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Everything posted by wayneph

  1. Just now getting started with Polyglot, but I think I'm in the same boat. Updated my polisy to 5.5.5 today. I was able to get into the polygot3 site. Added my local isy and then tried adding a couple of the free node servers to get a feel for them. It seemed to add one or two (one was showing up in the admin console) but then became unresponsive. I rebooted the polisy and then couldn't get into polygot3 anymore. As others have mentioned, I can get into the old polygot site and the admin console, but nothing for pg3.
  2. So... I had only looked online (not from the app) yesterday. It looks like Alexa is correctly picking them up as Fans which is good news. Since I primarily use Google Home from the phones, and Alexa from Echo/FireTV Remotes, I haven't used the Alexa app much since I can remove/update devices from the Alexa website. It seems like my problem now is just speaking clear English. I can "Set Office Fan to 2" and get it to work, but "Set Office Fan to Medium" does not. I'll have to play with a few different configurations of Spokens and Scenes to see which combination keeps my wife happy. Maybe I just go back to having a 'default' speed for each of the fans, and just use a scene. I can turn the fan on and off via voice, but I'd have to use a button/app if I want to change the speeds. That would probably keep things the simplest.
  3. Thanks @Javi, that gives me one more idea on how to set up. I've got 7 rooms with FanLincs and KPLs so I'll get to set these up multiple times. Wish there was a little more logic available in the programs for switches/nested if/else interrogation as opposed to needing 4 separate programs to monitor the status. That being said... My bigger problem right now is getting the FanLincs just added to Alexa responding like fans. I've deleted and added 2 or 3 times today with different names and they still aren't working.
  4. I've unfortunately already done that as well. When I first added it back in, I ended up with duplicates, so I had to clean out from alexa.amazon.com to get rid of the dreaded "multiple devices with the same name" message. Looking at the devices list, I have confirmed that the each fan motor's ISY Device address 'XX XX XX 2' only exists once. (Since I don't have more than one spoken for each one.) Additionally, I've verified there are no duplicate names so it isn't, or shouldn't be, finding the wrong device. What I'm not sure of... is whether or not the Fan Motor would also need to be a controller for it to "just work". Since only the buttons are controllers, I'm not sure that the scene would still stay in sync without something else if the device is controlled with voice. I've temporarily paused any more changes until I can figure out what went wrong with Alexa.
  5. Excellent. Up front, I'll probably try using the Network Resource as that will let me get something working pretty quickly. I haven't used any before, but the example above looks pretty self explanatory. I may still investigate setting up my own Python node server afterwards, but it will likely depend on free time. Thanks all.
  6. I was playing with one of my Fanlics/KPLs/Alexa to try and come up with the best combination to keep everything in sync and ended up breaking the Fanlinc integration with Alexa. At this point, Alexa discovers the device, but I am only able to turn it on (HIGH) and off. Any attempts to set MEDIUM/LOW (which previously worked) are now met with "I don't know how to set Fan Name to that setting." I've tried using a new name that doesn't match anything else in the system, and (stupidly) a removing/readding a second Fanlic which broke it as well. I have confirmed that I am choosing the 'Fan' device type on the ISY portal, but it's as if it isn't getting sent correctly to Amazon when she discovers the devices. Any suggestions? Kind of separate, but... What is the best way to set up Fans with Alexa/GH and KPLs? If I control via Voice, my scenes are getting out of Sync. I just saw the update for 5.x scenes that would let me minimize 3 scenes into 1 for Fans, but I'm not sure it will actually help. Currently I have program monitoring Fan State and setting the scene after a voice command. It works most of the time, but occasionally something gets off and ISY puts them in a loop where they cycle between the different states. Was hoping the new single scene would help alleviate that, but now I'm not sure if I can use the helper programs since I can't set scene to "Medium". I think I need to go back to my original 3 scene setup with helper programs, but if I can't get the devices to add back correctly, it won't really matter...
  7. Don't have any Z-wave at this point. Everything is still INSTEON. I do c++ programming for a living, so the APIs don't scare me. I've done some python and am getting more and more familiar with it. If there is a template out there, I should be able to do what I need. I was just hoping to find one to help with and/or modify if someone had already started down the path so I wasn't necessarily starting "from scratch". My main problem is that I don't want to spend the time on the ladder to get everything installed, so I'm leaning toward an existing solution that I can integrate. The companies I'm looking at all have trim matching tracks and can run the main wiring in the attic in a day or two. It would take me significantly more time to get it all set up. I'm not planning on having the ISY control the individual lights. I more just want to tie them into KPL switches and a handful of programs on the ISY for scheduling, etc... The one I'm looking at can control individual bulbs, so I may set up some accent and/or security lighting the rest of the year when I'm running holiday lights.
