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Everything posted by rssorensen

  1. Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. Answering some of the questions asked above: "If a breaker how long would you estimate the wire is from the breaker to the Insteon outlet? GFCI device?" It's a receptacle roughly 10 meters (~33ft) from the Insteon device "are you certain the query is tripping the GFCI or is the GFCI tripping at some point and the query is discovering that fact for you?" I'm 100% certain that the query is tripping the GFCI. I have an outdoor camera powered indirectly from one of the outlet (USB adapter to the camera). I can reply from the camera and it literally goes black at 3:00:00am - not a second sooner or later. "Does the GFCI ever trip randomly ( not during an ISY Query)?" Yes that happens as well. "GFCIs are not all created equal. Some older units are prone to nuisance tripping. If it is an older unit you might try replacing it" I did replace the GFCI a while back. "Have a look at any outdoor devices that may have degraded over time (transformers, underground cables, smokers, etc)." So - as mentioned this is in my backyard ie outdoor. I have ~4 outlets behind the the GFCI outlet. Most outlet supply power to 110VAC->12VDC outdoor power supplies and some of these are behind outdoor smart plugs. While the outdoor plugs and the power supplies are powered the load is minimum - less than a few Watts. One outlet powers a outdoor access point. In addition I have a couple of USB powered cameras. I've replaced some of the outdoor smart plugs but haven't seen any difference.
  2. I guess I have a similar problem. My Query All program run's at 3am every day and 95% of the times it trips the GFCI in my backyard. The only Insteon device that I have on that circuit is an On/Off Outlet. I have tried to replace the outlet - still happens. Any idea what can cause this and what will happen if the Query all program isn't executed?
  3. Hi Paul I did try your suggestion but the result remain the same. Status in Admin Console doesn't change. Still - I can Query a device and Admin Console will update immediately. I did look at the Event Log and while I can see activity when I do a Query - when I press a device (a Dimmer in this case) there is no logging what so ever. Any other suggestions? thanks, Robert
  4. So I did check my computer and I'm not sure that I have a proper PLM backup (from before I changed my PLM) and I guess that if I restore my PLM now I'll get the same result. Is there any other way to get my ISY to properly update the status of each device when I operate the devices manually - i.e turn on and off lights etc? thanks, Robert
  5. Hi Paul To the best of my knowledge/re-collection - yes I did follow the restore procedure. I can give another try. thanks, Robert
  6. I believe the issue that I'm having started when I replaced my PLM. Here is the problem: When I toggle any of my devices (dimmers and switches) I the status in the Admin Console doesn't update (unless I manually do a Query in AC). The implication of this issue is that all the programs that relies on states doesn't work (or execute) When I control switches from within the Admin Console it does correctly reflect the state of the device. If I control a device from my Mobilinc App the status is also correctly updated in Admin Console. Any advise? Thanks in advance rssorensen
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