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About BoomerangThree

  • Birthday 07/21/1959

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Suwanee, GA
  • Interests
    Anything techie and of course ISY, Insteon, Z-Wave, programming to include learning SWIFT.
  • Occupation
    Solutions Consultant

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  1. Hi All, I have an Insteon question and thought the experienced folks here could assist. I have successfully upgraded my ISY to the Polisy, now running just the Polisy. 1. The question relates to the Insteon MS II. I have the MS II successfully turning on a Insteon Light Bulb, by linking the MS II directly to the Bulb. It won't turn off then the MS II stops detecting motion. I believe I have read that in order to do both, turn on and off, it will require a scene. Is this correct or am I missing something thru the direct linking process? Thanks for the support.
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