  8. Howdy all... I'm looking at having some permanent Christmas Lights installed and was curious if anyone has tied some into ISY for control. Most of them come with their own Android/iPhone apps, but I'd like to be able to tie it in with a switch and other ISY scenes. I've talked to Jellyfish Lighting and he said they had an API I could connect into. Trimlights and Everlights are the other two that install near me. Just curious if anyone else has gone down this route, or if I'm staring from scratch. All 3 products are relatively similar, so I'm leaning towards the API at this point, but if there is an ISY integration started with one of the others, I'd consider it as well. Thanks, Wayne
  9. Thank you both. I setup the spokens directly in the Portal, so they didn't come across automatically. I was flying through the posts/wikis just trying to the Alexa set up, so I probably didn't take the time to consider benefits to doing some additional leg work on the isy before pulling them all together. I just noticed that "room" is required for Google and I didn't populate it for Alexa, so even if the copy was there, I bet I would still have issues. Guess it's time to be glad I have dual monitors so I can have Alexa up on one and edit Google on the other. It's probably the fastest option at this point. Thanks again.
  10. I just went through and setup about 50 scenes in the Alexa/Echo config. I also have Android phones, so I'd like to set them up for Google Home as well. Is there a way to "copy" the spoken configuration from one to the other? Or do I need to recreate them all manually? Thanks, Wayne
  11. Just more proof for me that I needed to ask the question... I'm guessing that I would max out at 3 or 4 cameras, although if everything goes well I suppose it could go up. Ultimately, I would like to go wired, but since I am retrofitting this into a 2 story house, I have limited options based on access to certain areas. (When I replaced my HVAC, I lost my Insteon thermostat because I couldn't get 7-wire to the main level for the 2-stage control.) I was hoping to add Mobilinc for the camera access (and to get more remote device control) but as an Android user, it appears that Mobilinc won't help me with cameras. Ideally I could control the ISY and review cameras in a single application, but that may not happen with Android. At this point, my main goal is reviewing cameras after events. With the season of UPS/FedEx leaving packages on doorsteps, I'm really looking for capturing images should something go missing. Long term, I can envision wanting to control the cameras with ISY, but I think I need to start with the basics before trying to over-complicate things. I've had a few thoughts about where to locate the recording device to try and protect the device, but I haven't fully thought through it. I have a small MoCA network (serves to FireTVs that stream my TV Service from HDHomerun) that could be used to help keep the device away from the rest of my computer equipment. It's better than just wireless and allowed me to use the existing cable line for areas I couldn't get new cat5e/6 runs to. Guess I have some more research to do. We'll see if anything looks good on Cyber Monday specials.
  12. I am trying to get started with security cameras and I'm not really sure which way to go. I've got ISY with Insteon, but am pretty much just using it with switches and lamp modules at this point, but want to expand it more. Additionally, I was looking to add a motion sensor to the porch to turn on the lights as someone approaches the front door. Since there are similar requirements, trigger an action when something is moving, I was hoping to kill two birds with one stone. Are there any recommendations for products/configurations that are relatively simple to setup? I've looked at the Insteon cameras, as well as a couple IP cameras and really don't know which way to go from here. Is there anything else that I should be considering? (Or not be considering to simplify things?) I apologize for the open ended question, but I really wasn't sure how to hone in on anything more specific. Wayne
  13. Thanks everyone for the replies. It also dawned on me as I read through this that I was thinking about this all wrong. Currently the majority of my climate ISY Programs are just changing the set points in the two Thermostats, so I'm actually using the "native" control for actually turning the HVAC units on and off. What I am really looking for is the ability to use an "alternate" temperature source which is the normal purpose of the device. I think I'll end up just linking the wireless device to the Main Thermostat and putting the Wireless in Master Mode. As long as updating the wired setpoints from ISY still hold true with the Wireless set as Master, I'll be in good shape. If it will allow me to see both of the temperatures in ISY, I may link it just so that I can collect the values using a powershell script I have running against the REST interface. If nothing else it will give me one more thing to look at. Larry, although I don't think I'll end up needing it, I think I would have been OK with the report by exception. Regarding the lack of value on ISY restart, would it be possible to just Query the device the first time? From that point on, everything should be fine, right?
  14. If the wireless isn't added to the ISY, are you just using it as a remote control? For my scenario, I think I'll have to add it to ISY otherwise I don't know how I could get temperature data for driving the programs...
