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  1. Thanks again, @jkmcfadden. That was really helpful. I found two things I was doing wrong - (1) Trying to use LED parameter values = 1 (using the button press to control the LED) and (2) using "status" instead of "control status" in some of my programs. I'm not sure why I did that, other than I wasn't paying attention and didn't notice I had it both ways. Do you do the same thing with the big button, or are you using that as a wired relay?
  2. Thanks for all the information and examples @jkmcfadden. How are you dealing with your indicator lights? I'm having a hard time coming up with a simple solution to have them accurately represent status.
  3. I had previously found this out by dumb luck, but thanks @Chris K for the confirmation. Strange that it's not documented anywhere (that I could find).
  4. Thanks @Geddy. I had read through both of those posts before I posted mine. They contain a lot of useful information, but unfortunately don't address my specific question.
  5. I have a ZEN32 scene controller installed. I understand the limitations of the four small buttons and that they are not really capable of scene control. I'm using them programmatically (it's a hassle but it works). Here's what I don't understand - I have disabled the relay function of the big switch button, which is supposed to make it act like the four small buttons. However, I don't see that button listed separately anywhere. Has anyone figured this out?
  6. Thanks. It's a brand new Z-Wave device. Good idea about the factory reset, but it's still not working. When I first received it, I went through all the different sounds to see which ones I wanted to use. Now I can't even get it to play a single sound when triggered manually. I'm sending it back.
  7. UPDATE - Thanks @paulbatesand @apostolakislfor your help. I went around in circles trying to get both of these solutions to work until I finally realized that my chime is defective. Even when triggered manually, it would only work sporadically. Back to the drawing board.
  8. Thanks. I think this approach will work for me, just need to find the time this weekend to think it through and give it a test.
  9. Thank you. I will try that approach.
  10. It seems like there might be different ways to accomplish this, but what would be the simplest and cleanest? I have a driveway motion detector, that when violated I want to sound a chime. I'd like the chime to repeat three times, with a two second wait between each time. I would also like to incorporate another longer wait of 10 minutes so that the chime isn't continuously sounding if there is still motion detected. For example, if a car pulls into the driveway I'd like to sound the 3x chime. But if someone gets out and is walking around the car or unloading the trunk, I'd like that to be ignored until the 10 minute timer expires. Thank you in advance.
  11. Thermostat is GoControl GC-TBZ48 and dimmers are Homeseer WD200. All are Z-wave, all work just fine in Administrative Console and UD Mobile, and all worked just fine with portal web access when using ISY-994. It's a new problem since eisy upgrade.
  12. Thanks again. This is really weird (and frustrating). Mine still only shows the fast options. I tried three different browsers - same result.
  13. Thanks for checking that. I'm running the same version. Would you be able to post a screenshot showing what you get when a dimmer or thermostat is selected?
  14. ON/OFF devices work fine, but I can't change temperature setpoint on thermostat or level on dimmers. The only option for those devices is Fast On and Fast Off. Am I doing something wrong, or is this the way it's designed?
  15. That did it. Thanks for your help!
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