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    Fayetteville, TN

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  1. eddyk

    testing port A

    Not good......... I'm currently on 3.1.17 but my latest good back-up is 2.8.16 which it does't let me select. Can I go back to 2.8.16 ? I still have the 2.8.16 zip file. Thanks for the very quick replies.
  2. eddyk

    testing port A

    Also, I can control / Query lights just fine from ISY. Thanks.
  3. eddyk

    testing port A

    PLM links count shows -0- even after "restore PLM" ISY was rebooted several times
  4. eddyk

    testing port A

    OK, Replaced my PLM with a new 2413S and a new power supply for the ISY. Now I can "see" the plm but things is not working correctly. 1) ISY is not seeing local changes made to dimmers 2) most programs are not working. Tried to restore PLM but it did not help. Also see the green 1010 numbers in front of devices. Can you send me in the right direction? Thanks.
  5. eddyk

    testing port A

    Hi, Is there a way to test the functionality of port A on a ISY 99/IR pro? I like to find if my PLM or my ISY is causing a problem. I ca connect via the network to ISY but it tells me I'm in "safe mode". The PLM seems to factory reset normal. I replaced the cable between the ISY and the PLM (2412S) but it did not help. When I power-up the PLM / ISY the led's on the ISY come on as usual but the Receive led never goes off. I like to do some more troubleshooting so I can just replace what's broke............
  6. Hello, I'm not sure if the is a 2.8.10 issue or if it was already there before. I create a scene for leaving the house after sunset. The scene turns OFF all light indoors with a ramp rate of 30 seconds. Now, when I return home, A program turns ON (without use of a scene) some of the lights that were turned OFF with a 30 second ramp rate. The local ramp rate on all these lights is set to 0.5 seconds. When the ISY tuns the device ON (either with a program or the admin console) the light will come ON with the last used ramp rate from whatever scene turned the light OFF. (in my case 30 seconds). I can bypass this problem by only using scenes in programs to turn lights ON or OFF, but I wish I had the freedom not to have to do this. If this behavior is "INSTEON Protocol" it may just have to be that way. The Dimmers in question are 2476DH (V.28) and 2477D (V.38). I have not tested on other devices. Thanks, Eddy K.
  7. I tried to install again using the same file and it still showed 2.8.8. Then I down-loaded the file again, installed the new file and it shows 2.8.9. Eddy K.
  8. Upgrade seems to be working OK. One (small) thing: After the upgrade, when clicking HELP, ABOUT ISY reports version 2.8.8. I know the upgrade went to 2.8.9 because of the text Sunrise & Sunset is there. Also, when backing up ISY it will save as 2.8.8.
  9. I need help understanding the "WAIT" command. IF KPL button G is OFF And KPL button G is turned ON THEN WAIT 2 seconds SET Scene "for goodnight KPL button control" OFF. This program executes correctly ONLY when the WAIT command is removed. Does this mean that if the condition (IF) changed during the wait time, the program will not execute the next command in THEN If so, how do I create a timer that does not worry about the IF state once the condition was met
  10. upgrade worked good. had to use https:// to make it work from my MAC. Tried the "trend" function but got no "output file" I'm on a MAC and don't have EXCEL. I can view log files with "NUMBERS". Is it posible to get "trend" to work with "NUMBERS" as well?
  11. Thanks michel. Clearing the JAVA worked
  12. Hello, I don't get the option to "adjust a scene" in any of the "action" drop-downs when in the program screen? Am I missing something? I'm running 2.6.7.
  13. Thanks!! worked great. Absolutely. Check here: http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... IP_Address Make sure to assign it an address outside of your router's DHCP range.
  14. Hello, I understand that my router assigns a IP address to ISY. If the power goes out and returns, the ISY might have a different IP address. it's either or I have a linksys router. Is there any way to "fix" the IP address for ISY? Thanks, Eddy K.
  15. Michel, Thanks for the quick reply! Restore device worked! This was for all KPLs in my home (3). I moved my PLM to an other location to solve signal strenght issues. Could that have caused this issue?
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