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Everything posted by me23

  1. Have someone ring doorbell, and the video from Panasonic cameras pop up on tv and/or computer. Can this be done with insteon and the isy?
  2. Oh, ok good. Thanks for all your help.
  3. Ok dont know why Im having a hard time with this Tried Momentary B per LeeG suggestion. Opens with a on command. Does not close with an off command. So the circuit is getting closed with the on command but not the off. What Im I doing wrong here guys?
  4. I gotcha. Just need to the off to work, like I said to initiate an all off program which would then close the door if it was open.
  5. Hey thanks for the response. I not worrying about scenes or programs right now, I guess I just want to know what to expect. Maybe I dont know, but I just thought after I open the garage door by pressing on under the relay in the ISY, if I press off it should close. Thats all my expectations are at the moment. The sensor works fine. I eventually want to run an all off program, but if the garage door wont close by pressing off, i guess this is a problem. I have black and red wires to the I/O. The led is off when the garage door closes and when it is open under relay and sensor it says on. I am using momentary A at the moment and it is not responding to the off button being pushed under relay in the ISY. Im using the smarthome i/o linc garage kit. Thanks for any advice and help
  6. Ok, now my turn. I just got this. Im having the same issue, the off command on the relay will not close the garage. Ok, what I want are the usual, On and off by the isy and when manually turned on or off by the door opener, i can also close or open with the isy. I have factory reset it, The sensor works fine, on wihen its open and off when its not. I can open the door with on command with isy and close it by pressing on again. Just cant use the off command. I tried messing with the set options, but would like a little guidance. Is it supposed to be in momentary c? I tried using the relay follows input, but I couldnt open manually with the opener. Thanks
  7. Anyone have issues running two ezfloras. I've got 10 zones. Also, can you just leave your current controller hooked up and off, and just splice to the ezfloras. That way you could always have the pro-c for backup
  8. Michel, Any chance of supporting the EZUIRT.
  9. me23

    Cant access ISY

    Sound advice for sure!
  10. me23

    Cant access ISY

    Yeah, I wished I hadn't formatted it either. Oh well, live and learn. I'm good now, just re-adding my devices. Besides, it gave me an opportunity to clean up some stuff. Thanks for help.
  11. me23

    Cant access ISY

    Any advice on the other issues am having?
  12. me23

    Cant access ISY

    Well it turns out those 2 blinking in tandom means its not connecting to the network. So replaced a cable and its working again. Of course I couldnt find my isy backup anywhere and have to start over since i formatted the card. Since some of my scenes still work and I presume still in the PLM, no way to get them over to the isy? If I have to redo things, do I need factory default the PLM or the switches? Or can I just re add the devices. Also not able to access the isy through my lightning, have to use universal-devices.com isy link to get to it. Thanks for the help guys
  13. me23

    Cant access ISY

    No, I haven't been able to access it at all. I cant get into the isy to check anything.
  14. me23

    Cant access ISY

    Have ISY 99i pro with 2.7.15. I couldnt access it at all today. Looked at it and see the mem and error lights blinking in tandom every 5 seconds. I have scenes that are still responding and working. PLM is 2412S ver 2.9 I powered down both plm and isy and waited like 30 seconds, still doing the same and also took out the sd card and formatted it. Still the same Is it hosed, anything else to try?
  15. me23

    Can't Link Anything

    Yep, that was it. I moved to another place and bam, linked fine. Had to unplug an ethernet device to use it, so great now got to figure what to do with that other device. Isnt that weird though, how it used to work in this one location, and now it doesnt. Thanks for the help guys.
  16. me23

    Can't Link Anything

    Well that kind of defeats the purpose of filterlincs, arent they supposed to help protect your communications rather than kill it? But I did have some scenes working when I had the filterlincs installed, just now that I installed 2.7.15 that nothing is working. However, I still removed the filterlincs as requested, but no change. I checked plm status and says its v72 and its connected. Whats next.
  17. me23

    Can't Link Anything

    Ok I reset the ISY and the PLM. Get same message. Dont have a lamplinc to plug in, i just have togglelincs. Also, I had stuff working before when I was on 2.7.6. Only thing I did was add a couple of filterlincs and upgraded to 2.7.15
  18. Been awhile, finally got around to messing with my insteon stuff again. I uploaded my isy 99 to the latest 2.7.15, did this with manual upgrade. I factory reset all my switches, keypadlinc, etc. I also manually deleted all my links in the ISY, just wanting to start fresh. So I try to just do one device at a time, choose new insteon device, and have the remove existing links selected. Enter in the name, address, and device type. As its working I see a failed getting engine version--reverting to i1. And then the following error Failed writing the highwater mark Node not added-Failed removing links Is this a communication error with the PLM? How do I proceed from here? Thanks
  19. Something is going on with the query system. I upgraded from 2.6.8 and closed out the browsers and re-opened the console. No status on anything. Nothing would turn on through isy. So I unplugged the plm, waited a minute and plugged back in. Isy back online, still no control or status. I did a manual system query and still didn't show status. But I could turn on switches with the console. No status showed until I queried each indiv item. It also took like 2 minutes to query one light.
  20. Oh, that's too bad. It's a much superior unit to the IRLinc.
  21. Any plans to support this unit?
  22. I really haven't had a problem with my devices, especially after getting the 99i. It's a great product by the way. Anyway, I have this toggle switch dimmer and it's linked to a secondary button on a 8 button kpl. I see occasionally erratic behavior from this link. Some delay on the switch coming on after pressing the secondary button. And delay with the button lighting up after pressing the switch. So this goes on for awhile, and then in the isy console I start having trouble turning this switch on from the main page in the administrative console. So I do a restore device and seems to be working better now but it will eventually go bad again. I replaced the toggleswitch and the kpl with the same results. All other devices and secondary buttons do their thing with no delay or problems, but there is something about this particular toggleswitch. Am I experiencing some bad interference on this, maybe need to add another access point? Any advice would be great. By the way the secondary and the toggleswitch are setup up as a scene, no manual link. Thanks
  23. me23

    Two questions.

    Thanks guys. This seemed to have worked. I successfully changed my port and able to get to my lighting page by entering in my ip address or my local isy ip address with the new port number. I haven't tried it outside of my local network yet, although I did try with my LG Dare but couldn't get it to connect, just timed out. Anyway, thanks again.
  24. me23

    Two questions.

    Ok, no problem with the scene stuff. Finally getting that. However, still a problem with the router. Under my single port forwarding page, it has the following columns: external port, internal port, protocol (tcp, udp, both), to ip address, enabled Now I said external port was 40443, put 443 as the internal, tcp selected, the ip address of the isy, and then enabled. It says that the internal port already exists (which is referring to 443 forwarding to my whs server). Any ideas how to proceed?[/img]
  25. me23

    Two questions.

    I know, not a very good title but I had two unrelated questions. 1. I have a keypadlinc and manually linked one of the secondary buttons to a togglelinc. I noticed when I press the secondary keypadlinc button and the the light comes on, but in the isy console it shows its still off. So should I unlink this and just set it up as a program with a If secondary button is on, then light is on? I tried to do this on top of what I manually linked and didn't work, but I guess I need to get rid of that manual link. 2. Ok trying to enable internet access. I can't port forward 443 because it is already being forwarded to my WHS. What do I do now? I have Upnp enabled in my wrt600n linksys, but that doesn't seem to work, at least it didn't when I was configuring WHS- which is why I already have 443 forwarded. Thanks to anyone for their time
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