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    Vancouver, BC
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Community Answers

  1. @briansSomething like this: https://www.amazon.com/Adapter-ELUTENG-Converter-Portable-External/dp/B07VP2WH73/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2ZEVFJRTHNDN7&keywords=msata%2Bto%2Busb%2Badapter&pldnSite=1&qid=1658831709&sprefix=msata%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-5&th=1
  2. @Guy Lavoie, As always, Excellent Support from UDI
  3. @Guy Lavoie, I had one of the bricked Polisy units. After upgrade, the unit would respond to ping but nothing else. The Polisy was connected to a wired network. I opened a ticked and received an image and re-flash instruction. I re-flashed, ran the upgrade, and then reloaded my backup files and all is good.
  4. MY polisy appears nearly bricked. After Upgrade Packages, it responds to ping but nothing else. All automation is non functional and PG3X web page doesn't respond.
  5. For me, the portal appears to be there but when I check the Amazon devices, I see a list of my Amazon Echo Devices with an "HTTP error 500" pop-up message on top. The reboot completed and all is working again. Thanks @bmercier
  6. SHE HEARD ME! @paulbates @Northwoods Ranger Since July 31, Alexa's voice had been dead to me! Yesterday, I responded to Paul Bates that I would look into the alternative he suggested. This Morning........She's back chatting her morning greeting to me. Here's another solution to Alexa problems: Threaten to REPLACE HER. ☹️😮🤣 I did absolutely nothing. No reboots. Not even logging into the Admin Console.
  7. Thanks @paulbates I'll look into these
  8. For me, Alexa remains mute.....I am waiting for the Claude dust to settle before jumping into this further. This sounds like a cold winter day project. Maybe a local mp3-playing device would be better outbound solution rather than suffering hear-today-gone tomorrow Alexa-speak. Do they make these recording doorbells anymore???
  9. @CPrince A year or two ago, I tried using two "The Button" and even tried one replaced under warranty and the performance was maddening! They would work for several minutes, hours, and even a day but then I would find myself "smashing" The Button many times hoping that it would turn on my desk light. Maddeningly Intermittent! Eventually, I gave up and replaced it with a wireless Insteon wall switch which has worked perfectly ever since.
  10. Thanks to everyone for your advice. @Geddy, I was testing by just manually changing the variable value from the State Variable list. Previously this worked. I agree the Alexa system seems rather shaky with things working, not working, and then working again after weeks. I'll just wait for awhile and see if she starts getting chatty again.
  11. After a Polisy reboot a few weeks ago, I am no longer hearing Alexa speak her Routing driven notifications. Only these Routines are affected. Polisy continues to respond to commands from Alexa ("Alexa - Turn on XYZ light" works) The Portal page says Polisy is connected. I have tried unlinking, relinking, and login to the V3 Alexa Skill. Routines seem to work locally via the app. State variable mapping in the portal appear to be correct. I don't know how to check if the State variable change is getting to the Portal and then onto Alexa. One thing that I noticed is that Slot 1 of my plugins list is Empty. I vaguely remember this Slot originally assigned to the UD Portal. Is this correct? Is anyone else seeing this problem? ISY version: 5.8.4 PG3x version: 3.2.27
  12. @N8N , Unfortunately the default server is UDI's server which, in the past had (Not sure if still true) a shared-by-all-of-us monthly limit for messages sent and occasionally went off-line. The advice to use Google or other SMTP server under your control was an attempt to address this unreliability. Now, with all the Google security changes, Google has also failed to work reliably. I think most of us have given-up on SMTP notification. I think that the modern accepted and reliable approach is to use a notification service like PushOver.
  13. I fixed this problem by splitting the first program into 2. One program detects dark as <= 15 lux while the second program detects light as > 25 lux. (And removing any Else clauses) For me, this prevented the little cloud rolling by near sunset from causing the it's-dark....wait no it's light flip-flopping.
  14. @leonpc, The second error that you list is the same one that you get if power is off to the LiFX light as the NS is initializing or if the IP address of the bulb has changed or if the MAC is different than specified. I also vaguely remember sometime back that LifX changed the MAC addresses (a slight 1-octet change easily missed) of their bulbs during a firmware update so the MACs given on the paperwork didn't match anymore and my previously-working devlist, created with that paperwork, stopped working. This killed my first implementation. If you created your devlist from the paperwork that came with the bulbs, you may want to check your router to be sure the MACs and IP are correct in in the devlist. At the time, I opened a ticket with LiFX. They acknowledged the change but offered no other help or suggestions. Finally, if you haven't set reserved IP addresses for your bulbs in your router, I would recommend that you do so. After fixing the MAC addresses in my devlist my NS has worked for several years now. Finally, there were rules for creating the devlist. Notepad++ was a good tool. Addresses should have lower-case letters. Names should be 14-characters or less and without special characters. Type will be 'bulb' (no quotes) or ??? (can't remember. Check the documentation if you are adding strip lights - Otherwise the type is usually bulb. Good Luck!
  15. I'm not sure why our outcomes are different but I've been using this NS on Polisy with 29 bulbs and a devlist for several years now and I haven't had problems. I am using a dd-wrt router and have reserved IPs setup in the router for each bulb.
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