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Everything posted by raymondh

  1. I factory reset it. Here's a screenshot.
  2. I sold my house so I'm selling my ISY and 3-month old PLM. Everything works! I'm thinking $250.
  3. I removed the PLM and ISY but left all the MS and switches. There is one scene set up on a Keypad but other than that, no other Insteon actions. None of the MS control anything since they were only used to trigger programs. Since the PLM is no longer there, does that mean there won't be any risk of all-on?
  4. If you have z-wave, there are these plug in motion sensors that don't use batteries. http://www.amazon.com/Express-Controls-EZMultiPli-US-EZMultiPli-Multi-Sensor/dp/B00Q3OR0CI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1446925540&sr=8-1&keywords=Z-wave+plug+in+motion+sensor
  5. I know a lot of people don't like the thought of having another PC running for HA but I was going through a lot of the same integration issues with ISY (I love the ISY by the way!) A few months ago I set up a Homeseer system that integrates with the ISY. This has allowed me to integrate voice (through remote Microsoft Kinects), distributed audio (including TTS) through Sonos, integration of security NVR that includes motion triggers and other events based on the cameras, Hue control, total AV equipment control (they do have Russound plugins). The system has been running error free since day one.
  6. I would like to have a program execute when my Elk alarm disarms from a stay instant status only. So for example, if the alarm is disarmed from an armed away status, don't run. Is there a way to do this!
  7. Flashed red every second. I moved it around with the same outcome.
  8. I used a lamp dimming module. All devices flashed red pretty much in unison.
  9. Every light switch in the house is a switchlinc and every room has at least one lamplinc. I did the 4 tap test today and every device flashed red. I thought I was supposed to see some green?
  10. It was set to remember the last on level. I have no idea how that got set.
  11. I want it to go to 100% when I turn it on by hand (the paddle). Both of those programs are in a folder that are true only late at night.
  12. I have a switchlinc that keeps setting it's local on level to (I'm guessing) 20%. I have two programs that control this light (it's not included in any scenes) that are as below. If From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) And Status 'Motion Sensors / Upstairs Bath-Sensor' is On And Status 'Upstairs Bath' < 1% Then Set 'Upstairs Bath' 20% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If Status 'Motion Sensors / Upstairs Bath-Sensor' is Off And Status 'Upstairs Bath' is 20% Then Wait 3 minutes Set 'Upstairs Bath' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Every time I run these programs then turn the light on locally, it only comes on at 20% but the ISY shows it at 100%. If I air gap the switch, local level is back to 100% I can also adjust the local level in ISY (set it to 0 then back to 100) and its good until the next time the program runs. Any ideas why this is happening?
  13. I have a windows all in one touch screen computer that I would like to setup as a home control interface. I can't seem to find a nice looking interface for the ISY. I was hoping to find something like Mobilinc for Windows. Is there anything out there?
  14. You may only be interested in insteon solutions but I thought I would mention that I'm using the arm state of my security system.
  15. raymondh

    Advice on

    I'm using the Insteon thermostats. This is the web switch I am using. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00K36JLL0/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1 $500 may sound like a lot but when you consider what it does, the quality, and how much repairing water damage would cost, it's a steal!
  16. raymondh

    Advice on

    I'm in the same situation only my second home is 2000 miles away. I have all the lights on insteon. All the doors on z-wave. Security through Elk. Cameras are all a pro install and on a seperate system that I VPN into to see. The Elk controls the garage door. Insteon controls the Elk water valve and monitors through insteon leak detectors. I would just turn the valve off when I'm not there but it's the main valve and it also shuts off the irrigation. The refrigerator is on a Z-wave energy monitored switch so I can tell if there are any issues with that. I use insteon thermostats for both zones. I use various away programs that send me updates on various run times and sensor status during the day and a summary at midnight. As I was typing this, I got a notice that it turned the front porch light on. Mobilinc tracks my location and puts the house into "hibernation" mode once I'm gone for a while. Random lighting, etc. takes place. My router and cable modem are on a web switch and it power cycles if there's a problem. It's been running great since March. I would like to web enable the irrigation at some point and also set the water valve to open only when I need to irrigate while away.
  17. Yeah, me too but I couldn't figure it out. Now with HS in the mix, I have a ton of options around TTS and mobile platforms. I'm really enjoying it.
  18. I now do this after integrating Homeseer into my ISY system. I installed HS on one of these http://www.ecs.com.tw/LIVA/spec.html Works great!
  19. I've read threads about viewing energy use but I can't find out how to use the ISY to track it for trending. Can the ISY do any graphing or display energy use over a period of time? If so, how? If not, how can I do this (recognizing I'm not a programmer)?
  20. Homeseer added to a ISY system will allow text to speech and, in my opinion, a better mobile interface through HSTouch. I've found other things such as Sonos integration easier and more complete by adding Homeseer to my ISY.
  21. Am I correct to assume that if I put a Filterlinc on the surge protector, it doesn't matter if that particular surge protector is a signal sucker?
  22. Excellent info here, thanks! In addition to whole house protection, I would like to use surge protection strips for some devices. Is there a list of which ones don't suck signals or can I just put a Filterlinc on them? Also, I'm assuming that a few UPS's are okay as long as they are on a Filterlinc, right?
  23. My brain just opened up! This solves so many issues for me!
  24. What's the reason for doing this in two programs?
  25. Can you share the details of what you are using?
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