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    West Palm Beach, FL

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  1. I had not visited these forums in at least two years. Why not? Simple. My ISY 99i is still going strong. It just works. I came here today after adding a couple of new Insteon devices to control holiday lights when it dawned on me, "Hey, I wonder if the ISY support and forum are still as great as they used to be?" After a few minutes of looking around, it seems like they are. I'm in a "new" (to me - its actually far older than our previous) house now. I added a whole new set of Insteon devices to my new house a couple of years ago and the ISY didn't miss a beat. My wife couldn't wait for me to get the ISY up and running again. I haven't hung out here because I haven't needed to. My ISY just works. Day in, day out. That doesn't mean I don't love this forum and the helpful people that hang out here. It just reflects what a great product the ISY is. If you are new to ISY and came here to kick the tires before buying, all I can say is, "Buy the ISY! Now! There is no reason to wait!" In fact, I've looked for reasons to buy another one, but I just can't find any because the one I have does everything I ask it to do. I want to say a sincere thank you to Michael and the ISY team for continuing to upgrade, support, and enhance a product that I bought more than three years ago and haven't spent a cent (to them) on since. Universal-Devices and ISY still set the standard for me in terms of value. Happy Holidays to all those in ISYLand!
  2. I think I must be missing something obvious here. I've followed the steps in trying to configure remote access. I have an Apple Airport Extreme N router. The ISY has a static IP address on my network. The ISY is set to port 60000 - I changed this in trying to get this to work, but with no luck. I have forwarded port 60000 in my router to my static IP address on my network. I have looked up my public IP address. When I type in my public IP address: http://my.isp.server.address:60000/0/x, I get a "Cannot find server" page. I've tried installing a self-signed certificate. This did change the result. Any steps that I'm missing here? Any help is much appreciated.
  3. Darrell - You're right. I was mistaken. It was 2.6.8, not .7, that was very stable and that I plan on going back to this weekend. My comm issues may all be coincidence, but I'm hoping to debug my comm issues this weekend and get back to where I was with .8. Hi Jason, 2.6.8 was, I believe, the first version to offer support for the INSTEON motion sensors. I personally feel 2.6.8 was very stable.
  4. I definitely have noticed communications issues that coincide with updating to .13. As you have said, I now have scenes that do not respond. I don't quite understand this, since these scenes are, once programmed, independent of the ISY. However, I do have communications issues. This weekend (when I have time to re-add my motion sensors), I'm going to roll back to .7 to see how things go. I waited to .13, seeing the clear issues leading up to that, but .13 looked to be more stable. But, with the communications issues, that might just be a coincidence, I'm willing to roll back to see if I can get back to a stable install.
  5. Michel, Thanks for the reply. I do not get any error messages. Indeed, the "manual" sync (when I hit the "Synchronize Now" button) works fine. It did not appear to be off this morning, but I hit synchronize now and the clock jumped forward about 30 seconds -- indicating that it was, apparently, about 30 seconds slow again. Thus, it appears that my ISY is losing time for some reason. Would a power outage or surge cause this? I've changed the settings to have it automatically sync every 8 hours. I'll check it again tomorrow morning.
  6. I don't know if this has been noticed by others, but for the first time ever, I had to manually synchronize with the NTP server. My ISY had fallen about 6 minutes behind. I have the box checked for the ISY to synch every 24 hours. It isn't clear to me if the auto-sync worked or not. I noticed yesterday evening that the ISY was late by about 5 minutes in turning off lights. I didn't check the console until this morning and found it to be 6 minutes off. What would cause the ISY to get off by 5 minutes?
  7. I very much appreciate the updated firmware. I stayed on the sidelines in the recent set of betas as my attention was on work, but I finally installed 2.6.13. I had seen that others had issues with EZIO4O. I have 2 EZIO4O's being used to control drapes. After updating to this version, the links to the EZIO4O's are still there and the ISY can control them -- both manually from the console screen and with the daily programs. However, here's something weird. I had manually linked to switches (one EZIO40 to an ICON Relay and one EZIO4O to a button on a KPL). These ICON Relay and KPL buttons no longer act as controllers. Now, I never did have these set up as scenes in the ISY, because I could not get that to work (in versions < 2.6.10 or after). Thus, these were links that were outside the ISY. Why would they no longer work? If the ISY didn't know about them before, why would updating the ISY cause these links to now fail? I understand the difficulty in the fact that the EZIO's use the PLM and SH has made this very difficult. I'll add my vote to those that hope you can work with SHN to get these devices supported. I rely on the EZIO4O and the EZIO6I for drape control and contact monitoring.
  8. Juan, I think you are right to be very concerned about the safety here -- and you hit on two of the issues that came to mind as I read your first post. I use numerous EZIO's (EZIO4O's and EZIO42) in my home and love them. But, I use them on curtains (that won't crush someone) and on a garage doors that have built-for-use safeties already in them. In other words, there are so many safety items that you would want in this that I strongly recommend not using ISY/EZIO/Insteon for the primary source of safety. If you did it the way it needs to be done, you'd probably spend $500 in relays and Insteon gear to get even close to a solution and then I'd wonder about reliability. This isn't questioning EZIO, ISY, or Insteon reliability. I just don't think that they were built/designed for such a critical safety situation. I suggest trying to find a heavy-lifting garage door system built for such a purpose and then install the EZIO solution on top of that for convenience. Just my $0.02.
  9. JasonWPB

