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Everything posted by f.demello

  1. I did this yesterday and it seems to have fixed my issue. I did my annual battery changes and tested each one and I did get it to trigger. I think. I am not getting the normal texts I would get on a trigger though. I do get texts setup for my open/close activities. Has anyone seen this?
  2. Sorry I wasn't clear. When I started having problems with a few sensors I bought a new one. And could never get it to work.
  3. I can echo the same problems. None of my leak sensors seem to work anymore despite battery changes. And purchasing a brand new one. Other items in my system work (open/close, light sensors) Been thinking I need to find a complete new system
  4. Perfect MrBill. Thank you
  5. I'm sorry - I stated this wrong. My problem is when I switched to Verizon from AT&T. Would the same logic apply? [10digit]@mms.verizon.net. Currently using [10digit]@vtext.com per the program drop down for Verizon text
  6. Thanks MrBill - will try that this weekend
  7. Hello - I use the Leak Sensor program listed in these pages and used to get full texts from events when with Verizon. I switched to AT&T and now my texts are truncated so I don't see the entire message. I changed the text parameters to AT&T Has anyone else seen this?
  8. The other thing I find odd is when I look at the ISY now, the current state is totally blank. Before I started messing with this I had some dates filled in here. Does that indicate an issue or is that normal?
  9. Hello - definitely new batteries in these
  10. Hello - I have replaced the batteries with new Energizers. I did this for one of them Paul. Seems to have worked in that it is still listed. Not sure how to test to be sure. I am noticing a few of my leak sensors do not have Running Then for Variable Control 2. Should I just launch? I think I have done this before and it didn't help but curious why it isn't running
  11. Thanks Paul. I will give that a try. If not installed after the reset do I have to re-do the entire programming? Thank you
  12. Hello - what is the best way to do this?
  13. 1 is the new style and the other is older. New style does not appear damaged
  14. Hi Larry - They never worked out of the box. I only just touch the metal contacts to surface water normally to test so I doubt if there is water damage I believe they are this new design and will open it up and check.
  15. Hi Paul - I have an extender in my office where I am testing but I will try putting it near the PLM and se what happens. Thank you
  16. Understood Paul. Prior to this ISY update the 2 new sensors had a blank status for Heartbeat & Dry (although these have been in place for months)
  17. Hi Larry - it doesn't trigger when I place in water. I have hit the button once and tried again with no luck. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Prior to the ISY update (now every state is blank) Heartbeat/Dry were blank for the 2 new sensors. Thank you
  18. Hello - I added 2 new leak sensors in the last few months (Named Water Treatment & 2nd Fl AC (Back). Adding them worked fine but they don't work. All others worked fine except these two new sensors. Placing them in water does not trigger any alerts. I have checked & re-checked the programs. I have changed the batteries numerous times. I just updated the ISY/Admin Console to 4.7.3 and since then none of my sensors have any dates in the current status. Prior to this all sensors were fine except these 2 new ones which did not have an On in the Heartbeat status. I also attached an error log. Any troubleshooting ideas will be appreciated ISY_Error_Log_v4.7.3__Fri_2018_12.28_10_22.00_AM.txt
  19. Is there a simple way to check each device one at a time? I have some Remote Linc's as well. How do I know for sure each device is working? Thank you
  20. Seems like some of the sensors are working now. I'll work on the one's not communicating. Link cont being 0 doesn't make sense though
  21. Maybe I'm not doing it right but I am still getting a load count of 0 with the new PLM. Is it normal to go Tools/Diagnostics/Show Device Links and the system ask to select a device. I thought this reported all devices linked to the PLM? Seems difficult to get every batter device into programming mode at the same time. How do I test each device individually? Thank you
  22. Thank you. Will do
  23. PLM blue light on. Rx flashing blue Note: I recently unplugged the PLM/ISY and plugged back in from something I saw on the internet. Still getting a 0 count.
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