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  1. The card snaps at that dotted line. Then it fits like butter. Scared the crap.outta me when I did it but it was intended to be that way.
  2. I would consult with @Scottmichaelj. Just installed an M1 purchased through his company Alpha Concepts. Great working with him. Prompt shipping and great communication.
  3. Can you set is init value at the same time to the variable value?
  4. @MrBill said it much more eloquently than I. When a scene functions as expected from AC or Alexa but NOT from another controller it is almost always the controller version of the scene is not set as desired.
  5. In the scene tree click on Rec Rm 4D.3D.6B.C so that it has a blue reverse highlight like LWR All On does in the last picture. Then evaluate the off/on status of each d3vice from there.
  6. Show pic of the scene with the A button highlighted. That is what happens when you press the button. When using AC or alexa it's what'listed under the scene title. There arw multiple scene controllers and each needa to be setup.
  7. I would goto PG3 the click details on node server page. Then configuration. Nodeservers should provide setup instructions. Most likely youll need a station ID or location.
  8. Every night my NS fails, then disconnects, then reconnects. It happens at midnight and takes less than a minute. This just started after upgrade to PG3x. Additionally the NS functionally is very spotty. Plugs won't always be connected or function. Thoughts? Thanks , Jeff
  9. do I need to add the PsISYOX repository as well? It won't add if I do need that.
  10. I'm trying to get this installed but all I get is a failed to setup. I deleted my previous integration to start from scratch. Added the repository in HACS. Restarted HA. This is what I'm left with: Nothing past that. Thoughts? Jeff
  11. All, Just to circle back on this and give the solution that worked. Based on a suggestion from @bpwwer I reinstalled my NS's in the same slots. That was what ended up actually getting everything working again. PG3x thought the NS's were started and running, but they actually weren't. This was post upgrade from PG3 to PG3x. Thanks for the help Bob! Jeff
  12. They were all started, but a restart didn't do anything new. Ill PM you the log package. Thanks. Jeff
  13. I did all that. Still nothing. All NS showing disconnected and no data in IoX. Thanks.
  14. Yes. Restarted each NS and PG3x. Nothing is working.
  15. I thought upgrade went OK. This was my first upgrade on PG3x. It looks OK, but all 3 node servers are showing disconnected and will not show up in AC. Thoughts?
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