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Everything posted by Big517
For those unsure of how to Link the devices for this. Go To: https://my.isy.io/index.htm Click on Tools: Amazon Echo Then choose from the following: Device | Scene | Program Then select the device and type in the "Spoken Name" you expect to ask Alexa to control. I can't wait to get home and play with this! Thanks Michel!
Chuck, that link above is exactly what I purchased. You need a monitor for initial setup, however afterwards it runs headless and you can use Putty to update your rc file, and WinSCP to update files, both softwares run from your windows pc. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I too have a windows server running 24/7 mainly for Plex. Ended up buying my first RPi because of the same issues you probably ran into. Just spend the $60 and you may find yourself porting some of your windows stuff over. Good investment, most importantly it works . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Thank you for the update! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I have noticed that I cannot "TURN ON" a dimmable light.. I have to say "Alexa "brighten" device"
I completely understand that which is why I'm posting this... The strange part is when the first line was un-commented it did not work.. .only until I used the same server on line 2 uncommented did it work. DID NOT WORK 192.168.X.X:8080-ISY '192.168.X.X:8080-ISY '192.168.X.X:8083-SERVER3 '192.168.X.X:8084-SERVER4 WORKED '192.168.X.X:8080-ISY 192.168.X.X:8080-ISY '192.168.X.X:8083-SERVER3 '192.168.X.X:8084-SERVER4 Seemed strange, but might be a small bug..
Not sure if anyone else had this, but I was pulling my hair out for an entire day trying to get Barry's software to pick up the Server... In the config file there are 4 server lines... for some reason after updating the software it would ONLY find whatever server was on LINE 2 of the server lists! I copied exactly what was showing on line 1 to line 2 '192.168.X.X:8080-ISY 192.168.X.X:8080-ISY '192.168.X.X:8083-SERVER3 '192.168.X.X:8084-SERVER4 I assume I did something wrong, but this fixed it and allowed Barry's software to FIND my server... You can also test if your server is running by pulling it up in the browser as 192.168.x.x:8080
Plan on calling it Izzy for the native integration with echo. If you install and setup the Hue Emulator route you can do basic on/off commands for your lights and really anything else in your home that is controllable via REST or HTTP requests! So there will be 2 types of control respectively; "Alexa, tell Izzy to lock/unlock/set cooling/heating arm/disamrm" etc... And with the Emulator "Alexa turn on/off the (any device name)" BTW the Arm / Disarm command was just a guess since the skill is not complete, or it has not been fully disclosed by the UDI team yet.
What is the friendly name for this in BarryGordans software? I was under there impression it had to on/off or 0-100. Does this mean its possible to say "Lock the front door" or "Close the garage door"? Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
UP AND RUNNING! currently on BWS 1.1.0. I'm going to add the Harmony later since it's being delivered today and will visit on that later, but I'm curious about a few things regarding the voice commands and how the the dimming works... When I said "Alexa turn chandelier to 50%" it wouldn't work, but it did work when I said 20%... Then I looked at the URL being sent thanks to @BarryGordon's awesome piece of software, and I noticed this: ${intensity.byte}. I'm having a little bit of trouble getting the chandelier on (dimmable device) but NOT with the on/off switches... Should I change this to "Intensity.percent" to get the expected response when I say "Set brightness to 90 percent" for example?
Suggestive/subliminal marketing!?
I am interested in ceiling mount as well. Although I have a vaulted ceiling in that room I'm wondering if I placed it at the peak if it would affect the acoustics and help or hurt the mic picking up people speaking Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I thought you ALWAYS has to say the wake word before giving a command... So are you saying with the BWS or Jimbo's emulator you can simply say "turn the tv off" and it will work?!
From what I can tell this recent issue is ONLY applicable to your rpi running a more than one instance of BWS' server correct? I'll be installing tonight, and want to minimize issues so i'll be sure to run a single instance, and from what I read somewhere it will cap out a 46 devices... that should get my living room and kitchen running
Does that mean after this next submission it will also be reviewed sooner than the typical 10 days since they are assisting you directly? It's awesome you will be able to actually talk with them to get real time feedback. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Thank you for the detailed response, I took this convo offline to avoid thread hijacking.
Can anyone suggest a rpi from Amazon? I am trying to install some of this stuff on my windows PC, but am running into issues, and now that I think about it, I want something up 24/7 that I can count on so with 0 knowledge of RPI, i'm going to take the plunge to get this setup property.A Any suggestions, links would be appreciated, here is what i'm looking at: http://www.amazon.com/CanaKit-Raspberry-Complete-Original-Preloaded/dp/B008XVAVAW/ My Echo is going to be here tomorrow so i'm going to tackle this in the next 24 / 48hrs hopefully. Thanks!
Ok that should help out controlling things remotely! I'll keep an eye out for updates in the meantime and keep browsing the forums to see what other cool things i've missed
So currently there is nothing* I can do with the Portal, correct? *at least publicly
So I have the portal installed, I cannot find information on setting up the SONOS with this... currently i'm controlling it via network commands, but I cannot find Portal integration, is there anything else other than the expected forum search I should be aware of?
I've been combing through this and have an Echo in my Cart, and just purchased the ISY portal but 40 pages on this thread is a bit much, and i've combed through over half... Questions: 1. Is the RPi required? What if you actually own a Harmony Hub? 2. Will setup be more streamlined with the portal integration (final certification) we have our fingers crossed for? 3. Looking at Bluemans signature it appears I need to be running at least 3 software pieces, 2 on the RPi, and 1 on a windows computer, will this be consolidated? This is an exciting topic, and i've been gone for a couple months and I can't believe how much stuff i've missed! Just catching up now and looking forward to a lot more automating Thanks,
I've been wondering this myself... I'll take this post as an opportunity to benchmark where i'm at, and read this years from now and compare 480 programs 25 variables (minimal use of variables because when I started It was foreshadowed we would have dynamic variable use across programs) 60 Elk Devices 0 insteon Devices (for now) 1 PLM 94 Z-Wave Devices 240 Network Resources
Has anyone made any progress or experimented with this? It's time to replace my old Harmony remote. and I'm thinking of the Harmony Ultimate as well... I use iRule on my devices, but the need for a tactile universal remote is important for guests and kids in the house.
PurdueGuy, Confirmed this Works with SQBlaster PLUS! Thanks for the write up! Just to confirm the SQBlaster PLUS does work with the example you gave. It defaults to the built-in blasters. I'm not sure how to use the 4 dedicated ports (nor do I have a need at this point). I did notice that the network resource in ISY will fail about 20% of the time... Resulting in the following popup "TCP client read response filed" [Net Module Rule: 130] I've seen this popup a few times in the past however, so it may not be related to the blaster. Any insight into what may cause this?
Hello, Has anyone integrated this with ISY yet? I believe it would be similar to the Global Cache iTach IP2IR as it sends pronto hex codes. Here is the API; http://www.squareconnect.com/downloads/SQBlasterAPI.pdf If any experts can show how to set up a simple network resource to send a pronto code, i'm sure the rest would be simple to copy and implement. I'll mess with it myself and see if I can come up with anything, but i'm still learning the ISY and may prove to take a while longer... Thanks in advance to anyone who helps!