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  1. It isn't some quirk or laziness on Philips part that they don't do this. Any $2 LED bulb on Amazon has non-volatile memory that retains its state. Phillips has chosen, for one reason or another, to reset the bulb to standard brightness and color temp when you flip the switch. They've left it that way through several generations of bulbs. I don't know why exactly, but they've decided its better for the way their bulbs are used. I use my switch to reset my bulbs to standard all the time...I would be able to Live with it if I didn't have that feature, but I don't hate it. I don't think you really WANT it to be easy and convenient for your bulb to be disconnected from power. If its disconnected, it can no longer be controlled remotely.
  2. I may be an idiot, but I haven't even figured out HOW to access the admin console through the ISY Portal. If I connect via IP directly to my ISY, I have a button for Admin, but if I connect through the portal, the admin button isn't there, and even the 'Install Admin Console' in the settings menu doesn't work.
  3. I am constantly blown away by you and your team, and now, by Amazon as well. You've been able to so quickly get this rolled out, and involved all of us in the experience and allowed us to help along the way. Keep up the consistently great work.
  4. Same issue. I use an Insteon thermostat adapter on a Venstar thermostat. It reports as a light node and reports the set temp as a integer from 0-255, and I don't think it reports current temp at all. I think its the way Roomie reads the data coming in.. I've reported it to Roomie, I'm sure they're working on it.
  5. Soo, I don't know if this was already there, or if I just noticed it, but the ISY Skill seems to now be available in the Skill Store for Echo. I'm so excited!! How do we get in? What's the ETA on opening up the Portal to everyone? We should have a central topic that we can refer back to for the most updated info. Good work guys! Elam
  6. Hey Michel and UDI, I didn't notice anyone say this yet, but Thank you for so quickly designing and submitting a Skill for Echo to improve the functionality of our ISYs. Buying my 994i a couple years ago was the best HA purchase I've made, and its really nice that you guys do such a great job supporting and improving your product.
  7. Found the answer here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/12719-problem-plm-link-table/ For anyone looking. Thanks
  8. Thanks for getting back to me, for whatever reason I was never alerted that you posted this, just noticed it now! It does appear that my links table is a bit off, I'm only getting a count of 2, which is far fewer devices than I have. How do I restore the link table?
  9. My ISY menu doesn't seem to be updating with new information when scenes and status's change. For example I have a garage door sensor, and it doesn't get marked as "off" when the door opens. If I query the I/OLink, it does indeed change, but it won't change on its own. Same with scenes, if a scene is activated because of a timer or manually at a switch, it won't get updated as on in the ISY until I query the devices. This causes problems with programs that rely on these state changes, like the one that turns on the lights when someone opens the garage door. It seems to have started happening randomly, I made no changes to the system.
  10. Thank you Michel, as usual your advice worked perfectly.
  11. Recently, every time I try to back up, I get an error message about "Unable to create zip" and another message that says "Could not retrieve file /CONF/NET/76.res" Any idea why this would be happening and how I can fix it. We've made so many changes recently we need to back up our work. Thanks
  12. So I think Roomie is going to be my iOS unified Automation app of choice. Its complicated but you can design remotes to work EXACTLY how you work, and it has fairly decent integration with every single device I use. I will be able to control my Hue Bulbs, Insteon equipment, and all my AV stuff in every room from one app. I've run into a programing snag though. When programing in my Insteon Thermostat adapter (Venstar Thermo w/ V2 Insteon adapter) into a Roomie remote, I'm having trouble getting the right feedback from the Thermostat. I've attached screenshots below, but basically I have two buttons turning temps up and down (using the brighten and dim commands sent to the Therm) and those are working. However the "Feedback" I'm getting doesn't make sense to me. I have a window showing feedback from my thermostat's primary node, but I'm getting a number that fluctuates between 144-146. I don't know what this means. I originally thought it was my temp being displayed in a range from 1-250 the way insteon sometimes reports stuff, but the number doesn't change with either set temp or with current temp. Is there a different node I should be entering to get current temp/set temp feedback?
  13. ENrgStar

    Bedroom Sensor

    I created a program (attached photo below) that turns on the bedroom light for 45 seconds, then Alerts me when it's about to turn off, waits an additional 15 seconds, and then turns the bedroom light off. The problem is, if I just walk into the bedroom quickly, and then walk out, the light never turns off. The reason this is happening is because the motion sensor has a 30 second "timeout". After those 30 seconds the motion sensor reports "off" and the program becomes false. Since the program switches to "false" before the final off command can be executed, the light remains on. The easiest solution would be to increase the timeout, unfortunately the 30 second timeout is a requirement for different unrelated program, so I can't change it. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get the program to continue executing, in spite of the fact that the motion sensor reports "off" without changing my time out?
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