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Everything posted by kaphely

  1. Just want to say that the theme settings now survive a reboot on Mac OSX with version 4.3.3. Thank you UDI team for fixing this!
  2. Thank you UDI team! You guys are awesome!
  3. Michel Kohanim has contacted me asking for different things to test and he will look into why the themes do not survive a reboot. Again, cannot say enough that UDI's support is awesome! Thank you!
  4. Thanks Michel, I'll check that when I get home.
  5. Yes I have been contacted. I am dealing with Steve via email. Would you please explain how to enable the Java cache on Mac OSX because I looked everywhere and couldn't find how. Thanks
  6. Glad to know I am not alone in this situation. I submitted a ticket for both issues as Michel suggested. Really looking forward for feedback on this. Thanks everyone for your input!
  7. Thank you for your answer Michel, unfortunately, it does not solve my Isy finder issue. ## # Host Database # # localhost is used to configure the loopback interface # when the system is booting. Do not change this entry. ## localhost MacBookPro.home broadcasthost ::1 localhost What about the theme issue? Is there anything I can do about it or is it life with Java on a Mac as Xathros said? Thanks
  8. Well, I enabled UPnP but still the same. So there is nothing to do with these problems? That's a bit sad. I switched to Mac recently and all this was working fine when I was using Windows. Can somebody from universal devices look at this please? Thank you
  9. Hi all, I think this has been discussed a couple times here, but I can't find a solution to my problem. I installed the ISY admin console on both my MacBook Pro and Mac-mini. On both of them, the ISY Finder doesn't find my ISY. I have to add it manually to connect to it. Once I'm in the admin console, I change the theme. From this point everything will be fine, the finder will remember my ISY and the theme will remain, UNTIL I reboot. After that, I have to tell the finder again where my ISY is and change the theme again. Anybody else has these annoying issues? Is this a bug with the admin console, or there is something I can do to fix this once and for all? Thank you in advance.
  10. kaphely

