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Everything posted by rhodges

  1. I'm on 5.0.4 and still nothing. I'm guessing not yet supported?
  2. If you are up for some leg work, the following outlines how I have it working by controlling a device and all my keypads get updated correctly. 1) Create your scene as normal with the "master" device as the controller. (LIving Room Lights) 2) Create another scene, all everything but the "master" device as responders to this scene (include your keypad buttons unless it is the controller). (Fix - Living Room Lights) 3) Create a program. a. If Status 'Master Device' is not on, Then Set Scene 'Fix - Living Room Lights' On b. Else Set Scene 'Fix - Living room Lights' Off Do this triple combo for every device you want to have "dimmable" and control with multiple isteon devices. What it does: Assuming everything is off, Echo will send Isy the command to turn on a light. Isy will send the command to the device. The device will respond and the Isy program will see the device is not off, and thus will run the program. The program will then turn "On" the fix scene, which will set the "status" of all the other normal responders. You can then go to one of those other "responders" and turn the light off, which since it is part of the original scene, will control the master and things will work. I currently use this for 12 things and will probably expand it out as I go along. It is sad there isn't a scene level dim option, nor is there any facilities in Isy to "fake it" like I did the with this trilogy of configuration. Disclaimer. This process might have been mentioned before. I am not certain if I am original in my configuration here. Also, there may be some functionality, such as the brightness of the secondary keypad linc buttons or something, I dunno. It works for me.
  3. I go it all linked up last night and tried a few things when I got home. They all worked great. Then I tried some of same things today and Alexa would say OK, but nothing happened. I would repeat the command, she says OK and nothing. I had the same thing crop up once or twice when I was using the emulator. I'm not sure if it is a connected issue or the ISY itself. A couple of questions. 1) How does the run a program work? On = Then, Off = Else of the same program? In the emulator, you were not tied to the same program. Maybe others would find that flexibility useful? 2) Is there a guide, other than the video, the details everything that can be done, including the Skill? 3) How does it integrate with a FanLinc? Can I say "Alexa, set the fan to medium" or something like that? #2 would help with this question. Thanks! Edit: My ISY Firmware is 4.4.1
  4. Ugh. This thing is the entire reason I bought the ISY. I probably should have just kept the VERA or used something else, or at the very least, checked it worked before I purchased it, haha. Thanks for the heads up.
  5. I have a Wayne-Dalton WDHA-12 that I never got around to adding to ISY. The last time I tried to add it, it was back in 4.1 and I was told I need to wait until 4.2. Now that we are well into 4.3, I thought I'd give it a go. I don't have any other z-wave devices. I verified my firmware is 4.55 and bootloader version is 1.03. I tried with both internal and external antenna. I put the WDHA-12 in linking mode (whatever it is called), by pressing and holding copy, then I press scene 1 and the lights blink. Good. I think run back to ISY and within 20 seconds, I to Z-Wave -> Add/Include a Z-Wave Device.... and nothing. I tried putting ISY is linking mode, then the WDHA-12.... and nothing. I put a fresh battery in the WDHA-12 and they are about 3 feet apart when I try to link them. I am ISY 994i/IR PRO with the Z-Wave module. Am I doing something wrong? This was my original thread asking about support for the WDHA-12 http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/13198-wayne-dalton-wdha-12-support/
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