  15. I currently have two 2441TH Thermostats that have been running at my house for about a year. I use one each on the upstairs and downstairs units. All of my programming is controlled via the ISY so it doesn't use any of the "standard" thermostat programs. For the most part it does pretty good, but when the temperature starts dropping there are a couple rooms upstairs that get colder than the rest. The upstairs thermostat really isn't placed well with the layout of the house. Warm air from the downstairs comes up past the stairs and makes the upstairs unit think the temperature is good, so it turns off. I've seen as much as a 10-12F degree variance stepping from the hallway into the bedroom which is only a few feet from the Thermostat. In reading the multiple threads about the 2441ZTH Wireless Stat, I'm managed to confuse myself about whether it will accomplish what I need. I have picked up that the ISY implementation of the 2441ZTH isn't complete. What I would like to do is add the wireless thermostat in the bedroom, and have ISY read those values for making decisions rather than the main thermostat. I wouldn't "link" the Thermostats in the true "Master/Slave" mode. I would simply have ISY turn the furnace on based on the Wireless Temperature as opposed to the main thermostat temperature. If I understand correctly, this will "require" adding the power plug just to make sure it is sending messages back to ISY with temperature updates. I'll probably end up adding power either way, but just want to make sure I understood the device correctly. Does this sound like it would work in the ISY setup? (In the long run, I should probably have someone look at the complete HVAC design upstairs. I don't like where the single return is located, and to keep the dog in certain areas of the house during the day, I keep some doors closed further restricting airflow. I know I've got a few other issues to address, but want something simpler to start.) Thanks, Wayne
  16. Thanks again for the help. The programming doesn't concern me. I've been doing some semblance development since middle school. It's just getting used to what I am allowed (and not allowed) to do. Coming from languages where I can free form loops, nest conditionals and/or use syntax with multiple branches it's taking a little bit of time getting used to the constructs supported here. I'll get there. Just in case anyone is interested, here are the 3 programs that I ended up with for now. I'm using the two KPL buttons as the "drivers" for current state and then setting the scenes based on what actions were taken. Pressing either of the KPL buttons directly will toggle the appropriate scenes, so they don't trigger anything in the program. (Else clauses empty and omitted for space.) LampDirectOn - Turn scene on if lamp turned on directly or faded up from medium. If Control 'Upstairs / Melanie / Melanie Lamp' is switched Fast On Or Control 'Upstairs / Melanie / Melanie Lamp' is switched On Or ( Status 'Upstairs / Playroom / Keypad By Melanie / Keypad By Melanie - E' is not Off And ( Control 'Upstairs / Melanie / Melanie Lamp' is switched Fade Up ) ) Then Set Scene 'Upstairs / Melanie / Melanie Lamp High' On LampDirectOff - Turn scene off if lamp turned off directly or faded down from medium. If Control 'Upstairs / Melanie / Melanie Lamp' is switched Fast Off Or Control 'Upstairs / Melanie / Melanie Lamp' is switched Off Or ( Status 'Upstairs / Playroom / Keypad By Melanie / Keypad By Melanie - E' is not Off And ( Control 'Upstairs / Melanie / Melanie Lamp' is switched Fade Down ) ) Then Set Scene 'Upstairs / Melanie / Melanie Lamp Med' Off LampDirectMed - Turn scene to medium if lamp faded up from off or down from high. If ( Status 'Upstairs / Playroom / Keypad By Melanie / Keypad By Melanie - E' is Off And Status 'Upstairs / Playroom / Keypad By Melanie / Keypad By Melanie - F' is Off And Control 'Upstairs / Melanie / Melanie Lamp' is switched Fade Up ) Or ( Status 'Upstairs / Playroom / Keypad By Melanie / Keypad By Melanie - F' is not Off And Control 'Upstairs / Melanie / Melanie Lamp' is switched Fade Down ) Then Set Scene 'Upstairs / Melanie / Melanie Lamp Med' On
  17. Thanks guys. I had started coming to conclusion that I would need to use programs to control this. I have 3 (Laplinc Off, Lamplinc <=50, Lamplinc >50) that seem to be firing at the right time, but the actual Keypad Buttons are responding to the On/Off commands. I'm going to start looking at changing the scenes instead of trying to directly control the keypad. While I think the initial setup will be a bit more difficult (or not with all the examples), I think it will be a little bit easier later if/when I add more items into the scene. The only other thing I may need to deal with is someone holding in a LampLinc button to dim and brighten locally. I don't see that happening often, and as long as I can use the keypad buttons to "reset" things I'll be OK. Thanks again, I just started installing Insteon and ISY a couple weeks ago, so I'm still trying to figure out what all is possible and then sorting out the best method to accomplish multiple tasks.
  18. I am currently using a KeypadLinc to control some scenes. (Currently just a single LampLinc, but if I can get it working I'll probably add more lights to it.) Both of the Keypad buttons are set in toggle mode and control separate scenes. Scene 1: KeyE (Controller), KeyF (LED Off), Lamp (50%) Scene 2: KeyF (Controller), KeyE (LED Off), Lamp (100%) Alternating presses for KeyE and KeyF correctly toggle the lamp from 50% to 100% and keep the buttons in sync. Pressing the currently Active Key correctly turns off the lamp as well as the LED on both Keys. Unfortunately where the LampLinc is plugged in, occasionally it is just more convenient to press the up/down arrows which get it out of sync with the keypad toggles. Would it be possible to set up the buttons on the LampLinc to move the scene in the appropriate direction? i.e. if the lamp is Off, the Up arrow would enable Scene 1. If on Scene 1, up would go to Scene 2 and down would turn off. If on Scene 2, off would go to Scene 1. So far I haven't found a way to "override" the default actions of the buttons. Any suggestions? Or should I just avoid hitting buttons that directly control loads if I want Scenes involved from KeypadLincs?
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