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    Springfield OH

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Community Answers

  1. I hope you are correct. It is statement like below that gives me concern:
  2. From everything on this forum that I have read, it seems to me that the problems are more widespread than this response suggests. Do you suppose that they don't yet recognize the problems, or that there are steps that we are all missing?
  3. oberkc


    I still think your program is incorrect. Are you simply trying to send yourself a reminder when it is Feb 7th (holiday or otherwise)? Are you trying to send yourself a reminder on a particular Sunday? When do you expect your program to trigger as true? On Feb 7th? on a Sunday? On a Sunday which happens to be Feb 7th? Other? On what day this year did you expect your program to be true but it was not?
  4. oberkc


    As I understand the Holiday nodes, this program would only be true if February 7th falls on a Sunday. That did not happen this current year. What are you trying to accomplish with this program?
  5. I don't see a way to add a matter device to UDMobile via code...only by QR. Sharing from google home can provide a QR code, but Alexa does not. I don't see how apple does it, but I do not have an apple matter router. I have hear someone found a way to convert a numeric code into a QR code. Regardless of all this, I don't believe the UDMobile app is working yet WRT adding matter devices.
  6. Perhaps it is no big deal. Since hearing about it and the possibility of ISY support, I was excited about the possibility that some of these alexa/homekit/google devices would work at a local level (no cloud reliance), not require the use of inceasingly limited wifi bandwidth, and the possibility that these various matter hubs (including the ISY) would expose their respective devices to the various other hubs and border routers….one happy family…all at the local network level. I do have one of those Brilliant switches. At one point, they were promising matter support but I suspect they are out of business at this point. I was hopeful that the promises of matter would ultimately bring exposure of ISY devices to he brillianr switch. Probably not going to happen now. yes, much of this capability is available with node servers and portal, but this remains too dependent on the cloud for my preferences.
  7. I have the same two devices, plus two thread border routers (echo hub and google nest hub 2nd gen). No luck so far. Same, or similar, errors, depending on how I try to add it. They both add fine to google and Alexa, and both can be shared between the two and with apple HomeKit.
  8. I pre-ordered my Polisy as soon as they were announced. I would imagine it was as early of a release as any. No BIOS updates for me, as far as I know (though there was a session I had with UD where they did a lot of fixing of things that I was unable to follow...perhaps they loaded this BIOS?). No problem since, including uneventful update. I have updated all the UD Mobile apps I have on android and iOS devices. I have synced them all. Everything that I see and can recognize suggests that matter is incorporated and active. I have yet to have, or have read about, a successful addition of a matter device into iOX.
  9. oberkc


    I am not even sure that I want Alexa+. I understand it may use cameras (which I have blocked) to supplement the information available and to provide a "better" response. No thanks.
  10. Yes, that took me a while to understand that every room, scene, and device created in the hue app shows up as a node in the ISY. I will delete those for which I have no need to help avoiding some confusion. I cannot say, however, that I have ever experienced a hue device that shows up in the hue app not register in the plug-in. I am glad you got it working.
  11. Correct. Correct, alternating with bright commands on each successive press-and-hold.. Perhaps that is the difference. I experimented with direct connection once and went back to the hue hub/PG3. The direct connection did not, as I recall, have the full set of features.
  12. I know of nothing unique about the configuration of the keypad button. It is, in this case, button F of an eight button dimming device. Perhaps more telling is the configuration of the scene. I have attached a shot of the scene definition, from the keypad controller viewpoint. I use an "set xy color" rather than "default" or other action in response to the keypad scene initiation. I wonder if this makes a difference.
  13. I have an Insteon device (keypad, in this case) as scene controller, and hub bulb as scene responder. If I press-and-hold the keypad button, the hue bulb dims/brightens. No programs. Nothing but a scene. Works great for me. Is this not "real time control, manually"?
  14. I am not sure that I understand this entire thread. I have Insteon devices as scene controllers and hue bulbs (via PG3 node server) as responders. They brighten and dim just fine when so commanded by the switch. Am I missing something?
  15. It might, but I don't suspect this to be the case. I understand that the major point of matter is being a universal standard, shareable regardless of manufacturers. To that point, I have successfully added matter devices (both thread and wifi) to Alexa, then share them with google. I have also added matter devices to google and shared them with Alexa. In no case have I been able to add any directly to UDMobile, or share via google/Alexa to UDMobile. As far as the Cync bulb app, I wonder if it even uses the matter standard. My guess it NO and I suspect that may be the reason that the bulb cannot be paired with both app and matter hub.
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