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James Peterson

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Everything posted by James Peterson

  1. The home screen should not be affected by the Data Refresh on the app. It may have been that there was a poor connection and when the app finished the refresh it was not able to refresh the nodes and assumed the devices on the home screen were no longer there and removed them.
  2. It does not. I missed this, but I will try to add it in the future. Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  3. Everything seems to be working now. I pushed the update. If you continue to see errors, let me know.
  4. Everything seems to be working now. I pushed the update. If you continue to see errors, let me know.
  5. Not more than a few days. Internal testing now.
  6. This should be fixed soon. The lastest update broke the background process that preformed this operation. I will have it out soon.
  7. Lets remove the old devices first. Settings -> Data & Sync -> Refresh Data
  8. Could you get me a debug log when this is happening so that I can see what the app is saying?
  9. I am not sure what may have caused this. Have you updated iOS recently on your device. I suppose there could be an issue with the lastest iOS software and the current version though I haven't seen anything personally. Is this continuous or a one time incident?
  10. Right now there is not. I have been working on adding ways to change the startup page, but I do not know when I will be able to get to this.
  11. @bmercier I know this is kindof a late response to this message, but if a setpoint is incremented by half values ie (20.5). What is the appropriate way to set the precision? /rest/nodes/<address>/cmd/CLISPH/235/4?prec=1 /rest/nodes/<address>/cmd/CLISPH/23.5/4
  12. I think I got this fixed. Each of our GDO should have 3 remotes a wall button and a connection to MyQ online service. Somehow the main garage door reported 5 remotes and 3 connections to MyQ. I factory reset the GDO and relinked the 3 remotes that were supposed to be attached and I have not had the problem since. I have not re-setup MyQ. So...... since I didn't do it one at a time... My GDO had 2 extra remotes attached to it and an extra connection to MyQ. Any ideas how this can happen?
  13. Besides, this is one of the MyQ GDs and you can't just connect 2 wires and close a circuit to trigger the opener any longer. Getting depparate. Pulled the batteries on all my spare remotes.
  14. There is nothing like that. I do have a newly installed RV 30amp line that runs near the garage wires, but it does not have anything attached that would turn on or off at these times. its getting more random.
  15. What the shit? I unplugged the IOlinc switch line so it could not open the garage? I just got home and it is open? So this has to be a none ISY thing right? a short? another remote? Off = Open On = Closed Doors / LargeGarage-Status Status Off Mon 2019/09/09 16:18:49 System Log
  16. It doesn't appear to be in any scenes. I opened at 3am (ISY Query all time) today with is out of character, but still an issue. Here is the log not really that much happening. I decided to pull the wires from the IOLinc until I solve this. At least this way the door won't open. I also added a program that will txt me when the IOLinc button gets triggered. DiningRoom / hvac - Main Status 71.0° Mon 2019/09/09 03:06:03 System Log DiningRoom / hvac - Main Status 72.0° Mon 2019/09/09 03:04:56 System Log DiningRoom / hvac - Main Status 71.0° Mon 2019/09/09 03:03:50 System Log DiningRoom / hvac - Main Humidity 48% Mon 2019/09/09 03:02:43 System Log DiningRoom / hvac - Main Status 72.0° Mon 2019/09/09 03:01:35 System Log Doors / Garage Door Lock Battery level 99% Mon 2019/09/09 03:01:19 System Log Doors / Front Door Lock Battery level 64% Mon 2019/09/09 03:01:07 System Log Doors / Deck Door Lock Battery level 98% Mon 2019/09/09 03:00:54 System Log Doors / LargeGarage-Button Status On Mon 2019/09/09 03:00:19 System Log DiningRoom / hvac - Main Status 71.0° Mon 2019/09/09 03:00:00 System Log DiningRoom / hvac - Main Status 72.0° Mon 2019/09/09 02:59:03 System Log DiningRoom / hvac - Main Status 71.0° Mon 2019/09/09 02:57:56 System Log DiningRoom / hvac - Main Status 72.0° Mon 2019/09/09 02:55:46 System Log DiningRoom / hvac - Main Status 71.0° Mon 2019/09/09 02:54:40 System Log
  17. I have a Chamberlain garage door that has worked flawlessly for a while, but it has recently started opening by itself. I have an IOLinc attached to it. It seems to always happen around 30 min after sunrise. Not exact, sometimes a few minutes off plus +/-. I have replaced the IOLinc, replaced the PLM, removed or disabled any programs that are related and it continues to happen. If I unplug the IOLinc it stops happening so it has to be related to this unless it is just coincidence. I have checked the logs an no programs appear to be running at that time that would affect the IOLinc. No errors in the error log. Any ideas?
  18. James Peterson


    This is unknown at this time. As long as Polisy supports the same API there should not be an issue, but I never assume.
  19. I just tried it with and without the key, no issues. Odd since for the last two days I figured it was my code, but I couldn't get it to work correctly. today all is working fine. I'll repost if it starts happening again.
  20. I do not use the <key> My system only works as long as the preferred ISY is set and the <key> is not required.
  21. I am working on adding NodeServer support to the Agave app. I am having an issue with pulling the NS files via the portal (process works fine pulling directly from ISY). process REST GET /rest/profiles/files then individually pull each file listed with REST GET /rest/profiles/family/<FAMILY>/profile/<PROFILE>/download/<DIR>/<FILE> When trying this process via the portal I am getting random data back from random files. It appears as though the portal is giving back cached data. Does anyone have any insights?
  22. Lately when I make a change or add a new device to our ISY it becomes very unresponsive and this popup remains on the screen for up to 5-10 mins. normally that popup only shows up for about a few secs and everything goes back to normal. Any suggestions?
  23. Insteon and zwave thermostats are supported. As for the heat zones. When NS are stable and are ready for Front end developers you could easily create one that did what you wanted and Agave will support it as long as it supports the thermostat model.
  24. I had this issue a couple days ago. I had to unlink and relink UD from the GH app to get it to resync.
  25. Agave Home automation website Read the Basics Agave is a simple to use Android and iOS application that controls your ISY. Download for Android Download for iOS REPORT BUGS HERE or via support@agaveha.com
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