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Everything posted by JimMc

  1. We are selling our home where my ISY has been running three programs for seven years with 100% reliability. I didn’t want to saddle the new owners with unfamiliar equipment, and the uncertainties surrounding HA made me decide to remove all of the Insteon and Z-Wave controls. It was a solid day of my time but I’ll sleep better knowing the new owners won’t be saddled with my choices. Now the news that the ISYs are all EOL-ed… What did King Solomon say about vanities? 😉
  2. Just curious regarding the PLM restore -- how in the world did you put all your battery-powered insteon devices in setting mode? I have motion sensors and lincs all over the place and it would take way more than four minutes to access them and press that damned button.
  3. JimMc

    2466SW Gone Bad?

    Why then does the 2466, a power line only device, link to and control the dual-band togglelincs? It's the ISY and/or PLM that seems to have the problem in my situation.
  4. It can be installed in front of a wall box, just not easily. The metal frame salvaged from an old toggle switch can act as a backer for the SH wall bracket. I know, a kludge at best, but it gets the job done.
  5. JimMc

    2466SW Gone Bad?

    A coincidence -- yesterday I found two of these old power line only switches and decided to use one of them to replace a togglelinc relay that had failed. I had the same result where the ISY failed to properly communicate with the 2466SW so the controller put it over in the corner wearing a dunce cap. The 2466 controls its load just fine and I can manually link it to the other Togglelinc (a virtual 3-way set up) in the room, but the ISY just doesn't like the 2466. I think it's something to do with the firmware in these ancient devices.
  6. Other than some uber-nerd playing pranks, that is not the issue. If we want/expect Insteon to be a "player" in HA going forward, it has to adopt some reasonable level of security. Otherwise it will be excluded by the much bigger companies that are bringing HA mainstream.
  7. In today's world perception is reality, and a lack of security will doom a product because competitors can and will make an issue of it. Companies like Apple, GE, Siemens, etc., are going to shape the HA landscape going forward and the tiny pissant companies like SmartLabs will get their chance to apply for a job. Not having security baked into the protocol is like showing up for work at a construction site with no shoes.
  8. Well, after more than a decade of using Insteon I've dabbled with z-wave, and it reminds me of my early days with X-frikken-10! Do I really want to put up with a HA system full of weird latencies, unknown states, and "disappeared" devices -- again? Sure, Insteon is bad in some ways, but from my perspective z-wave (as it currently stands) is worse. It sounds like the consensus here is that Insteon will dry up and blow away. OK, I could live with that, but if my choice today was between z-wave or no HA at all, I'd skip the headaches and ditch HA completely.
  9. Existing Insteon hardware has security by obscurity, so by modern definitions it is essentially an open network. If a new generation of Insteon products was introduced and it included enhanced security features in the protocol, is there any hope for backwards compatibility with our existing hardware?
  10. JimMc


    No, I'm using the iOS version of MLP, lol - the android version is even worse?. I purchase these apps with the goal of simplifying my life, not to add another layer of complexity.
  11. JimMc


    I've had the MobiLinc Pro app for a couple of years and recently signed up for the ISY Portal. Is there any reason to continue using this app? Mobilinc hasn't seen significant updates in quite a while and the UI still looks more like a prototype than a finished product.
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