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Everything posted by sandryseibert

  1. I had a similar issue in the past, but I don't remember why neither how I solve it (if I did).. I leave my ISY running without open the console for a couple of weeks and when I open I find some automatically added Zwave ghosts! Yes, they simple appear there and for my surprise some is showing data, what data I don't know. Does someone have this issue? How to fix it? Regards Sandry Seibert
  2. Can I ask you exactly what you want from your remote to ISY? Depending on what you're looking for, IR module will not help.
  3. Hi all. I'm attaching some memories till it get lost. Node RED can be used on a NAS that supports Docker or on a Raspberry Pi which is a lot more cool... Rds Sandry Seibert Tutorial to GET data from ISY using Node RED.pdf
  4. I am still trying to figure what's happening here. Sadly all my programs based on Network Module are not working because the module which I paid for isn't enabled locally. I need some UDI guy to help me to have this module running or all my programs will fail. The router has this ability, but I don't have the ability to configure it as it's done through command line and I couldn't find an easy way to do this. Oh God!
  5. I'm near to the main switch, so I was thinking about conflicts and the simplest way to round it was to remove the link from the main switch to the secondary which spreads to my house including the APs. This definitely isn't the issue. I have two similar rules causing me headache, one if my CAI Network PLC and the other one is my ISY. I can access both from outside, the issue is that both can't access their destinations. I am opening a support request at Ubnt in order to have a remote help.. They access my stuffs remotely and fix it, but there is a cost Here's some pictures of my current incomplete network.
  6. Indeed, but 1st I have to learn how to deal with this new hitech equipment. This is by far the best network equipment available for home users, but also very complicated. They mixed the high level programmable network devices used for large networks with friendly (not so friendly) UI for home users. Funny, trying to solve this issue I could fix another issue with my Synology NAS. I'll post here if I figure why my USG is blocking my ISY communication.
  7. Thanks for Answer Teken.. I guess my issue is something else.. I can't send emails through ISY, neither synchronize the NTP. So I decided to look the Gmail logs and noticed that the last time I was able to connect to my email account through ISY was October 7th, this day I changed the entire network equipment here. I am now using a USG from Ubiquiti Unifi, this router maybe is blocking something. I can access ISY through WAN but ISY can't external access stuffs like NTP servers, SMTP or even check with UDI servers if my modules are ok to run, this explain the network module errors. Looks like my ISY is blind to external. Trying hard to understand what need to be done on my new router..
  8. Can someone tell me what's happening on my ISY? I'm unable to retrieve email notifications and the log shows: Qua 10/11/2017 03:06:14 PM : [FileOpen ] Open failed for [/CONF/ELK.CNF] ® Qua 10/11/2017 03:05:47 PM : [FileOpen ] Open failed for [/CONF/ELK.CNF] ® Qua 10/11/2017 03:06:00 PM : [VAR 2 2 ] 682 Qua 10/11/2017 03:06:05 PM : [Net-Resource] Failed initializing #Net Module Rule: 1 Qua 10/11/2017 03:06:10 PM : [Net-Resource] Failed initializing #Net Module Rule: 2 Thanks Sandry Seibert
  9. Thanks for advise. I'll keep using both ISY and Insteon HUB and to minimize the possibility of conflicts I removed all unnecessary devices not related to my home-theater.
  10. Hi stusviews, could you confirm if the specific button designed to homecontrol send IR commands and how you configured them? My Harmony don't do nothing when I press these buttons except if I link them to a home control device like Insteon, Philips HUE, etc..
  11. I wouldn't do such weird thing if UDI create their own ways to be really "Universal". I spent a considerable amount of money purchasing stuffs just to cover gaps. I'm an ISY user since 2013 and I haven't really saw much improvement on ISY software, major bug fixes. Sorry for being honest and share my thoughts, not telling I'm right, but for my usage all ISY updates since I bought my unit didn't bring me anything new. Anyway, Teken post helped me to make the Insteon HUB able to work in parallel with my ISY without mess anything, I just needed to read a LOT of lessons learned written by some other users who was forced to use other devices to grant a full automation rather than a partial automation. One thing I saw and it's quite interesting is that you can add devices already configured to the Inteon HUB and after some time and some buttons push you hear beeps that let you know that some data exchange happened and after about an hour I figure that my APP is now respecting the scenes created on both of my keypads without need to clone the scene configuration on Insteon HUB. Weird but it's working. Maybe boom? Not here, my home automation is far from yours, I have no more than 30 Insteon devices plus 20 Zwave and maybe a couple of "others". Cheers Sandry Seibert
  12. Hello friends, I was reading many threads searching for some information on how to have an Insteon HUB and a ISY coexisting on the same home but couldn't find something easy to understand. Any help will be appreciated. I recently purchased a Harmony Elite which doesn't recognize my ISY994i/IR and the alternative was to purchase an Insteon HUB in order to make my Harmony fully functional. So, I have added my Insteon HUB to my network and I was wondering hoe can the Insteon HUB retrieve the configuration already written on my devices. For example, I have a 6 button keypad on each side of my kitchen, when I press the Scene A on one, the other responds and vice-versa, however after add the 6 button keypad to my HUB, when I press any scene on the HUB APP it's not behaving like it does when I physically press the scene button clearly showing that not all programs stored on the keypad was loaded by the HUB. I remember when I had an issue with my PLM my ISY stay offline for days and the keypad still working, so definitely the program is stored on each keypad, why the HUB don't pull this program? Is there any chance to have ISY994i added to the list of compatible devices to work with Logitech Harmony? Thank you all Sandry Seibert
  13. You may talk to Teken about your dead Insteon devices, he shows how to recover a PLM which died due to some capacitor failures and I figure that many other of my devices had the exactly same issue. So, basically I've replaced caps on at least six devices and they are now back to life!
