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Everything posted by rayg

  1. I cannot seem to find the right structure for accessing the Node Server Data Element for OpenWeatherMap Temperature in my email body. Is it possible (or upcoming) to Store this value into an internal ISY variable? Thanks ...Ray
  2. Thanks I like the idea especially the smart use of the ELSE clause. I am testing it now. As for Disabling the others do I really have to do that? They would never run on a temperature change event would they? Thanks again for the reply. ...Ray
  3. I thought for sure I'd get several suggestions.
  4. FYI the heater keeps a hole in the ice to allow decomposition gases to exhaust. So a few times a day I want to check the current temperature and run the heater for a variable amount of time. IF ( Time is 5am or Time is 8pm ) -- Cheap hours AND (OpenWeatherMap Temperature <= 0 and > -5.0) -- Celsius Then Set Pond Heater ON, Wait 1 Hour, Set Pond Heater OFF; Unfortunately This program (and the 2 variants I have for running 2 and 3 hours) run more often than 5am and 8pm and often leaves the device ON; What would really like is the equivalent of a CASE statement or the ability to derive and store the Wait time based on the Temperature. CASE Temp between -5 and 0 then Set waitTimeHours = 1 CASE Temp Between -10 and -5.1 then Set waitTimeHours = 2 CASE Temp < -10 THEN Set waitTimeHours = 3 Q1: What are your suggestions for achieving variable Wait times base on Temperature readings? Q2: Is there a way for the Program Name and Step to be added to the Log for viewing? Is logging granularity adjustable? Q3: Is there a way to prevent a program from running if another instance is already running? Sounds like that is a no but asking just in case. Many thanks in advance. ...Ray
  5. Hello, I would like to know what steps people would take if we found ISY was under attack from external hack either via portal / portal partner or directly from WAN? I am not a frequent user of the Admin module and would not want to pussy foot around the interface in case I needed to disconnect the ISY from the Web. I recall an option to turn off external access but that was before I became a portal users. And even if that checkbox were still there, I wonder if it would stop portal access. Thanks ...Ray
  6. Yes I would also like to know if you plan on adding this functionality. This is a very popular thermostat too but the lack of ISY integration especially queries for Temprature and humidity is a limitation for me.
  7. Has anyone looked into creating an interface to this popular wifi thermostat? http://www.emersonclimate.com/en-us/products/thermostats/sensi/pages/sensi-wifi-thermostat.aspx Its very affordable and has a nice APP to go with it but integration with ISY would be grand Thanks ...Ray
  8. Did you get this installed and working. I have a similar issue in that we use the pond as a source for our watering system. The pond is actually filled normally from our geothermal furnace when cooling (which coincides with when I need to water the lawn). But on occasion I need to add water to the pond so the idea, similar to yours would be to pump some additional water in when it gets below a certain threshold. I like your weatherproof box. Where do I find something like that?
  9. After upgrading, none of my programs are running and as a result I can't tell if my X10 stuff is working.. Insteon devices are responding but not from programs. Any suggestions? Thanks ...Ray
  10. The isy finder does not show anything.
  11. I was having difficulty with ISY sending emails and thought it might need a permanent IP assigned. I must have made a mistake entering the Ip and now the device is working fine but I can't see it on my network and obviously can't access its Web Server to run the admin console. Device is still working fine so I left it alone while I was out of town. Now I'm back and need to fix. Is my only (easiest) option to go back to factory settings and restore from backup? I don't have an adapter to go from usb to Serial in order to connect via serial and access console that way. ...Ray
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