    Adjust Scene?

    Paul, A modest suggeston: Set your devices to control the SCENE with an ON LEVEL of 40% and a RAMP RATE of, say, 1.0 or 2.0 seconds. Then, use a program (ELSE branch) to set the devices to 100% (not modify the scene, just do a normal 'SET "Staircase Lights" 100%'. This might give you an immediate response as the lights default to start to 40% and then the program (with its slight delay) kicks in to raise to 100%. The ramp rate might mask the delay?
  10. Try this thread: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=1778
  11. I have a bit of an issue with this, as well. My problem is that the motion sensor seems to be sending multiple ON commands that collide with the ON commands that my ISY program is sending in response to the first ON command that it receives from the motion sensor. If I add "WAIT 1 Second" to the program before sending the light ON command, it seems to avoid the collision. As you point out, this results in a delay of about 2 seconds before the lights come on. It seems that the way to do what you want is to set the motion sensor to only send ON commands. This is accomplished through setting the jumpers, per the instructions. In my case, this won't work because I want the the lights to only come on during certain times -- thus, I need full ISY control. I'm looking forward to others' suggestions here.
  12. mohansen, This sounds to me like the PLM and lamplinc/2476D are on different phases and that there are no bridges. Are there bridges installed? If so, are they installed and linked properly? To test this, you said that the dimmer and lamplinc could be directly linked to each other. What happens if you link them and then move the lamplinc to the outlet where the PLM is? Does it still work?
  13. Just a quick note of thanks! I appreciate UDI's support of new Insteon devices, such as the motion sensor. The demonstrated ongoing support and upgrading of the ISY were key factors in my choosing the ISY. Thanks again for continuing to add value to the ISY and my Insteon installation.
  14. I have many of the same as Mike: 1. Using the ISY, all my dimmers have on-levels set to 80%. 2. ISY turns of bathroom fans automatically after 30 minutes or 10 minutes after the light in the bathroom is turned off. 3.ISY turns off closet, garage, and laundry lights 5 minutes after they come on (overrides are possible, too). 4. ISY opens drapes and turns off lights after sunrise in the living room, making use of natural light instead of using kWh. 5. (watering doesn't count for Energy Star, but in keeping with the green theme) ISY controls sprinklers so that we don't waste water when lawn/landscape doesn't need watering. 6. Here's a big one for me: Before the ISY, I would leave my computer on 24/7 to run events (not even energy-saving events). With ISY, my computer is on only when I am using it. I estimate this to save significant amounts of energy by running my computer approximately 25% (this is even conservative) less than it used to. For example, when I am out of town for a week, the computer isn't on at all. Prior to the ISY, it would have been on. If I assume the computer draws 300 W (again, this is conservative), the 25% assumption is a savings of nearly 2,000 kWh per year (assuming I've calculated correctly). Note that the PLM would have had to be connected anyway, but I don't know about the ISY's power draw -- though I would guess it is insignificant in my calculation.
  15. An alternative solution that you can use now is to disable all programs. Select them all and then simply right click and choose disable.
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