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  1. lilyoyo1's post in 2413S RJ45 to DB9 adapto pinout. was marked as the answer   
    There are quite a few posts already detailing this (including the 2413s manual found online). 
  2. lilyoyo1's post in eISY install without a migration was marked as the answer   
  3. lilyoyo1's post in EISY shipping info? was marked as the answer   
    Did you receive your shipping confirmation email? That should provide your tracking infomration. Your tracking information would be the best source for eta considering its Christmas season and UDI not knowing lead teams for shipments around the country for individual users.
  4. lilyoyo1's post in What is the EISY? was marked as the answer   
    Both eisy and polisy operate the same so unless you simply want newer (and higher spec'd) equipment, you'll be fine with polisy. 
    eisy was created due to parts shortages to make polisy so it is the future. However both will see the same development over the next few years
  5. lilyoyo1's post in 2412S PLM Support was marked as the answer   
  6. lilyoyo1's post in eisy ZMatter USB was marked as the answer   
    No. But it can be used with polisy as well per the title in your link
  7. lilyoyo1's post in Pink vs. Blue in ISY Admin tree view was marked as the answer   
    The same as for scenes. Red is for controllers only. Blue is for responders/controllers.
    Your sensor can only be a controller which is why it's red.
  8. lilyoyo1's post in Insteon Switchlink Dimmer: "Fast On" works, "ON" doesn't was marked as the answer   
    Click on your controller (red) verify all devices that shows up are configured to operate the way you want them to. You can also delete the controller from the scene and re-add it. Doing so will automatically configure the device with the scene attributes. 
  9. lilyoyo1's post in Cannot initialize device database for new device was marked as the answer   
    Did you try to factory reset the device? Try bringing it closer to your polisy if it isn't close already
  10. lilyoyo1's post in ZMatter board is it actually Thread? was marked as the answer   
    Michel answered this before and the answer was yes. They called it Matter for marketing purposes as people are more aware of the name Matter than how it communicates  (thread)
  11. lilyoyo1's post in Wayne Dalton Z-Wave portable scene controller w/ ISY? was marked as the answer   
    Never even heard of it. From my experience, secondary controllers are flakey. 
    I would ensure both controllers are within range of one another since it won't work if they aren't.  After that, you'll have to follow their instructions on
  12. lilyoyo1's post in Import/add multiple devices simultaneously was marked as the answer   
    No there is not. At most you can import other linked devices as you add devices to the Isy. This method would be the fastest in getting devices into the isy. 
    With that said, most who go this route end up with issues as well as spending more time trying to clean things up than they would've had they factory their devices and set them up 1 at a time with s clean install
  13. lilyoyo1's post in Delete all devices from ISY was marked as the answer   
    Follow the factory reset instructions from the wiki.
  14. lilyoyo1's post in ISY 994i expected life was marked as the answer   
    Not sure why you feel polisy may not support insteon in a few years when UDI's next gen controller (eisy) supports insteon as well. The work for insteon is already done. They'd need to rework the whole system to remove insteon capability.
    Maybe somewhere down the line but definitely not in the near future to worry about another Isy. Besides, you'd simply be continuing on with an obsolete device
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