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    Greater Indianapolis & Chicago areas
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    Insteon Abductee

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  1. Thanks..gonna try another copy of Excel. Yeah, haven't upgraded it in a long time, on my laptop, which I was using! Thanks again, - Rob
  2. I pulled a UDReport.txt file from ISY994i, and into Excel, allowing macros to activate in Excel, and the resulting spreadsheet had over 65,000 entries. Such that it max'd out Excel's allowed # of rows. Because of this, I can only read the log up through 11-07-2014, and today is 11-13-2014 (when I had this issue). I then opened the file in Notepad and hand deleted about half the lines of info, leaving the first several lines, and then everything dated 11-06-2014 thru today. But, now as I go to open it in Excel, it's not properly finding a "delimiter" to separate fields. Does anyone know how wide the fields are supposed to be, for me to manually set a "Fixed Width" ...or what the delimiter is to use to get clean cells in Excel? Thanks much, - Rob
  3. I too would not recommend. I had to remove the EZIO 4 and 8 versions that I had in a client's residence, and replace with IOLincs. Mind you, this was in about 2008/09; so, I don't know if they've improved them since. However, unless I hear specifically otherwise, I don't think the mftr has. Yes, that meant many more IOLincs; but, they've performed better. I do wish they had DualBand IOLincs...maybe some day! - Rob
  4. So, I have a bunch of Program that set 2, 3, or 4 different "Scenes" using a Fast On (because they have CFL's in those ceiling can zones). After reading a bunch of the notes above, I've gone in and put a 3 second WAIT before a Scene is "set", just after a keypad or other device just transmitted. My big question: Should I be putting 3 second WAITs before each consecutive "Set Scene"? That way each Insteon Transmission has time to do "clean-up", then the house wide system can move on to the next Set Scene? 2nd big question: I had always thought the Insteon had the proper CSMA (carrier sense multiple access) "attempt and back-off" functionality built into each device, such that devices would not step on top of each other. Or, if they did, and had a collision, they would retry using a proper randomized back-off timer.....just like a zillion other technologies. Am I wrong on this?
  5. As I recall, it was a completely custom built device. I think they already had one built for another client that never had it shipped. So, I wound up being able to buy it. If any of you wind up needing such a thing, you'll probably have to have one built for you. I thought I was going to need another on the homes elevator motor; but, it ran so infrequently that I decided not to worry about it.
  6. I know your post is 1.5 years old; but, maybe this will still help you, or someone else reading here. I had a client's home with a 120vac (or was it 220vac) variable speed well-pump controller. The idea being that if the house needed more water the pump would speed up and slow down. The input was standard electrical, the output was 3-phase, and operated like a 3 winding servo controller. It created ENORMOUS noise on the powerline in the house, every time it kicked on. Took me a while to figure out that was what was creating the noise in the house (well, also because lots of other stuff was too: Samsung TV's, PC switching power supplies, some appliances in the kitchen, etc.). So, after putting the plug in filters on all tv's and PC's, and then the large 2-3 gang box brown filters from Smarthome.com on power wires coming out of the circuitbreaker panel and going to some of the appliances in the kitchen, then I turned to solving the variable speed well-pump controller. Someone, and I don't now remember who, pointed me in 2008 to Filter Concepts, Inc. Where I bought an XF50 Filter. It was tuned to block either 120KHz (X10 frequencies) and/or also to 131KHz (Insteon frequencies). It was expensive. You can get the pdf here: http://www.intesh.com/insteon/XF50_Application_7020-11.pdf . It's rated at: 50Amps 125/250VAC. Enjoy, - Rob
  7. I'm asking; because, I don't see any mention of specific support now for the newest Dualband devices in the release notes, at: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=8309 .
  8. Looked across the support forum, don't see a definitive answer to a question I have. So, sorry to ask it, probably, again! Does the latest 3.2.6 release fully support the DualBand devices now? When I installed the first couple of DaulBand devices in Fall 2011-ish timeframe, I had to manually set them to v.00. But, that kept many/some things from not being configurable. And, if Dualband KeypadLincs/SwitchLincs, etc., are fully supported now. What's the best way remotely for me to switch over to full support? For example, I have a client (which I don't live near)that now needs to get the latest firmware (if Dualband devices are recognizable now), which bought Keypad/SwitchLinc Dualband devices last fall, and I need to upgrade the firmware remotely to support these. Thanks, - Rob
  9. As often as Insteon Switchlincs/Keypadlincs/IOLincs/and InLineLincs fail to respond, even with robustly built Insteon solution (lots of filters on all flat screen TV's, backups's, etc.), extra AP's (including 2 at the base of each electrical panel), a $1,500 custom built Insteon Blocking Filter on the Variable Speed Wellpump Controller, and more........I too need what would seem to be basic email notification ability, when a module fails to respond. This would allow me to know when something is newly causing Insteon Network errors, above and beyond what had been seen for a while. Aka, something new always begins to happen. For example, lately, the front porch light switch at my client's fails to respond about every other time. A completely new issue than before. Having simple Condition Statements in the Program functions would make good sense....and help immensely. - Rob
  10. I have ISY-99i/pro. Just tried to install this upgrade using 4.6xMB file that was downloaded. It gets 2% into install and errors out. Error Screens that appear: . Any ideas about why it won't upgrade. Thanks, - Rob
  11. Yes, indeed, one of the KPL's is a v.2a. And, another is a v.29. The SWL is a v.37. Hmm...why? What do you know! Thanks, - Rob
  12. I'll also note that the physical controller for this light is a SwitchLinc at the other end of the hallway.
  13. Cartwrig

    Device Restore

    I have devices in my house, and in a client's house that just occasional change, on their own, what they do. For example, at my front door is a KeypadLinc with a button programmed to fade up the local hallway light. But, on Saturday I tapped the button, just like always, and the light suddenly doesn't fade up. It just blasted on instantly. I've seen this happen over and over with controllers. 1) Why? 2) I want to run a 3am script to RESTORE a few devices every night. That way all the switches/keypads are restored every few days? But, I can't find a programming step to do this? Is here one? Or a way that I can pull this off? - Rob
  14. Cartwrig

    Device Restore

    I have devices in my house, and in a client's house that just occasional change, on their own, what they do. For example, at my front door is a KeypadLinc with a button programmed to fade up the local hallway light. But, on Saturday I tapped the button, just like always, and the light suddenly doesn't fade up. It just blasted on instantly. I've seen this happen over and over with controllers. 1) Why? 2) I want to run a 3am script to RESTORE a few devices every night. That way all the switches/keypads are restored every few days? But, I can't find a programming step to do this? Is here one? Or a way that I can pull this off? - Rob
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