well, Im an integrator. These days people are "educated" in regards of home automation. So me having experience with Smartthings is a plus, always... even though its garbage, it steals all of your information and sell it to 3rd party people you dont know, I want to get familiar and see all the pros and cons. So answering the question about why Smartthings, it is the most one that all customers with low budget question me about. So if I can go and make some dollars helping them, why not... But because I like to go all in, I want to dive into it to see all possibilities.
  10. Price-wise and open more options inside the automation... I know its zigbee but now I will be able to use Zigbee devices too.
  11. Hi guys, Im reviving this... I want to add a ST hub to my ISY for the simple purpose of read their Multi Purpose Sensors (which I need them to read temperature in each room). Do you guys know if me adding the ST hub to ISY, I would be able to run ISY programs based on Sensors readings? My idea is to read the temperature in each room to make a program to run booster fans inside the air ducts to bring heat/cold air to those rooms in need... Thanks in advance guys
  12. Are you familiar with Raspberry Pi? Rpi goes really well with ISY for this "extra" programming. Setup a webserver on the RPi with php enabled Create a php file that would receive the information from network Resource and create the TXT file with the info you want. You can even send the variable back to ISY using Rpi. If you need help setting this up, let me know, Thiago
  13. Have you considered a raspberry pi for this project? I tried using routines for alexa and that sucks... It takes around 1 minute for you to get the audible alert. Using Network Resources you can trigger the rpi to say whatever you want. Its way easier and once you have the system running, you only need to change the line on the Network Resource for each alert...
  14. Yep, this solution needs more knowledge than I have... Thanks guys for all the input
  15. I actually had to disable my Query All program because it was triggering my garage to open... I don't know why... that must be the reason then...
  16. Thanks again Brian for your answer... That goes a little beyond my knowledges... which wire should I use to sense?
  17. Hi Paul, thanks for your time in going to your garage to take a picture I understand what you are saying, It makes sense. I will check mine as well, so if this is happening maybe a longer sensor would avoid that...
  18. Hi Brian, thanks for the answer. I have the sensors really close to each other, I even made a cut on my door to make everything fit perfectly. Im assuming I can't retrieve this gap notification from the home depot ones...
  19. Hey guys again, I should have been passed that level already, but since I got my Garage Sensor/Control kit, I've been having issues with it. Im using the IO Linc with magnetic sensors (I bought the sensors at home depot, they are way smaller than the ones they sell at smarthome.com), the magnetics do sense when the doors are open or closed. The issue is that sometimes, no really often but most of the times when Im not home, I get the notification that the garage door is open and If I check my camera, they are closed (I have 2 doors). Sometimes it happens to one door, sometimes with the other. So I open the door and close it again, then the status updates to closed... And when Im home and I get that notification, my keypad light is ON telling me that the door is open. Ive tried installing the wireless Open/Close Door sensor and believe it or not, Im also having issue with them not telling me the right status. So here my thoughts: Maybe the magnetic sensor is not compatible with my IOLinc (because I bought them at home depot) Maybe Im having a magnetic interference Maybe because I have a metal structure that holds the door, that is interfering with my contacts... Any idea guys? Should I get a new garage kit and replace the one I have to start all over? Thank you all for all the inputs!
  20. Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone would have any idea to monitor an oven if its ON for a long period of time to avoid an accident... And based on conditions to trigger notifications. I thought about a thermostat on top of it, but doesn't look good. I thought also on Insteon Power Synching Controller, but that doesn't fit that huge plug... So guys, any other solution ? Thank you!
  21. Thanks my friend! Thats a really useful information. I already have 2 businesses but for sure there is lot of good info on that link!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. hahahahah ! Thats what its all about!
  23. Thanks guys for all the answers!! I really appreciate all the inputs so far. I have my house fully automated and it goes a bit beyond what we see on the internet. I have voice commands, automatic musics, crazy programing for when away (even playing loud music when away), hue lights telling me the outside weather before i leave to work, wake up light the simulates sunrise followed by a audio information of whatever I want(weather, traffic, news, sports, stocks...) , notifications when we finish washing clothes, rain sensor to not activate sprinkler system, when arriving home without touching my phone it listens to my command of what i want, like open garage door, turn driveway lights, play music inside the house, when I press the good night button and I forgot a door open, it tells me on a speaker by voice, what I forgot opened... So with all of that, I people when visit my home they all love but I dont see anyone convinced about having a system like that. So maybe I think thats too overwhelming for them that they dont care or I dont know... I heard that if you try to convince someone they need a HA, you are wasting your time. So thats the reason why Im lost. My view of HA is the house working for you to make you save time to what it matters. I wanted to put on a paper solutions for people and try to sell those ideas. And then once they let me in, I start showing them what else they can have. Im also trying to find a solution for blinds And I should get into the saving energy part of ISY Take care guys and tell me what you think. Thank you!!? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Hi guys! I am a insteon dealer and Ive been playing a lot with the system... I didnt focus a lot in selling the system (ive sold a few solutions though). Now my main job is getting really slow and I want to start this new automation business. My "problem" is that ive been digging so much the possibilities that I went too far with ideas, each "door/idea" I open, I find another 10 doors and I kept on going... So I would have to go back to the starting point and see how I can offer the system to customers. Can anyone help me with that please? I though of creating packages for people but once I think the Isy is better than the regular Insteon Hub (I never tried but Im assuming there is no variables and conditions) that makes my ideas of packages expensive just for a notification that a door is open or you left the house and the garage door was left open... Because being honest, selling the idea that you can just control the lights with your phone doesnt even convince me... So if there is a better approach I can use or ideas, I would be trully appreciated. Thank you very much for taking your time to read and help. And happy new year! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Im running on command line with shell, python and php I use aplay to load library and play it.
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