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  1. Had this issue as well. Alexa could not reach devices. After two reboots, it began working again.
  2. Did a delete and reinstall. That got it working again.
  3. I've been using DavisWeather for some time and I am currently on 2.0.3. Recently my VP2 died so I purchased a new station. Both showed in Weatherlink with Unique IDs. Though I updated the DeviceID in Polyglot, I do not see data from the new weather station. I only see old data from the weather station that died. I contacted Davis this morning and had them delete the old machine from my account. Now, even with the old machine gone, I still see old data from a machine that is no longer registered (below showing 82.29 inches of rain). Along with changing the Device ID change I did have a new API key generated, but using that I still see data from the old machine. Any suggestions?
  4. JohnH

    eisy bracket

    Found some m3-3s and they work nicely.
  5. JohnH

    eisy bracket

    100% certain. Box was sealed up until this morning. No screws, just the bracket.
  6. JohnH

    eisy bracket

    I'd like to mount the eisy with the bracket that was provided , however it did not come with screws. The eisy body has two m3 holes, but I want to be sure what length screw is safe before I try.
  7. Stu & KMan, After a number of guesses, followed by much help from Michel, we* have everything working. Here is what took place: I registered ISY Portal with my email address. My wife got an early relese Echo, and she set it up right away using her email. Thinking that I'd keep things simple, I used the same email address I used for ISY Portal, for Amazon, as it is connected to my wife's Amazon Prime account. Everything seemed good at the start. I did enter my spoken words on the ISY Portal and when I did the Discovery, they showed up in the list as expected. However immediately after the discovery completed, Alexa announced that she didn't find any devices. A bit contradictory to what was on the screen. Long story short, you can't use the Amazon Prime account association, as it does not fully complete the discovery process. After changing to connect to Amazon with my wife's email, everything worked perfectly. I've added about 15 devices & scenes so far, and it has been flawless The only downside of this, for me, is that I will need my wife to log in on Amazon whenever I need to discover new devices. I'm fine with that as its not something I'll need to do often. (* we = pretty much 100% Michel)
  8. I am having a similar problem. My email is on the ISY Portal. My wife got the Echo and is set up with her email. When I do the discovery, they (2 devices & 2 scenes) show up on the page, but Alexa immediately says she didn't find anything. After the discovery, when I then try to turn anything on I hear "I couldn't find a device or group named..."
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