    outside audio

    I have two Paradigm Stylus 370 outdoors wired to my Denon AVR-2807 on zone 2 which sits in my living room. I use an Airport express to stream music from my iTunes server. I control everything with a Logitech Harmony link and it's iOS apps and the a Apple remote app. I can then power everything on and off, switch to FM or Airport express and change the radio presets and volume. Is has been working flawlessly for two years.
  11. Just chiming in to say I get that often as well. I also need to re enter my login more than once. Usually it will work fine after the third time. I noticed it happens more when I log in to the admin console then directly go to the programs tab. I will most likely get at least a second prompt if I do that. It doesn't happen all the time but I got it on different computers. I have seen quite a few references to this problem on the forum and every time, the answer provided highlight the potential cause being a firewall. I do not really believe this theory as it works fine after the second or third attempt. If it would be the firewall, it would re prompt for login all the time. But after I login twice, I can go as long as I want playing in the admin console and I will never get another prompt. So I think this problem should be looked at from another angle as the firewall theory, although it might be the cause in some cases, does not seem to apply to the particular case we are exposing here. Hope my input will provide valuable info that can help address this issue. Thank you.
  12. Is the PLM connected to the UPS? If so you could also have an IOLinc on that ups. Then you get a 5 volt dc wall adapter to trigger the IOLinc input but you connect this adapter on a non-UPS outlet. So when the power goes out your IOLinc input would go off so the ISY would know about it and it would go on when the power gets restored. You could then trigger a program to turn on lights when the power is restored.
  13. But that would require an always on computer which I didn't want to have. I had evaluated the EVL-3, following their forums during a couple months. I found that their interface was lacking some polishing and that it had to go through the cloud for control, which is something I hate. Since I want to keep things local and that their TPI didn't seem that great for honeywell devices, I didn't go with it. Plus my solution is somewhat more secure as their is absolutely no way to disarm the system from outside since I only put relays on the quick arm buttons. This way if somebody hacks my internet connection and finds my isy, he won't be able to disarm the system. I know it is not necessarily a big plus but...
  14. I do not know if DSC systems have that feature, but my honeywell panel has two trigger output that can be programmed to be on (12V output) in certain situations. Using relays and inputs on a EZIO2x4 I am actually able to tell if the system is armed, disarmed or in alarm. I am also using the relay outputs on the EZIO2x4 to simulate quick arm button presses on an auxiliary keypad so I can remotely arm the system. It really works great. I hope you can do the same on a DSC system because I found it was the best way to link my alarm system to my ISY without spending too much.
  15. The Insteon Hub is designed to be super easy to use and will do only simple things. I would say it is designed for people that do not want to get in too deep into programming and want stuff to be plug and play. Basically, you use this to control your lights with your smartphone. If you want to do more complicated and more powerful programming, you definitely need the Isy. You can then create programs to do some actions based on different things (time/date, other lights or sensors being turned on, etc.). You can also use it to control network enabled devices in your home (smart TV for example), send infra red commands to some devices, etc. Some expansion modules are available (network, weather, X10, etc.) and different Isy flavors are available (zigbee, IR, etc.). Then adding a dedicated smartphone App like Mobilinc can make you control all these things remotely with your smartphone. To summarize, if you want it easy, use the Insteon Hub, if you want to do all kinds of crazy automation things, get the Isy! Note that my opinion might be biased as I own an Isy-994i and absolutely love it!
  16. glad to see my idea will probably work. I just don't get the why ZTH has a Heat Controller node, that is on when heat is active, if you say it cannot control anything. Won't this node be on when the temp reaches a lower level than the set point? I am asking a lot of questions as I am just trying to fully understand how this thing works to make sure I buy the right thing. I don't want to order it and then have to return it with a restocking fee if it will noit do what I want. I'm really thankful for your help by the way. It is nice to get feedbakc from somebody who actually already own the thing!
  17. Would you be using the external temp sensor capability of the ZTH in this situation? Yes and no. Actually, i would use the remote temp probe but I would modify the thermostat to use the remote probe as it's main sensor. This mod has done done and shown here on this forum.
  18. I did not plan on using any TH thermostat, just a ZTH stand alone. My idea was to create a scene with the ZTH Heat node as the controller and an IOLinc Relay as the responder. The Heat Node of the ZTH would trigger the iolinc relay when the temperature measured by the ZTH is below the ZTH set point. Are you saying this is not possible? Thanks for all your answers.
  19. Is this also true for the ZTH?
  20. kaphely


    That's good news Thank you!
  21. Does that mean I cannot change the set points from the Isy? My goal is to use the thermostat to control my pool heater (with a mod using the remote temperature probe), and the point is to be able to remotely, from work for example, set the temperature set point higher so the pool is warm when I get home. I also want to create programs that will change the set point using a schedule. So can you confirm if I can set the heat set point from the isy? Because if not, my idea just died Thanks for the help.
  22. OK Thanks for the info. Can someone tell me if the Wired version (2441TH) behaves the same? Can the temp be queried on the wired version? What are the available nodes that appear in the Isy when the 2441ZTH is added? What about the 2441TH? Also, is there a reason why the temperature cannot be queried? Or is it just a bug in the current Isy code? Thank you
  23. Hi, just a question as I plan to buy a 2441ZTH soon. Even if the current temp cannot be quieried, will it still be sent to the Isy every 60 seconds (as Shannong is mentionning) so I can know what is the current temperature using mobilinc for example? What are the nodes that get created in the Isy for the 2441ZTH? Thank you
  24. kaphely


    Really looking forward for that 5.0 release! Really seems promising. Any hint on approximately when we can get our hands on a beta of it? Please, please, please tell us more!
  25. Rapidway, you'll be able to do this using programs triggered by the smoke ridge smoke node. The only thing you will not be able to do is to figure out which smoke detector out of the 4 triggered the alarm. The smoke bridge will only have one smoke node which will be turned on when any of the detectors linked to it go in alarm.
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