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Everything posted by joemac

  1. I know many people have done this and I'm pretty sure I have seen this in the forum before but I am having a hard time finding it. I'm looking for details on how to set up notifications, for an electric dryer to be finished, using a CT and I/O Linc 2450. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  2. I've tried quite a few different LED bulbs. My favorite is one by Phillips called "Warm Glow" which has very good color when dimmed. This is the closest one I have found to incandescent.
  3. Restore did not work. It was well past the 2 year warranty. It is now in the trash. I never was a big fan of the light bulb. I bought it to try it out when I started with Insteon. At full brightness it was ok, but I did not like the color when dimmed. It also not a smooth transition when ramping the brightness up or down.
  4. It appears the bulb is dead. I tired in a different fixture and only got a very dim flicker out of it.
  5. Stu, I have not tried that. Will do when I get a chance.
  6. It is in a socket that always has power.
  7. Several days ago I noticed the LEDs on all of my 2477D dimmer switches briefly flashing off about every 5 seconds. Everything else was working fine so it was not high on my priority list to trouble shoot. Yesterday I turned on a rarely used light which is one of the 2672-222 LED Light bulbs. It was flashing off in sync with the dimmer switch LEDs. As you might imagine this was quite annoying so I removed the 2672-222 light bulb from the socket. Doing this also stopped the flashing LEDs on the dimmer switches. Has anyone else experienced this? Any thoughts on the cause?
  8. I did the voice training the first day I got it, so I can't say if it helped. It seems to work equally well for all family members even though I'm the only one that did the training.
  9. Thank you KeviNH. Good idea.
  10. I have a KPL button that runs a night time program, turning off all lights and turning off the back lights on the KPLs in bedrooms. Sometimes this button is pressed inadvertently. I'd like to be able to somehow undo the program run, i.e. restoring all the lights / scenes to where they were. Does anyone have any thoughts on an easy way to do this?
  11. One other person mentioned the same issue. I bought a new PLM and it is working now. I did struggle a bit to get it working after replacing the PLM. I followed the instructions on one of these forums to replace the PLM but still had issues. I reverted to my last ISY backup and then it worked. Joe
  12. I've left "lights" off of the spoken names, for example I assigned the spoken name "kitchen" to a scene. It works for me using several combinations of spoken commands to Alexa. I can say "Alexa turn on kitchen" or "Alexa turn on kitchen lights" and both work even though "lights" is not included in the spoken name field . Off commands work as expected too.
  13. Same thing happened to me. First noticed an issue 4-5 hours after setting up the Echo Connected Home. The PLM was close to 3 years old which sounds like I got a little more out of it than many others.
  14. I think my PLM is kaput. Green light does not stay on. It is V1.B 1305 just under 3 years old. Just odd that it happened the same day I was setting up the Echo.
  15. I set the up Echo yesterday and everything seemed to work great, last night I noticed some programs were not running, this morning I did some troubleshooting and I seem to have an issue with my PLM... I opened the admin console and it was in safe mode, recommended checking PLM connections and rebooting, I did that and no improvement. Is this just unfortunate coincidence that there is now a problem with the PLM or is it possible something else is going on?
  16. Here is the scenario I can not figure out. I have a kitchen with 4 lighting loads. Each lighting load is connected to a 6 button KPL in different locations. I would like all 4 KPLs to behave the same way and as follows: The top button – All Kitchen lights on The bottom button – All kitchen lights off The 4 middle buttons each assigned to control the individual loads (Main Kitchen, Island, Sink, and Cabinets) I’ve been mostly able to get it to do what I want, but lets say all the lights are off, when I press one of the 4 middle buttons, lets say Sink, I do not know how to prevent the top button (All Kitchen lights on) from lighting up on the KPL that is connected to the Sink load. Is there any way to separate control of the load from the button LED? Thanks
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