  14. I now realize that I was using the heartbeat incorrectly for a long time.. I simple created a program that looks for the heartbeat status and if not ON send me an email. One time I received an email and I see I was lucky because of a power outage, the waiting time for me is 6 hours.. What's the correct reporting time from sensors? every other 24 hours?
  15. Thank you for this.. You make me remember my old box full of X10 devices I've abandon since I start to use Insteon and Zwave.. I found there some of these filters I purchased on eBay http://www.ebay.com/itm/AC-115-250V-10A-Noise-Suppressor-AC-Power-EMI-Filter-Milling-/121696234448?hash=item1c55a92bd0:g:gDwAAOSwlndZNeBR I just installed one of this between my FANLink load out and the motor and bingo! Now the FANLink is responding with no errors. I also figure out something obvious on the embedded ISY webpage but not clear to me till now.. The double green arrows on the side of a status, isn't a refresh button but a resend command of that status, so when I press that, in fact I am sending a new request. The refresh button is in fact a refresh word on the bottom right corner. The Insteon retries are limited to 3 times only, in case the device don't report ISY stops there. Now I'm curious to know if I can change the amount of retries on ISY or if it's something that's belong to the Insteon PLM device/protocol. Cheers Sandry Seibert
  16. Looks like you are correct, if FAN is OFF, than it works all the time, however if FAN is ON at any speed, than the device work randomly. Freak!! The insteon interfere on its own command?
  17. I am using the web access from my mobile, yes it takes sometimes much more than 10 seconds, till I leave the page open I see a "retry" message running over and over... I'll try to take a screenshot
  18. Sometimes the device goes on/off and response reach ISY just in time That's the weird part, sometimes the device do nothing and I see on my phone an error and a retry, then sometimes the device goes on/off, but take time. This never happen, every time I send a command, at least from my mobile (web access to ISY) the device will respond to the command, doesn't matter how many time it takes, and may take a huge time to ISY receive the current status. On Administrative Console I see a red exclamation error during the period of trying. Nice idea, I'll try this...
  19. Hello friends, I'd like to know if someone here knows how is the expected behavior of a Insteon device when triggered for something. I have a far Insteon device (Dual band FAN controller) which I send a command to change fan speed or turn its lights on or off and sometimes it responds quickly but some times it takes about 10 or more seconds. This is not an issue for me if ISY or neighbor Insteon devices holds the command sent even after some time and keep trying to send the command until it reports the success. However I am not familiar with Insteon command techniques and I was guessing if this device is indeed so smart to walk around this situation, an I wrong? Thank you for help Sandry Seibert
  20. I've tried hard to find a way to add my Dlink DCS-825L baby cam to my ISY without sucess. Today I found an interesting forum where people discovered many hidden secrets on my camera model. So I tried again and now I was able to add a DLINK camera, anyone that have jpeg available even when user and password is needed. To do that, just add a new camera, search for the camera link for jpeg.cgi or anything else here "http://www.ispyconnect.com/man.aspx?n=D-Link" and configure your camera as Axix (Generic). on my case I used: mycamera_IP/image/jpeg.cgi User: my_user Pass: my_pass Cheers Sandry Seibert
  21. For maintenance. I had to install an external antenna to improve the Z-wave signal, my schlage lock start to send an unknown status every day at 3am due the ISY factory query and lack of response from my lock. However, you are correct, the ISY should be always ON. But I already had a situation where the ISY simply froze and I wasn't able to control anything till turn ISY off and on again. I'm not sure if ISY has a watchdog to reset when thing like this happens. By the way, what happened with links I made prior to install my ISY and my PLM? I never had to have a PLM to add scene feature and don't well understand why my ISY erase these scenes when I added my switchlink to him. Also I had to create tons of programs to math the configuration did early like turn the LED of each key ON and OFF accordingly to the scene selected.
  22. Hi all, I just figure that when my ISY is power off my Keypad scenes doesn't work. Before start to use my ISY 994i I've configure all scenes for every single key and looks like when I reproduced these scenes on my ISY it was gone from Keypad internal memory. Does anyone can help me with this? Configuration: 1 keypad 6 buttons ON = ON at max OFF = OFF Scene A = ON 25% Scene B = ON 50% Scene C = ON 75% Scene D = Lifting (another Insteon device) That simple. When my ISY is off, only ON and OFF keep working. Thank you Sandry Seibert
  23. Just a feedback.. I've decided to have a Schlage lock with Z-wave instead ZigBee. It's working, but have some small bugs to be fixed by UD or maybe Schlage.. I've noted that if you request too many queries to the lock it will forget or lock the node and you'll loose connection to your ISY. Also the signal from lock or ISY or BOTH is too weak and about 30feets you may have issues. I've purchased a separate antenna from eBay to "try" to solve this issue. Schlage lock is good, but expensive as the Kawikset, however is the only one I've heard is working well with ISY. Mine use entry codes and I'm able to use programs to alert me who arrives. Hopefully one day UD implement PUSH notification for Apple devices. Sandry Seibert
  24. Dear all, I've contacted the Kawikset manufacturer and they let me know they offer the electronic deadbolt with two protocols. Zwave and Zigbee. Since the ISY994iZ/IR PRO is not compatible with Zwave, I have to make sure it will be compatible with the Zigbee protocol used on Kwikset 910TRL. Can someone clarify if it really have differences on Zigbee protocols? Thank you Sandry Seibert
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