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  1. Had to submit ticket to resolve. Issue fixed.
  2. @DennisC My above response was to @Techman. I have powered down polisy, PLM, Router, and PC previously. I used http://MY IP:8080/desc to add my polisy to the launcher. That's when I noticed that my uuid had changed. I have never see that happen before. I also get the same uuid returned if I use https://MY IP:8443/desc. I'll take a fresh look at this in the morning.
  3. I had already done that, but I just did it again and I still have the same problem.
  4. After upgrading to 5.6.0 my polisy was no longer listed in the ioX launcher. Using my IP address I was able to get to the Admin Console, but I am unable to make changes or control any devices. In addition my uuid changed. I also lost portal operation. I added the new uuid to the portal and received a message to go to the AC and approve the access request. I logged into the AC Configuration/Portal and I see 5 requested services listed (my name is on the top one). When I click on the +Approve button, I receive the message "Bad Request". Has anyone else had this issue and solved it, or is it time to submit a ticket?
  5. Hi @kewashiThis is great news. Thank you very much.
  6. Is there any information on whether a PG3 node server will be available for Hubitat.
  7. Michel, Please, feel free to include it in the Wiki.
  8. I finally got the WF2IR to work. I came across this earlier post that got me pointed in the right direction: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=4789 I must say that between the ISY Network Module and the Global Cache WF2IR hardware and software, for me, there was a fairly steep learning curve. And that is just to get it all to work. Here are some items I learned that may be helpful to someone not familiar with the Network Module or the WF2IR. If you want to use an IR Blaster, the WF2IR must have connection 3 set for IR Blaster. To check or change this, log into the WF2IR using its IP and the credentials you selected when you first added it the network. The Global Cache configuration screen appears where you can select Infrared from the menu, and change the setting for connection 3 to IR Blaster. iLearn Download the iLearn utility from the Global Cache site. There is also a short iLearn turorial available. Run the iLearn utility. Select “iTach Learner†from the drop down list under “IR Learner†Enter the IP Address of the WF2IR Click the Connect Button If successful, a Disconnect Button will replace the Connect Button. Under Capture Options, set the Connector to 3 for the IR Blaster. I left all other Capture Options to their default values. Hold the remote 1/4" from the hole on the back of the WF2IR. Press the button you want to capture, just once. In about a second the code should appear in the Edit View window. If it does not, press the remote button again, until it does. Once it does, Enter something in the Button Name box. Press the Trim Button, to eliminate extra code. Now you'll see a "Send IR" button which you can use to test the capture. Leave the Save format to "GlobalCache". Press the "Save Data" button and the code appears in the Results menu. Press "New File" to save the code into a new text file to cut/paste later. Note: the code you saved does not yet have the CR/LF. Create the Network Resource: Log into the ISY and select the Networking Module. You only have to work with the Network Resources Tab. Select "ADD" and enter something in the name field (like TV ON). Click on the field to the right where the "n/a" shows up. This opens the Resource Editor. Change Protocol from http to TCP using the drop down. You will get a warnng message, if the Host field is empty. Click ok.. Enter the IP of the WF2IR in the Host Box Change the port to 4998. Change Mode to C-Escaped. From the text file saved above, copy the code string beginning with “sendir†to the end. Paste the string (using CTL-V, Right mouse click does not work) into the Body box. Click on the end of the string and append: ,\r,\l Click the Update Button. The code will now appear in the Actual box. Click Save. You can not test it by clicking on the "Test Button" The code will be sent and a Resource Response window will open up, showing a completion or error code. The Network Resource is now available to ISY programs, under Action. The Network Resources Export function is also helpful. I downloaded the GC100_RELAYS.ZIP file from the ISY WIKI and compared the files to my own. Although the WIKI files are for the relays, it gave me some insight as to which choices to make in creating the IR Network Resource.
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