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Everything posted by apnar

  1. You could look at going with a small Linux computer, like a http://www.raspberrypi.org/ or a http://beagleboard.org/products/beaglebone%20black. It'd be more of a project to tie them into the ISY but should be doable with the right combination of software. The Pi is $35 and has 17 GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins and the Beagle Bone Black runs $45 has can have up to 69 GPIO pins. In either case you'd connect in over the ethernet network and make network calls to the ISY to update variables.
  2. I don't think so. With the toggle program being disabled it should only run if it's explicitly called. I am new at this though, so I'd test it out when the baby isn't sleeping
  3. (I'm new to ISY programing so someone with more experience please correct me if I'm off base with this suggestion) It won't reduce the number of programs but you could try a different split which may help make things more manageable. You could create a disabled dedicated toggle program: If Status 'BABY - White Noise' is Off Then Set 'BABY - White Noise' On Else Set 'BABY - White Noise' Off Then make a single enabled program that calls it to do what you want: If Status 'MASTER - Fan Light' is Off And Control 'MASTER - Fan Light' is switched Off Then Run Program 'Toggle BABY - White Noise' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') That way you can hide away all your simple Toggle programs in a folder that you'll likely never need to touch and keep your single program with logic. Might even get to cut down on a few programs if you can reuse a Toggle program or two.
  4. I've really wanted to use the micro module this way but most of my uses the 100w maximum on it is way too limiting. I'd absolutely love to see a standard SwitchLinc dimmer with a sense input. Anyone know if they've ever made one or plan to? I'd try to find a 2476SS but it appears they were only on/off not dimming (not to mention only single band).
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