I've got a half a dozen 2441ZTH that I use to monitor temperatures around the house, in my camper, etc.
They were all working fine on my iSY but I cannot seem to get full functionality on the eiSY. They are v.0Ds and v.0Es, v1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6s the results are mixed so it doesn't seem version dependent.
One of them is reporting only temperature and humidity (a v.0E, v1.5). Three of them are reporting everything but temperature (v.0Es, and a v.0D).
I tried querying, waiting for days, making them hotter or colder to change the sensed temperature, relinking, factory resetting then relinking, etc.
They are all near or have been near to dual band devices. They are mostly battery powered (Energizer Lithium), but one of the problem ones is AC powered.
I've been trying to get these working for a couple of weeks now so it seems like time to ask for help