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    Springfield OH

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Community Answers

  1. I don’t use that sprinkler system and can only guess. I do wonder if using the sprinkler system schedule along with insteon is incompatible. Have you considered the possibility of disabling your program based upon time. The time that you would disable the program would be the time that it is natively running.
  2. In fact, scenes ARE "Insteon's method". And scenes, unlike programs, do not rely on ISY involvement. You are doing yourself a disservice by not using scenes. This is a capability that makes Insteon better than any other protocol that I have tried.
  3. How many z-wave devices do you have? If not too many, it might be easier to simply add them as new to the EISY. Be sure to make a note beforehand which scenes and programs contained the zwave devices. If my experience is any indication, even with a series 500 ZWave board in the ISY with backup, the transition to the EISY did not go smoothly. It was a bit of work restoring all the zwave devices and they often ended up with different names (ZY vs ZW) which required fixing of scenes and programs regardless. If your zwave devices are limited in quantity, I would remove them from the ISY (taking notes where they were and creating a backup of ISY without any zwave devices) and starting from scratch with the EISY and zwave.
  4. What Alexa category did you use for this scene? Light? Switch? Scene? Other? Does this scene work when run from the admin console? Depending on the fixture and bulb, sometimes low levels of dimming can be more than the fixture can handle. I have not been successful trying to dim Insteon scenes from Alexa. Furthermore, if the scene is not added as Alexa category "light", I don't thing that Alexa will recognize the scene via voice commands within the context of the room in which Alexa resides. A simple solution (hopefully) would be to create an Alexa routine. Choose a voice input command that is easy to remember (such as Alexa: dim room). When commanded, Alexa would be programmed to turn on the Insteon scene.
  5. Thanks for the refresher. I thought it might be something like this, but did not recall. I also did not recall whether there was another command such as "end repeat" to break a repeat sequence.
  6. I thought messing with things is what we do here. There is always one more thing to automate. Have fun at the beach.
  7. oberkc

    Z-Wave 500 Board

    If you want the whole ISY-994 unit, you can have that as well. I think it unlikely that I will use it again and I would rather it find a good home than sit it my house for the next 20 years collecting dust. Send me a PM with your address.
  8. To create a scene, you can choose the little symbol that is three small circles within one larger circle. I think it is also available under "link management". Scenes are a pretty basic and powerful feature of Insteon and ISY. If you are not familiar with them, I would check out the user manual or wiki.
  9. Perhaps I assumed too much or responded too quickly. Upon further review, I see that you are using a couple of programs where I (and I suspect most) would use a scene. Unless I continue to miss something, I would create a scene with your office "2-way" as a controller and the other switches as responders. Once created, get rid of the two programs. Scenes can be created from the admin console where the devices are all listed. One benefit of the scene is that it would work even if the ISY fails or is removed. If, for some reason, you would prefer to keep the programs, change the condition in the two programs from a "control" to a "status" type. I understand that you have already played around with these types of conditions and that status may not work for you in this case. Try a scene instead. (unfortunately, I have had less than full success using z-wave devices as scene controllers but I am hoping it will work for you for the z-wave switch you are using.)
  10. I find this curious, and would consider the possibility that this is more than a coincidence. What else is plugged in here? If you disconnect the loads from the appliancelincs, does communication improve? If you remove one of the appliancelincs, does communication with the other improve? If you temporarily move the appliancelincs to another location, does this improve communication? Do both happen to be plugged into, or near, a surge suppressor?
  11. When you add the device to amazon Alexa, add the scene rather than adding the individual switch. Add it as Alexa category "light" just as you did when you added the zw switch. Also, remove the zw switch from Alexa so that she is not confused.
  12. oberkc

    Z-Wave 500 Board

    I think my old -994 has a 500 series board still in it. If I can figure out how to get it out, you can have it.
  13. oberkc

    Z-Wave migration

    I have a vague recollection that some (if not all) versions of the ISY-994 had separate (from Insteon) z-wave backups or none. It has been a while since I did it, though. When I did my move from ISY-994, I recall having some of my z-wave devices moved but it was inconsistent and some were not added. I was not sure that it was any easier than just factory resetting them and adding them new to the new IoX device. If you use your old 994 for z-wave only (assuming it works and disabling the PLM connection) you would also loose any scene relationships you have established between Insteon and z-wave.
  14. Your program looks to me as if it will meet your stated requirements. The only thing I notice that may cause an issue is in the last repeat (repeat 1 time) of the last program. (I assume that your garage door is configured to alway trigger from an ON command, which may not be true.) First, I am not sure but assume that those last few lines will be executed twice (literally repeated 1 time). Second, if so, you might be closing your door, then opening the door 30 seconds later.
  15. One thing that I have noticed about z-wave switches on IoX is that most that I have tried do not trigger "control" (is switched on) conditions. I have found them also not to work well for me as scene controllers. (Because of this, I have tended not to use z-wave switches in locations where they would be conditions in my programs.) They seem to trigger "status" conditions, however. So, your program you might try something like: if 'switch' status is on then do something
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