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Everything posted by jrabin

  1. jrabin


    I use sunrise and sunset for timing triggers, but I would like to open some Insteon control shades at midday + 1 hour? I'm thinking midday should be '(sunset - sunrise)/2 + sunrise'. Any ideas? Jeff
  2. Does the networking module from v2.8 work with 3.x? Edit - YES, just tested Does anyone know if Touchswitch http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewforum.php?f=49 works with 3.x? Edit - YES Thanks, Jeff
  3. Does this warning also apply to 2.7.8? I'm currently on 2.7.8, and I have made changes to my configuration (removed some switches, etc). What do I do now? I can make a current backup, but is that going to fail under the newer releases? Jeff
  4. Cool, it worked. Is this posted somewhere? This took forever to figure out. I tried the manual add, but didn't put the device in linking mode. Jeff
  5. This is making me crazy. I cannot get the motion detector (2420M) to link to my ISY99. Per this forum, battery has been in way more than 5 minutes. I've tried linking by pressing the button on the back of the 2420M and putting it in link mode, and by typing it's ID in New Insteon Device. Nothing works. I know it's communicating with my Access Points, and I know the device is working because I linked it to a Lamplink 2456 and it worked. I'm running 2.6.15, and all is working fine. Just cannot link with the motion detector. Ideas?
  6. jrabin

    ELSE examples?

    If IR '1' is Held And IR '1' is not Released Then Set 'Lamp' Fade Up Else Set 'Lamp' Fade Stop
  7. I think you will find it's a bug. I'm running your 2.6.7 beta.
  8. I would like to turn a light on at Sunset, and turn off at 11PM on weekdays (Sun-Thu), and at 12:30AM for Friday and Saturday: If On Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu From Sunset To 11:00:00PM (same day) Or On Sat, Fri From Sunset To 12:30:00AM (next day) Then Send X10 H11/On Else Send X10 H11/Off Is my logic correct? It ran and turned on the lights this weekend, but didn't turn them on tonight (Sunday). I know the first question is did I have X10 issues? I'm sure that is not a problem, as in the summary screen on the console the program did not run at sunset.
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